MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1585: Undead King

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Hold on to my dragon's horn, the airflow is strange here."

According to Li Yao's instructions, the green dragon princess went directly to the back of the molten mountain dragon.

Close to Uldaman in front, he did not destroy the demon commander's affairs, and also seized a quarter of the touch of darkness. This hatred was very great.

He didn't want to fly directly in front of the demon commander, even if the three leaders guard against the demon commander.

But Li Yao didn't want to put his safety on others, he naturally believed in Chief Bloodhoof, and the archangel could barely believe it.

But the other two are hard to say. When the time comes, they will face danger, not to mention that they don't make a move, they just make a move a little slower.

Facing the supernatural and sanctified marshal Li Yao and Princess Green Dragon, they couldn't cope, so Li Yao simply didn't feel uncomfortable.

I would rather spend more time in exchange for safety.

When the green dragon princess got closer to the molten mountain dragon, her figure became unstable, and the surrounding airflow was strange, not to mention the aerial mounts that each camp sent toys.

They were far worse than the Green Dragon Princess, dangling, and even the unlucky ones fell directly into the sea.

There is a melting mountain dragon in the water, and the sea water is still flowing backwards, so he was basically sentenced to death if he fell into the water.

"How about it, have you found the node? If this continues, I won't be stable anymore." The green dragon princess's aura was unstable.

As the overlord of the air, she can say such things, which shows that the airflow here must be strange.

Li Yao opened his divine eyes and constantly scanned the molten mountain dragon shrouded in steam.

The lava dragon came out of the magma. It is itself a lava dragon, which claims to have the explosive power of a large volcano and the temperature is naturally high.

That is, it was completely cooled in the sea water, but still a large amount of sea water was still evaporating, and he was completely enveloped by the hot water vapor.

Not to mention anything else, the hot water vapor alone is unbearable. Without heat-resistant potions, or being a fire mage, coming in is basically a death.

This is not the point. The most important thing is that the water vapor is evaporating, and the melting mountain dragon seems to be hidden in the clouds. It is a bit too much to say that you can't see your fingers, but the visibility is very low.

Not to mention ordinary eyes, even the eyes of people with special eye equipment like Demon Ji Tongtong and others are almost the same as usual, and they can't play much role at all.

If the visibility is not enough, it is naturally difficult to find the nodes on the melting mountain dragon.

Players are similar to catching the blind, and only a few top powerhouses can see through the mist of steam.

Li Yao can use the Eye of Titan to see the general situation of the melting mountain dragon. Li Yao knows that this is no longer a simple water vapor obstruction. Even the space is somewhat distorted and blurred.

"Finally found." Li Yao's eyes skyrocketed again, and he continued to say after seeing clearly: "There is a flat place five hundred yards ahead of the left, suitable for landing, and other places are too dangerous. And the molten mountain dragon is also there. Only if the price comparison is stable over there, it will not be affected by the movement of the melting dragon."

In fact, players should be grateful that because there is a city on their backs, although the molten mountain dragon is moving, it does not make any real big moves, or even rolls. Otherwise, how many players will die.

Li Yao also saw a lot of players exploring in the fog, but the visibility was too low, the heights were uneven, and the gap was too large, and they would be killed if they didn't pay attention.

This is still the reason for the super masters. If it is a slightly worse player, it is estimated that it will be difficult to move here.

What makes them even more uncomfortable is that there are monsters here, some small dragon beasts attacking toys on the back of the molten mountain dragon.

Obviously, this is also a back hand arranged by the magic commander to prevent someone from destroying the node.

Of course, the so-called small dragon beasts are naturally aimed at the molten mountain dragon, and for toys, they are also huge monsters.

"It's impossible to land, it can only be airborne." Princess Green Dragon said: "I feel an unpredictable crisis. If I forcefully descend, I am afraid there will be great danger."

Just as the Green Dragon Princess was speaking, a griffon led a player to land from the platform designated by Li Yao. When the griffon approached the melting mountain dragon tens of yards high, there was no sign of the void. There was a huge withered claw, which directly connected the Griffin Beast to the player and grabbed it, and then applied fiercely.


The withered claws disappeared, and the gryphon and the player were directly pinched together, and the dead could no longer die. The corpses that fell on the molten mountain dragon quickly disappeared and dissolved, as if absorbed by the molten mountain dragon, without even a trace. appear.

"Damn, what the **** is this."

It happened only a few seconds before and after, and the result was so miserable. The withered claw's aura was too strong, and it appeared too suddenly, even if it was defensive, it would be difficult to evade.

"The Bone Eruption Array of the Undead King, **** it, how many relics the demon commander has Actually even this terrifying array will be arranged, and it is also arranged on the body of the molten mountain dragon." Green Dragon Princess Can't help but explode.

"Is the undead king very powerful?" Hitomi was at a loss, she tried to search for the main god, but found no information about the undead king.

The green dragon princess explained: "The undead king's body is a believer of a certain undead plane in the abyss. He should have been a troll before his death. After death, the soul fire was dragged into the abyss and possessed on a skeleton of the lowest level. In a hundred years, he had grown from a small and lowest-level skeleton to the overlord of the plane of the undead. In the following hundred years, he led his army to sweep several planes of the undead in less than fifty years and became The master of all undead planes in the abyss is called the undead king."

Hitomi was a little disappointed when he heard that it was only the ruler of several planes of the abyss. Knowing that there are too many planes of the abyss, almost every plane has a ruler, and many powerful gods control dozens of abyss planes. .

The green dragon princess seemed to see through Hitomi’s thoughts: "Do you think he is weak? Yes, from the perspective of grade alone, when he became the undead king, he just became a demigod. Presumably the gods and the main gods are too weak from the grade. Up."

"The **** of death was still there, he was the real master of the soul and the undead. He didn't care if he became the king of the undead, but if the king of the undead didn't believe in the **** of death, he couldn't care about it. This was a provocation to him. So, the **** of death. One of his subordinate gods, the Soul God launched an army to defeat the Undead King. The Undead King did not show weakness and directly challenged. This battle lasted for nearly a year, and finally the Soul God escaped from a heavy wound and his body was destroyed by the Undead King."

The enchantress asked: "What was the rank of the soul **** at the time."

The green dragon princess said faintly: "Senior God."...Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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