MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1580: activation

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Several bosses are recovering while thinking about the current situation. It is just a few bosses who look at each other for a moment. Did not say, but they have reached a consensus.

Several leaders left one after another. Bloodhoof patted Li Yao on the shoulder when he left: "The final battle is about to begin. It is very dangerous. You and I should all be prepared to sacrifice. We are not afraid of sacrifice, but some Needless sacrifice is unnecessary."

"Thank you Chief."

Li Yao was stunned. He didn't expect Bloodhoof to say these things to him. This feeling was accepted. Even if Bloodhoof didn't say that he would do that, the bloodhoof said to him, what it explained, it explained. Bloodhoof truly regarded himself as his own family.

"Russ can be taught." Bloodhoof laughed loudly, and he also thought of his dark camp team.

"It seems that this chief is good to you," said the green dragon princess.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either." Li Yao smiled: "Princess, we can't be clear about our retreat. Is there any way you can tell them to keep them away from the city wall."

"What a thing, it's a trivial thing, it's very simple." The Green Dragon Princess started to chant the spell after she said it. Li Yao saw her mouth open and close, but she didn't hear any sound.

At the same time, players from several camps saw Uldaman's retreat and realized that the last moment was coming.

The players are all in madness. Many guilds had hoped for the first kill, but now, the demon commander has not been defeated or killed, and Li Yao has not gained great military merit.

That means the first kill still has a very big chance for the top guilds with high military merits.

Now the Uldaman Legion is defeated, and they see it as the best opportunity.

So while madly hunting the monster army that has fallen into the madness, while trying to continue to approach the city wall, I want to take the opportunity to take the city of Uldaman in one fell swoop.

The situation was too chaotic, and most of the guilds did not realize that when the Uldaman High Wisdom Legion retreated, the troops of several camps also continued to retreat. Instead of silently attacking the city wall, they kept moving away.

Xinghuo's air force also fought with the green dragon while staying away, and the legions on the ground were the same, and the ocean-like fish schools were also retreating in the fight.

In fact, some guilds have seen this situation, but they did not care too much, because the players habitually think. The NPC Legion was meant to let the players charge, and they cleaned up the mess in the back.

This time is no exception, giving players opportunities and dangers at the same time, and in order to earn military merit, players are also willing to do so by npc.

Only a few guilds realized that something was wrong. It was just so good that the NPCs of several camps retreated at the same time. Looking at the strange state of the demon commander, after a little discussion, they also retreated.

Only Li Yao was still digesting and absorbing a quarter of the Touch of Darkness. This was a seed that allowed Li Yao to see the unusual way to get the Touch of Darkness.

A quarter of the Touch of Darkness was eventually absorbed into Li Yao's items, and the power of Li Yao's damage and the resistance of dark-related skills was also increased by a small amount.

This time the touch of darkness was parasitic on Li Yao’s shoulder, as if Li Yao had attached a special magic effect to his shoulder. Many misty tentacles on the shoulder drifted like smoke and dust. From the outside, Li Yao had an extra angel. Wings.

You know, angels in heaven in ancient gods are different from wild angels. Wild angels or angels of other small planes have wings that are born like bird wings.

The angel wings of heaven are something between reality and illusion. They represent the concretization of the law. Not only can they fly, but they also represent a certain power and law power.

And when they put away their wings, the wings are like tentacles of various colors floating behind their shoulders.

And Li Yao, the dark purple, looked very evil, even more evil than the gray wings of the angels representing death.

"System: The player obtained three parts of the ancient god's body, which triggered the special effect of the ancient god's body."

"System: The player is less than Tier 6, and the Tier is less than the advanced world-class leader. The activation state is in a sealed state, and the player can unblock it after reaching the minimum requirements."

"System: The construction mode is activated (this is the fully activated latent state), and the player can imprint the corresponding ancient runes on three parts to form the corresponding construction."

"System: After the player reaches Tier 6, if the corresponding structure is branded, the ancient **** transformation state can be unlocked. Reach the advanced world-class leader to completely activate the touch of darkness."

Li Yao was already very happy when he got a quarter of the Dark Touch, but he didn't expect it to trigger special effects.

Although it was sealed and the requirements were surprisingly high, Li Yao's excitement was enough for the construction alone.

There are too many benefits. The first is the construction effect. With the ancient runes in Li Yao's memory, there are too many, and he immediately thought of many powerful construction Divided into two types, it is actually an upgraded version of the suit. By branding the suit with ancient runes and enchanting the enemy, more special effects can be obtained, and the suit can be turned into a construction. This is also a construction in the ordinary sense.

There is also a special structure, which is naturally aimed at special equipment.

These equipments are invisible, and the corresponding runes are also branded into special constructions, which are given new special effects according to different parts and runes, and they can also form a construction combination.

For example, when Li Yao reaches the state of being transformed into an ancient **** of the sixth level, the first prerequisite is to form a structure, and the overall special effect of a special structure will not be a continuous, similar to a special skill, but more free words are required. Alchemy and special enchanters can be completed.

Li Yao's only regret is that his life and defenses are too weak, it is not easy to deal with special circumstances, and it is too easy to be killed in seconds.

But as long as he completes the special structure and reaches level sixty, he can temporarily become an ancient god.

This state transformation is just like Edward's spider transformation just now. In fact, it has become some kind of incarnation form of Rose's queen, and Li Yao will also transform into some kind of concrete form of the ancient god.

"The harvest is beyond my imagination." Li Yao couldn't help muttering, this is more happier than giving him several pieces of dark gold equipment.

Just as Li Yao said, he does not lack equipment, what he lacks is good things that are comparable to divine tools. Good equipment in the general sense does not have much appeal to Li Yao.

Li Yao's goal has been to upgrade his rank and become a world-class leader of the faction. As for the rank, with the knowledge of a madman, although he has a lot of experience in upgrading, it is no longer a problem.

The demon commander has appeared at the head of the city, closed her eyes, and obscure spells poured out from her mouth, and the earth began to tremble slightly with the spell...

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