MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1576: Blood ancestor

Genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The final battle finally broke out, saying that this copy of the wasteland, in fact, the time is not too long, but the intensity and cruelty The competition mode of the game makes the players who participate in this line of dungeon wasteland exhausted, and the pressure is too great.

Many people now think that the first kill will basically fall on Xinghuo. Of course, it is not without variables. After all, there are still many variables in the demon commander's battle. Of course, it can truly participate in the demon commander's battle and affect the battle. The result was too few. Overall, most guilds had no chance.

So one by one can be regarded as relaxed. Of course, relaxed mood does not mean slacking off. They still want to obtain higher military merit and get better evaluation.

"Magic, why are you leaving? Isn't it just fun to play." The phantom light gathered by the archangel and the two truths skyrocketed, intercepting the demon at any cost.

And the other two leaders are also launching their own crazy methods of forceful battles.

As the demon commander responded, he wanted to continue to get away: "I said, this is just a game. I can play and can afford to lose. If you can keep me today, I will have no regrets even if I die in battle. I’m just afraid that you don’t have this kind of ability."

"Then add me."

General Jackal's body turned into a **** streamer, just like dealing with the magic throat, a flash of electric light constantly flickered, constantly penetrating the body of the magic commander wrapped in the touch of darkness.

The demon commander simply continued to fight with the three when he did not exist.

After a while, in the unbelievable gaze of General Jackal, the demon commander was still safe and sound, and there was no dismemberment at all.

"This is impossible……"

The demon commander smiled contemptuously: "What a stupid guy, how many times have you said that it is impossible today, you, a turtle from a small plane, how do you know the vastness of the real world."

"Damn, underestimate me."

The Jackal General turned into a **** light again, and this time he continued to shuttle, as if he would not stop at all.

"Come back, I used the same trick twice, **** it." The werewolf prince cursed.

At this time Li Yao and Princess Green Dragon had arrived. Li Yao did not rush to take action, but Princess Green Dragon began to release various gains to several generals.

The green dragon princess might not be as good as them if they go head-to-head, but when it comes to gain, it is more useful than one. With each gain effect, the combat power of the three will soar by a level. Of course, the gain effect does not include the Jackal General.

"Don't worry, everyone, this guy wants to experiment with the demon commander's bottom line with his own armor and recovery items." Li Yao persuaded that Li Yao's eyes were also gleaming, constantly analyzing and collecting various data about the demon commander.

Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush...

"Annoying fly, your attack is not only a harm to me, but a supplementary buff. I haven't seen it yet. But I am in good condition now, so I don't need you to supplement it."

Following the words of the demon commander, everyone saw that while the demon commander was dealing with the attacks of the three generals, the smoke from the surrounding darkness continued to adhere to the blood light. When the smoke was completely covered, the figure of the general jackal was restored. appear.

It's just that he has been bound by countless smoke tentacles.


The blood-colored hairs on the jackal man stood up like steel needles, as if needles pierced the touch of darkness, and blood boiled, trying to absorb the blood energy of the touch of darkness.

"Hehehehe, idiot, ignorant fellow, you may not know that the reason why there are flesh and blood creatures in this world is the curse of the great ancient gods. The ancient gods are the ancestors who control the blood and body. You actually want to be with the ancients. Gods compete with blood, and the ignorant is fearless."

The Touch of Darkness also turned into a blood color, or more accurately, a transparent color, because instead of absorbing the blood of the Touch of Darkness, the blood-colored hairs were constantly absorbed by the blood of the Jackal General.

The Jackal general roared again and again, but his armor at most slowed the absorption of the Touch of Darkness, and couldn't stop the constant flow of his own blood.

With the passing of blood, the breath of the jackal also continued to weaken.

"Hahahaha," General Jackal laughed unexpectedly: "If you really reach the point of transcendence and sanctification, then I am already dead now. Now it seems that you are just as powerful as transcendence and sanctification, but your own Spiritual power and realm can't exert the power of the state of transcendence, otherwise I would have been killed by you a long time ago, where is such a time-consuming. Blood burst!"

General Jackal's body was bloody, his breath suddenly soared to a terrifying level.

"Hmph, I said, the ancient gods are the ancestors of playing with blood. If you want to hurt me hard, you are not qualified enough and exiled from the dimension."

A huge staff appeared in the hand of the demon commander and directly extended to the center of the gnoll's eyebrows. This point seemed to have passed through space and time, and the inevitable wolves' reaction was unavoidable.

General Jackal was like a punctured balloon, suddenly languid, and then he didn't wait for him to react ~ his body had disappeared strangely.

Then they appeared in the formation of distant players. After a short period of negotiation, they decided to advance and retreat together. They must not allow Li Yao to continue to gain higher military merits.

But they are not reckless people, besides constantly attacking the demon commander with super-distance magic, they are still waiting for the opportunity to pick up the bargain, and even kill Chat at a critical time.

However, their thoughts are naturally excellent, but the reality is cruel. They are watching a few leaders fight with gusto. As a result, the Jackal general who attacked the demon commander suddenly appeared in their formation.

Only a few people reacted and directly used the invincible skills, but most of them were still in a daze.

Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa...

General Jackal's hair, which looked like a steel pin, rushed out of the body like a thousand arrows.

One by one players were penetrated by the scarlet hair, and in an instant, thousands of players around the Jackal were penetrated.

What is even more frightening is that these blood-colored small holes quickly turned into big holes, and the body shrivelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even those who had released their invincible skills were no exception. General Jackal became a bald and hairless Jackal, how embarrassing it was.

If it hadn't been for the armor on his body that finally saved his body, he would have lost more than just the hair of his whole body, but even so, his mighty shield would be ignored, and he would have almost no power to fight again.

But he wasn't very worried, because he still had blood to recover.

"It's not bad, how about giving it to me."

The demon commander saw that the Jackal took out the blood beads again, and the palms were slightly curved to form claws with cold light. She protruded directly, the palms seemed to disappear, but the palms appeared strangely in front of the Jackals,...

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