MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1581: Molten mountain dragon

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! At first it was only a slight vibration, which did not attract attention. After all, there are too many monsters and armies outside the city, fighting together in the air. , Underground, a mess.

The ground vibrations are too common, but this is just the beginning. The frequency of vibrations is becoming more frequent and bigger, and some places are even unstable.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

Then not only the ground, but the rocks in the sky also continued to fall along with the shaking. At this time, everyone realized that something was wrong.

The demon commander at the head of the city suddenly opened her eyes. At this moment, her eyes were no longer joking, and they were full of indifference: "Your doomsday is here. When the molten mountain dragon appears, it will be the time to completely bury you."


Huge cracks appeared on the ground, and some unlucky soldiers and players fell directly into the cracks. The flames filled the cracks, and there was obviously extremely hot magma below.

Needless to say, these people can't be alive anymore. The players and the army are sober, but the monsters are still crazy, and the player coalition immediately begins to be broken through, and a large number of them are slaughtered.

"Don't panic, everyone, we are well prepared, as long as we have a solid line of defense, don't be slaughtered, and ensure everyone's safety." Several leaders shouted to stabilize the people.

"Hahaha, what a joke, do you think that the danger is just from the melting mountain dragon? I said, the melting mountain dragon is only my purpose, I keep the melting mountain dragon and there is a big use, is it not overkill to deal with you? I set up a magic circle. When the Molten Mountain Dragon appears, the underground world here will be detonated. When the rock formation above the underground world collapses, you will be completely wiped out. Enjoy it, you still have less than a minute. everything is over."

Hearing the words of the demon commander, everyone's complexion changed drastically. The rock formation above didn't know how thick it was. When it was pressed down, they were inevitable. It is estimated that there will be no one surviving.

Suddenly, an atmosphere of sadness was contagious, and the faces of all soldiers were full of despair. They were not afraid of death, they could fight with their lives, even if they were hit hard, they could fight the enemy to the death.

However, this kind of meaningless beating to death by the rock formations, this miserable and meaningless method of death made it difficult for them to accept, and felt humiliated.

"Magic, you are so naive. Since we dare to go deep into the underground world, how can we not guard against the collapse of the underground world? What's more, this so-called underground world is actually not deep, close to the surface, it's just It's just being stabilized by the Titan's circle." The archangel was full of mockery.

The werewolf prince also smiled and said, "Is it true that the magic circle arranged by our wizards is used to attack the city? Hold your formation, don't panic, the rock formations collapse, we guarantee you are fine, but if you are killed by a monster, it is not worth it. Up."

Several leaders spoke one after another, they were extremely calm, and the NPC army under them was at ease, immediately stabilizing the hearts of the people.

"Well, let me see what you are capable of." The magic staff in the hand of the demon commander suddenly stopped, and a black mist rose, and the black mist enchantment enveloped the whole city. : "Longshan Dragon, now!"

Like the sky and the earth, huge cracks spread out near Uldaman City, and a large number of unlucky eggs and monsters fell into the cracks and were burned to death by magma.

Their screams were also covered by the roar of the earth, like the end of the world.

Now the various guilds finally want to understand why the npc legion and individual guilds retreat without military merit, and what gives them a chance, this Nima is a pit, who is so close to the city and who is dangerous.

However, it is too late to wake up now. No matter how fast they ran, they couldn't break the earth.

The place close to the city has become chaos, and the leaders of several camps can only watch, and they can't stop it.

What they can do is to maintain the general trend and it is impossible to guarantee the safety of everyone. In this case, even the main **** may not be able to stop it, not to mention that they are world-class leaders, and their fighting power is broken. treasure.

More importantly, space is limited and a safe place cannot accommodate everyone.

Several leaders took a few glances and followed them to retreat to a few guilds. They could only sigh for their vision and luck.

At the very front, crying and cursing can only be heard vaguely, and the rest is the sound of the earth cracking.

"Hahahaha, let the sky fall apart."


A loud roar broke the eardrums of almost everyone, and Uldaman began to rise in everyone's eyes.

The city around Uldaman collapsed completely, followed by a thunderous roar, and the rock formations above began to collapse.


Several leaders yelled loudly together, and the mages who were lonely scattered to various places crushed the crystals in their hands.

Pieces of white light swept across and shined, everyone felt the sky spinning, and then they saw the sky full of stars and the sky with two moons was wrapped in a white bubble, looking down, As if the whole world was going to collapse.

The earth is constantly sinking and collapsing. This place is originally a barren, the kind that does not grow at all. At this moment, it is constantly collapsing.

Then everyone heard the sound of rumbling water. At this moment, everyone discovered that Uldaman was close to the ocean, and it collapsed at this moment, and the sea in the distance also poured back, especially where Uldaman was located, which has formed a vast ocean.

And in the ocean, a huge mountain-like figure also appeared in front of everyone.

They don't know how to describe the mood at this moment, and they are shocked. Is this the melting dragon?

In fact, the lava dragon surrounded by magma and rocks is not what it is, just like a huge rock dragon.


A loud roar came, the earthquake trembled, the sea roared, and everyone saw a huge mouth.

What shocked them and the people who watched the live broadcast was that Uldaman, the city cast by the Titans, was at the top of the back of the melting dragon at this moment.

A city is on the back of a creature. This is a huge city with enough to accommodate millions of people. In this situation, countless people have forgotten the thrills just now and started shooting.

Several leaders gathered again, and Li Yao was called over.

Seeing the dignified face of the archangel, General Jackal asked: "Only you in heaven have the experience of fighting a melting mountain dragon. Let's talk about it."

"Yes, quickly talk about what we have to do to kill this monster."

The leaders also breathe air-conditioning. This Nima is a mountain on land and an island on the sea. The key is that Uldaman is on his back, which is a super mobile city. If he is run away, there will be endless troubles...

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