MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1586: The trend of the times

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Everyone took a deep breath, even Li Yao hadn’t heard about it. He knew there was such an undead king. It's the same thing, but his deeds are really unclear. Hearing Green Dragon said, his interest also came up.

Moreover, as a demigod, it is not easy to defeat a high-level deity. As a demigod, the Dragon King claims to be able to fight against the main deity.

But that is just a claim, and in comparison, it is still inferior to the main god.

And the undead army can defeat the high-level gods. From this point of information, even if it is not as good as the dragon king, it is definitely not much different. It is really terrifying to grow to this point in a hundred years.

You know, the Dragon King can be a demigod warlord, it is because of the blessing of the Titans and the power of protection.

Even if the undead kings have adventures, they are probably not as good as those of the dragon kings.

"Then what's going on with this big formation?" Hitomi asked.

The green dragon princess didn’t sell it, and continued: “You think, it’s a failure to dispatch a high-level god, and the **** of death has a face. This matter will definitely become a laughing stock in others’ mouths, and more importantly, this is his own domain. If you don’t manage things in your own domain, you will inevitably be ridiculed by other gods. Death was so angry that he directly ordered his own trump card army, the dragon army of the abyss."

"The dragon army of the abyss is derived from the ancient dragons of the abyss, plus some powerful dragons and beasts are resurrected to form bone dragons after death. They are the death ace army. And this army does not disappoint. When the abyss dragon king and the undead king are entangled, The army under him was like a broken bamboo, and the army of the undead kings was defeated and defeated. The undead king lost two undead planes in a short period of time. For a time, the power of the undead king was greatly reduced."

"After the undead king returned, he moved the army to his own plane and couldn't shrink it. Although the abyss dragon army continued to win on that plane, the progress was greatly reduced. The undead king endured for fifty years. And disappeared five. The ten-year undead king reappeared and clamored to fight the Abyss Dragon King and his army to the death."

"The Abyss Dragon King has long been impatient, and now the army of the undead has naturally challenged. The march started smoothly. The abyss dragon army thought that the capital that the undead king had built by himself for fifty years was completely destroyed. As a result, when they thought they were about to win, the undead The emperor directly launched a large array, which would only strike at targets over a certain size in the air, and absorbed the energy of the soul fire of the undead in most of the city. It was extremely powerful. The abyss dragon army was immediately hit hard. The loss exceeded one. Mostly."

"The undead king broke out and killed the abyss dragon king. The abyss dragon king is a high-level god. Later, he was resurrected as a puppet zombie dragon king by a spell cast by the undead king, and became the undead king's own mount. You know, the dragon king is actually a death god. Mount."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but take a breath. You must know that at that time, the ancient gods and guardians disappeared. The entire world belonged to the gods, the most glorious period of the age of the gods.

People nowadays can ignore the main god, because now the gods are lurking to heal their wounds, and most of the main gods have died in battle.

But what was the situation at that time, the Lord God was the ruler of the world, especially in the domain of his forehead, this kind of thing happened, you can imagine the anger of the death **** at that time.

"Wow, this is a fierce face slap, can Death bear it?" Hitomi asked excitedly.

"Can you bear that is still the Lord God who rules everything? This time, the **** of death himself went out. However, the **** of death did not break the battle after exhausting the means. The air force of the **** of death was basically useless, and the army could only stand in a stalemate. The **** of death finally endured He couldn't help himself, but even so, it took the **** of death nearly a year to kill the undead king. And in the end he didn't get rid of this big formation. One can imagine how terrible this big formation is."

Hearing that the undead king died in battle, everyone couldn't help sighing, especially Li Yao. He knew a lot of information. Knowing that in the age of the gods, I don’t know how many amazing and brilliant people challenged the authority of the gods. The result is basically The end was dismal, and the heads of these blasphemers were in the collection of any main **** as souvenirs.

"Did the undead king really die like this? It's a shame." Hitomi sighed, apparently he also felt that the magnificent battle was so exciting that he wished he could join in.

"Although the death **** killed the undead king, he did not obliterate him. It also erased the undead king's rebellious will and refined it into a powerful puppet. Later, why the death **** became the top **** among the main gods, representing the chaotic **** system, riding The undead king of the high-level **** puppet zombie dragon is unbreakable. Although he cannot defeat the main god, it takes nearly a year for the main **** to kill him. The death **** is equivalent to possessing a semi-main god, which is the reason for his strength. Of course, he himself is better than ordinary gods and Later, the **** of death was calculated, and the undead king as a puppet was also missing. Some people said he was calculated to die, others said he was captured by other gods. , Was changed to become a puppet of other main gods, but since then, the undead king has never appeared."

"Oh, it's really a tragedy." Hitomi sighed again, obviously very sorry.

Yao Ji also sighed: "Isn't it? It's a pity that he was born in the wrong era. If the era of the main **** appears, I am afraid that he has become the main **** now, and he will definitely become the overlord of the abyss. Where are the queen Ross and the goddess lion Thing."

Li Yao smiled without saying a word. He did not agree with this point of view. Destiny is so wonderful. Even if the undead king arrives in this era, even if he is powerful, he can't even beat Death.

Rose and Lion and Scorpion also grew up from a small **** to the main **** in the chaotic era. When the undead king was raging, Rose and the others had just become demigods, and they can be regarded as contemporaries.

As a result, one side became the main god, and the other side disappeared in the long river of history, which is enough to explain many problems.

"Don't sigh, you can land." Green Dragon Princess said: "It's already the lowest position, and we will all be finished if we descend."

Li Yao took a glance and said, "One hundred and fifty yards, it's okay, Tongtong jumped off a little later, I'll come first."

While speaking, the demon girl had already jumped down and disappeared directly into the mist.

Li Yao also jumped down. During the fall, he saw the demon girl who was about to land, and another demon girl calmly walked out of the fallen demon girl.


The falling Demon Ji directly hit the ground and collapsed, while the Demon Ji's body calmly stepped on the dragon.

Li Yao has also fallen, when he is about to land...Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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