The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Sure enough, it is an exterminating dragon." When the green dragon princess said this, she did not have any kind meaning, but was full of murderous intent.

In this world, the five great guardian dragons are all proud. In their opinion, apart from a few of their dragons, the others are just pseudo-dragons, and they are not even as good as them in blood.

In fact, it is almost the same. Each of the five guardian dragon races is a race with a long life and high intelligence. They are the top ones in this world even among all the extraordinary races.

Even if the dragon beast is strong against the sky, it does not have that high wisdom, just like a wild beast, acting on its own instinct.

The Extinction Dragon in front of him is no exception. Although he belongs to the ancient dragon in the neutral continent, he has powerful bloodline power, and even the Extinction Dragon has double horns, but this is not a sign of the Dragon King, and the Dragon King’s horns are simply Nothing compares.

The only good thing is that their double horns are really used for fighting. The double horns of the Forehead Dragon King, the prince and princess have become a symbol of blood, and if they use the double horns to fight, they simply disdain it.

"It's a terrifying dragon beast. If there is this monster in the second level, I don't know how many people can be intercepted." Hitomi sighed.

This Exterminating Dragon is obviously not in its full-life form, but it has just grown up, but its combat effectiveness is already extremely powerful.

He is actually similar to other flying dragon species in the Neutral Continent, but his body will grow terrifying dense spikes, which are not only for defense.

Bone spurs can be sputtered out and used as a weapon of terror.

The size of the Exterminating Dragon is not small, and it will not be affected by the magic circle. It will be in the sky and underground, and a dozen players will be very embarrassed.

There are still good players' corpses on the ground. Some of these corpses were squashed, some were covered with black bone spurs, and some were picked up by double horns, and died very miserably.

You know, these people are all a thousand soldiers before this game, and they are all very powerful.

Even so, facing this Exterminating Dragon is still extremely embarrassed, and of course it has nothing to do with them.

"What should I do now? Wait a while or join the battlefield directly." Yao Ji asked.

The green dragon princess said: "I have controlled the evil eye. Now that guy has discovered it, he should be still on the crack. If we don't solve it, we might be attacked by him."

"We need to jump over the cracks to deal with him, but this person has not revealed his whereabouts. Big brother, have you seen this person?" Hitomi asked.

"No, this guy will either sneak or hide in a small hidden circle, plus steam confusion, so real and suitable for hiding. And this group of people may not be alone, they are watching the battle on the gully, and they may not be waiting below What happened to people, and then took advantage of it." Li Yao analyzed.

"It's really possible. This time, we will finally seize the chance of the first kill. It is possible to get the first kill with some extraordinary means. Then what to do, I am afraid we are also targeted by the other party." Green Dragon Princess frown.

She can’t show her body right now. If she is in a dream, she has a hundred ways to find the hidden person. But here, she is bound, and others can be resurrected when they die. She has only one life. She is not afraid of death, but also Don't ask for death, don't you?

"Don't forget my sonic arrow." Li Yao fired an arrow again: "Although the remote shooting cannot be accurate now, the sonic detection does not need to be accurate."

Li Yao closed his eyes carefully and quickly opened his eyes: "I found it. It is indeed a group of people, but they are very careful to hide and spread out. There are also two specially close to the cracks, obviously to prevent anyone from coming. They have strong crossbows installed next to them, and they won’t be killed in seconds if they are hit.

"In other words, we only need to jump over the crack and be seen by them." Yao Ji said.

"Yes, so let's surprise the two of them first. Demon Ji cooperates with me. I will throw you on top of each other, and you can hunt him down. Hitomi and the princess will jump over afterwards, which is safer." Li Yao quickly Arrangements were made.

"Very good." Yao Ji agreed.

Li Yao clenched his fist and said to Demon Ji: "You jump up in front of me, I will send you one floor."

"Yes." Yao Ji instantly understood Li Yao's plan. He wanted to use his powerful strength to enable her to quickly cross the crack and reach the sky above the opponent.

The enchantress arrived directly in front of Li Yao, and jumped directly on her toes. The enchantress was also blessed with equipment and could jump more than two yards.

"go with."

Li Yao's body blessed the power of Father Dragon, and a punch directly hit the soles of Demon Ji's feet.

A number of hundreds of damage floated on Demon Ji's head, but her body flew out and directly crossed the domain with a crack that was ten yards wide.

And getting higher and higher, directly leaped over a boulder.

After Li Yao punched, his figure flashed to the other side, with a little toe, the thruster ejected two flames, which surpassed Demon Ji, and Demon Ji reached his goal almost at the same time~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Although the steam is dim, but the sound of such a loud breaking through the air, the two people below still heard the sound.

They were waiting for an opportunity, and when they heard the sound, they immediately drew a crossbow arrow, quickly wound it, and quickly adjusted the angle to kill the enchanting **** the head.

But just after he was equipped with the crossbow arrows, the light in the eyes of the enchantress flickered.


The bodies of the two completely exchanged positions, but the death knight below appeared in the air, but the demon girl in the air came to the ground.

And in his hand is the strong crossbow that was replaced by the death knight. This crossbow has a faint flame of light. Although it is smaller than the war crossbow, it is impossible to rely on the player to shoot.

It is a small crossbow that is lighter and easy to control in various terrains.

Enchantress’s second professional prop thief, and if she survived Li Yao, she studied engineering. War machinery has no less practice. This is a compulsory course for Xinghuo players. At first, everyone in Xinghuo felt boring, but as time passed, many players because These benefits have been obtained, and they have become positive.

Demon Ji's skills are not good, but not bad, especially at a distance of only a dozen yards.


Demon Ji slightly adjusted the angle and pulled the trigger.


The huge steel arrow directly penetrated the death knight, and flew out.


The arrow exploded, apparently a steel arrow with a burst effect.

On the other side, Li Yao was even more straightforward. When the opponent took out the crossbow, Li Yao directly ejected the spider silk.

The spider silk came directly out of the hands of the soldiers below, and quickly reached Li Yao's hands. When the soldiers gave up using their crossbows to stand up and wanted to use their own weapons to fight.

Li Yao directly threw down the steel arrow in his hand. Li Yao had the power of the dragon father at this moment. The steel arrow pierced the warrior's chest with a chuckle, and directly nailed the warrior to the ground...

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