MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1579: Ingenuity

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The pupils of the magic handsome shrink slightly: "How come the running dog said, I believe in the ancient gods, but I am not a slave to the ancient gods, and I am loyal to you What is the difference with your warchief. I see you as an opponent, but you insult me ​​so much that I really think I can't kill you."

The demon commander's sluggish aura suddenly skyrocketed, the touch of darkness danced wildly, and a large number of tentacles were tangled and entangled, forming a big net directly covering Li Yao.

"Get out of the way, this thing is weird."

Chief Bloodhoof roared loudly, and at the same time launched his own powerful attack to attack the big net made by the tentacles.

Bloodhoof and the others feared the strength of the demon commander, but the main thing was the strange touch of darkness. They couldn't imagine that the touch of darkness would be so terrifying after being completely activated.

The attack method is weird, it can't be cleaned up at all, and it's like a tarsal maggot, it will make them rushed to get rid of it after a little mess.

The blood-sucking ability is even more terrifying, which is inferior to vampires.

However, the attack of the bloodhoof and the web of tentacles were no longer in the same space, seemingly intertwined, but without any collision meaning, the attack of the bloodhoof directly landed in the empty space.

However, Li Yao seemed to have not seen the big net, and straightforwardly calmly bent the bow and set the arrow, and once again cracked the demon commander's attack on the archangel's star catcher.

"Damn it, don't care about me, you're not here, how can we restrain the star catcher, and I can withstand two heavy injuries." The archangel was shaken in embarrassment, and his eyes caught Li Yao's side. Shouted anxiously.

As he said, Li Yao is now the key. If the star catchers cannot be restrained, they will all be finished.

What changed them was that Li Yao didn't mean to evade at all.

Although several leaders wanted to help, on the one hand, they were restrained by the demon commander. On the other hand, Li Yao was far away from them. In addition, I didn’t expect Li Yao to evade, and all of them looked ugly, just as the archangel said. Like that, Li Yao is now the key in the key. Apart from him, there is no other person to crack the star catcher in a short time.


The big net of tentacles reached Li Yao's head very soon, and Li Yao, who had been bowing and shooting arrows, also vacated an endless black mist.

The thick black mist enveloped Li Yao, and the leaders thought that Li Yao was finished, and had already begun to think about the next countermeasures.

However, the next scene completely shocked them.

The tossing black mist turned into countless misty tentacles in an instant. For a while, an evil spirit came to the sky, as if the ancient **** summoned two helpers.

However, this breath radiated from Li Yao's body.

The dense fog turned into tentacles, and Li Yao's figure was also revealed. He was dancing wildly with tentacles all over his body. He was awe-inspiring, like an evil god. If it weren't for Li Yao and the demon commander to be a man and a woman, the aura of the two of them would be almost the same if they closed their eyes.

The big net of tentacles entangled with the misty tentacles on Li Yao, and it was deadlocked for a while.

"You are very good, but the body is still too weak, and it can't actively stimulate the power of the touch of darkness. You don't need to do fearless struggles. You can catch it with your hands. There is also the beautiful Green Dragon Princess, who let you escape last time. Jie, it's not so cheap this time." The demon commander took another blow, and a wound appeared on his shoulder, but it seemed that the bone wound was not on her body, and he didn't care at all. He still fought against the same four leaders. .

Li Yao's expression did not change at all, and he still released Leng Jian from time to time: "Your words are too funny. If we are the same in strength, I can kill you even one rank lower than you. If I can really inspire the touch of darkness, You also don’t live for half an hour. And you have good eyesight. If I only have a part of the touch of darkness, I will really be calculated by you. Sooner or later I can’t resist it, but I have two parts of the touch of darkness. Insufficient killing, but more than self-preservation."


The misty tentacles that were supporting once again erupted into a cloud of mist, this time it was triggered by the darkness on Li Yao's feet.

Li Yao used the last sacrifice to integrate the two parts of Touch of Darkness, but the two parts are usually used separately.

Now finally condensed into a force, and suddenly the arrogance completely suppressed the big net.

"Damn..." The demon commander's complexion changed wildly, and he wanted to take back the big net. You must know that this is not a spell, but a part of the touch of darkness.

"I'm awake now, it's too late." Li Yao watched as the dark touch above his head absorbed part of the big net above his head, that is, part of the dark touch on the demon commander. He smiled immediately, although this time it is unlikely that the darkness on the demon commander will be absorbed. All the Touches are captured, but at least one quarter of the Dark Touch's origin is also a big profit: "If it weren't for tempting you to split a part and deal with me, how could I tolerate your arrogance until now."

For the first time, the complexion of the demon commander was truly not calm. You must know that from the beginning to the present, no matter how hard she faced was defeat, it was a game attitude, and she didn't really care.

Perhaps as she said, it was just a game, but at this moment, her expression became extremely gloomy: "You completely angered You dare to calculate me, you are killing me. "

"Darkness bursts."

The marshal's eyes were extremely annoyed at first, then became extremely annoyed, and then replaced by pitch black like ink, extremely indifferent.

A large number of black magic bullets similar to gravity **** appeared around her, and a group of people madly stayed away from the demon commander.

"Fuck, this lunatic." Several leaders also backed away frantically.

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

Gravity **** collapsed and burst, and slow players couldn’t even make screams. They were absorbed by the gravity ball and compressed into a fleshy ball. Then, the gravity ball burst and fell, and the bones in it were instantly crushed. The pain caused a large number of super masters to be forced offline by the system protection.

It was so miserable that even the audience was shivering.

With the magic commander as the center, with the explosion of hundreds of gravity balls, it has become an area of ​​gravity chaos.

Only the power around the demon commander was imprisoned by the touch of darkness and was not affected at all.


The demon commander blew a slap-sized horn, but the horn, like a dragon horn horn, spread throughout the battlefield.

The Uldaman Legion is fighting frantically. The bodies of those low-intelligence creatures are skyrocketing, one by one is extremely violent and lifeless battles, while the high-intelligence legions are retreating like flowing water. Furiously retreated to Uldaman City.

"Uldaman's cubs are going to run away." Several leaders glanced at each other, and the Jackal general said while healed his wounds. Without the blood bead, his recovery was obviously too slow.

Li Yao said solemnly: "Do you look at the demon commander, do you seem to be running away?"

Having absorbed a quarter of the dark touch, Li Yao was naturally in a good mood, but he knew that trouble was coming next.

The archangel's expression changed: "You mean, the melting mountain dragon is about to appear?"...

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