MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1563: Full blow

The green dragon princess thought for a while and said: "This guy is very strong and belongs to a mutant creature. He has a lot of weird immunity. I can't guarantee that I can control it for a second. After all, this guy's origin is also corrosion. Try it with your true original power."

"If you use the origin, even if your attributes are similar, it is enough." Li Yao raised his hand, Biaofei's scythe returned to his hand, and was synthesized into a huge sickle.

"In this case, my dragon form will not help you much. If there is no problem, I will start." A green shock wave rippled around the green dragon princess, shaking away the players who wanted to quietly pick up the bargain. A place was cleared for the two.

"Then start, war!"

Li Yao flashed out directly, and the flame of the propeller behind him pushed Li Yao to quickly approach the Faceless.

The Faceless Face used an arm that was the same as a tentacle to think about Li Yao, and both of them ignored the magic and attacks that fell on them.

The huge sickle and tentacles collided with each other, and they weren't cut off this time. The Faceless Man's arms were surprisingly tough. This was his strongest physical weapon.

But the strength of the two is surprisingly great, but Li Yao is surprisingly strong under the influence of the Dragon Father's power.

As a world-class leader, the Faceless Man is focused on high enough grade and no small strength. When the two collided together, Li Yao fell in the wind.

It's not that the power of the Dragon Father is inferior to the Faceless One, but Li Yao's current Dragon Father's power is a junior race level. If he reaches the world level, he can naturally crush the Faceless One.

Rune sword dance!

Li Yao directly launched the Rune Sword Dance, and his body retreated with a strange arc, returning faster than before.


The two slammed together again, and the touch of darkness around Li Yao danced wildly to resist the corrosive liquid of the construction.


The confrontation between the two is like lightning, and with the constant impact, Li Yao's speed is getting faster and faster, and his strength and strength are getting faster and stronger with the constant use of the opponent's power.

When Li Yao was hit for the fifth time, Li Yao's eyes were radiant: "It's now."

Princess Green Dragon waited for this moment long ago: "Shen Meng!"

The faint green mist enveloped the Faceless, and the original swift and violent movements of the Faceless suddenly became stagnant, as if unconsciously indulged in a dream, as if he had forgotten that he was still in battle.

Time slows down!

Li Yao used a method that he hadn't used for a long time, and he could reduce the use of some skills and methods, which was to make others forget, which broke out at a critical time with miraculous effects.

Suddenly, time seemed to be stretched, and everything around him became slow.

Of course, in addition to the three camp leaders holding super weapons, and entering the supernatural and holy demon commander.

The anomaly of time immediately attracted the attention of the three warriors, and they knew that the truly critical time was coming.

Like a shadow!

Six phantoms suddenly appeared behind Li Yao, then Li Yao's figure disappeared, and then appeared in the upper left of the Faceless.

Li Yao's last rune sword dance moved down again like lightning.

A huge sickle blade fell with Li Yao and directly hit the Faceless One, followed by phantoms.

Overlapped on Li Yao's body, each phantom weapon overlapped with the real weapon.

Time returned to normal in an instant, and the tentacles around the faceless body were erected like fried hair.

And Li Yao also felt that he could not penetrate directly as before, instead he encountered a hard object.

The surrounding players were also at a loss. They seemed to be missing some time. Li Yaoming was in front of the Faceless, and when they recovered, Li Yao went to the back of the Faceless without warning.

And it was the sickle that pierced the faceless shoulder, and the faceless man felt like a blown hair.

"Fell me!"

When the last phantom overlapped with Li Yao's body, the body of the Faceless could no longer fly in the air, but fell like a meteor.


The sickle was pulled out and accompanied by a gushing green arrow, the green liquid gushed to Li Yao who was wrapped in the touch of darkness, and Li Yao was also rushed into the sky.

To everyone's surprise, they found that the faceless man's blood volume had dropped by one tenth.

You know, even if the armor is relatively low, the faceless man has amazing resilience and heavy blood volume. Li Yao, the green dragon princess and many players together did not reduce the green dragon’s blood volume to 91%. under. Now it has dropped by one-tenth, which is absolutely abnormal.

The battle also took place below the war. A lava dragon was surrounded by soldiers and players, intercepting the lava dragon and returning to the path of the lava lake. Various attacks from the rear covered the lava dragon, and wanted to quickly kill the lava dragon.

But there was a scream in the sky, which also attracted the attention of some people below, who saw a huge green object falling.

"No, get out of the way, there are flying corpses."

Flying corpses is not new. It is normal for the air force to fall to death, but for a normal body, the damage from the fall is average.

Several melees besieging the lava dragon are still wondering, the flying corpse is fussing with hairy.

Some people looked up curiously, and then they used their displacement skills madly to leave.

Where is the flying corpse? It's like a mountain of meat.

But not all occupations have displacement skills, and can only be used as a simple way to find cover.


The faceless man's huge body fell, directly smashing the lava dragon into the ground, and the entire ground trembled, not to mention those players who used the lava dragon as a shelter.

"Fuck, this is the world-class boss faceless apostle, retreat quickly."

The commanding face of this guild is all green. This Nima, can't you fly when you bully us? Where are you guys hitting badly, it's actually over our heads.

Not only him, no one has thought that the Faceless Apostle would!

A spiritual roar shocked everyone, and anyone could feel endless anger from the spiritual roar.

Puff puff puff puff puff...

With the wave of the tentacles, the surrounding soldiers and players were corroded one by one, the players' blood volume dropped crazily, and the blood volume of Faceless One was quickly restored.

"March Scroll, hurry, don't get near this monster."

In an instant, an army composed of hundreds of soldiers and players was slaughtered, and one by one fell to the ground, turning into green water, completely frightening the guild.

Originally, he was talking about retreat, but he was still weighing it to see if he could take advantage. After all, if he had a chance to siege the Faceless, the first kill would not be 100%, but it was almost the same.

However, seeing this frightening scene, the guild’s commander no longer had a fluke in his heart. He immediately used the marching scroll and activated the special effects of war equipment. The legion madly retreated away from this monster...

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