MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1577: Star God Legend

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The palm of the magic commander disappeared from his wrist, as if deep in a cloud of gray mist.

And there was the same cloud of mist on the chest of the jackal man. The two mists were separated by thousands of yards, and the magic commander's hand turned into a sharp claw appeared from the second mist.

"Star picker!"

The Green Dragon princess exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with complicated light.

General Jackal never thought that there would be such a weird method, and it was still so unprepared, he was in a very bad state at the moment.

I was almost sucked up by the dark touch of the demon commander just now, and finally used the ability to escape from the demon commander, and was about to recover. As a result, this scene happened.

Moreover, the activation of the skill takes effect, and his body is in the recovery phase. In fact, the recovery of the blood beads will be a bit stagnant.

In the eyes of General Jackal, even if the demon commander is able to reach the sky, it will take a little bit of time to hurt him from a distance of thousands of yards.

However, he never expected that there would be such a powerful means of star catchers in this world.

The claws, which were obviously composed of energy, were incredibly sharp, cut open the jackal man's chest easily, and squeezed it suddenly.


A big hole appeared in the General Jackal's chest, and the armor and ribs on his chest were as fragile as paper in front of the claws, not to mention the internal organs.


The Jackal General roared frantically, his body retreated violently, and he fell directly to the ground, smashing a big hole in the ground.

It can be said that the timing of the demon commander's shot is just right. At this time, not only is his Xiong Dong stagnant, but also because his armor has just defended against such a powerful attack and has been overloaded. Humans and armors also appear. The stagnation of the moment.

Coupled with the demon commander's superb methods, this turned the gallman's weak and malaise state into a serious injury.

The only thing he is grateful for is that he has activated the blood bead, and his internal organs and bones are rapidly regenerating. If not, this time alone, if he is not treated in time, he will die.

However, the blood bead eventually fell into the hand of the demon commander. The demon commander's hand broke away from the fog and clenched again. The blood and flesh of General Jackal evaporated, and only a blood-colored bead was suspended in his hand.

"It's really good baby. When I go back and wipe out the will of the gods inside, you will be completely mine." The demon commander backhanded, and the blood drop disappeared.

Begin to concentrate on the battle of several leaders.

"Damn it, return my treasure to me."

The Jackal got up and roared, the hair on his body cared about the speed recovery visible to the naked eye, but there was no blood drop, I am afraid this was the last time he recovered so quickly.

"Innocent child." The demon commander chuckled. This is a life-saving treasure. Since I got it, I want to return it, kidding, especially when both sides are rivals of life and death.

She had seen the effect of this treasure. If there was no blood drop, the jackal would have been killed how many times she did not know. Such a treasure would be equal to a few more lives, and the fool would not return it.

This kind of treasure, although greedy, the players are more concerned about the magic commander's move, so weird and powerful.

"Mr. also knows the star catcher, can you clarify it for me? I just have information about this trick in the inheritance of will, but I don't know the details." Green Dragon Princess said.

Li Yao thought for a while and said, "Speaking of this trick, one needs to say that this person is the Star God."

"Star God, as far as I know, it seems that there is no name for this **** in several camps." The Green Dragon princess frowned, knowing that she herself has experienced the end of the age of the gods, which is living history in itself, but she never listened to it. I mentioned the Star God, even though she was very young at that time, she was just a young dragon. But it was the first time he heard the name Star God.

Li Yao smiled: "This is complicated, but in my next words, I may refer to your mother, and I also saw it from an unknown ancient book, which does not represent my point of view."

The green dragon princess smiled freely: "Sir, but it doesn't matter."

Li Yao saw that in the team channel, the people in the guild were also very curious, and opened the team channel at the same time: "The Star God is actually not a **** born in the ancient world, but the will of countless stars gathered in this world to form a concretization. God. His whereabouts are secretive and erratic. Whether he is a Titan or an ancient god, he is very active, but he doesn't know his true whereabouts."

"Later, the Moon God was born and became a true **** in one fell swoop. Both of them were actually star gods, especially the Moon God was the only true **** that produced the entire ancient **** world. The spirit of the Zhong Ling was beautiful and the grace was infinite, and they were free from the shackles of this world. Get acquainted and become friends for tens of thousands of years."

"The Moon God is majestic, coupled with the attraction of the source, the Star God finally fell in love with the Moon God, and began to pursue. But as a friend of both parties, the young Green Dragon Queen was attracted by the graceful Star God. Star God Achievement True God, detached from everything, no one knows what she really but she does not want to accept the Star God."

"In order to make the Star God give up, the Moon God hypothesized that he asked the God of White Deer to become a husband and wife, and took part of the origin of himself and the God of White Deer to create the demigod of nature and the guardian of the jungle. Go after it. The nature demigod is handed over to your mother for adoption, and when he grows up he becomes the guardian of nature and the ancestor of the druids."

"So the Moon God said that he wanted stars. Although the Star God is strong, he has no special treasures. He can't stay away from here, otherwise he will get lost in the starry sky. Everyone thinks that the Star God has retreated, but how much he is. He was so stunning that he worked out a trick hundreds of years later. He invited the moon **** and asked which star in the sky he liked."

"The Moon God pointed to a dim light blue star in the distance. The Star God raised his hand and grabbed it. The planet that was not known how far away was caught in his hand, floating in front of the Moon God, and in the sky, that blue The planet of color has disappeared. And this trick is the origin of the star picker."

All the women are immersed in the story, especially the Star God who actually spent hundreds of years researching in order to please the Moon God, which is really touching.

"What happened later?" The Green Dragon Princess couldn't help asking.

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "There is no future between them, the Moon God still gently rejected the Star God. The Star God woke up, he couldn't get the Moon God's heart, and there was no news since then. Some people said that he had left this world and entered. In the starry sky, some people say that he lives in seclusion somewhere. But since that time, there is no star **** among the ancient gods. And after the moon **** will get the planet, powerful energy is injected into the two world sources created by the ancient **** world Titan , Catalyzed the continued growth of the ancient gods’ world and produced new star souls. The matter was condensed and became the largest moon in the sky today. The Green Dragon Queen also put her mind on her responsibilities and race."...

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