MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1590: Cooperate

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The soldier nailed to the ground by the steel arrow can't stand his eyes. In any case, he can't believe that he was pierced by the steel arrow thrown by others. , Nailed to the ground, what's more, he was nailed to death.

The white light of the soul flew out, and his face was still at a loss. You must know that he was very cautious, and activated the life-saving damage reduction skills as soon as he discovered the danger.

It would be fine if he was attacked by some powerful means, but this kind of death was nothing.

Looking at the other side, his companion was killed by a strong crossbow bursting through it anyway, and he died without the introduction of the strong crossbow that could not explode, so he was embarrassed.

Others are not as good as others, so don't be too embarrassed.

Li Yao and Yao Ji didn't care what the two dead men thought, he also quickly reloaded the crossbow machine next to them.

Because following the battle on this side, several players hiding in other places also reacted. They had been watching the people below and fighting the Exterminating Dragon from above.

As a result, the two companions on the other side of the guard were killed in an instant. You must know that they spent a lot of money in order to hide, and the strong crossbow is around, which is equivalent to a powerful spike weapon.

When encountering the player, there was no survivor under a crossbow, and the two also killed two or three waves of people who wanted to cross the crack.

They are still complacent about their design, but within a few minutes of their happiness, their people were killed by a spike, which is simply incredible. However, no matter how incredible it is, it is already a reality.

Everyone has come up, and they have also played against each other. Naturally, it is impossible to be kind, so let's go directly. So the few hidden people also started to attack Li Yao and Yao Ji.

At the same time, when Li Yao and Demon Ji started their hands, the Green Dragon Princess and Hitomi also moved.

Princess Green Dragon opened her palms, a vine spread, and at the same time Tongtong's waist also spread out, and the two vines were connected together.

The other palm of Princess Green Dragon spouted out a vine again, and it entangled directly on the rock on the other side. The vine shrank and directly led the two of them through the crack.

After crossing the cracks, the two also saw the real situation. The Green Dragon Princess fell not far behind Li Yao, but the vine was thrown out.

"Big brother."

Hitomi was thrown out and shouted loudly.

Li Yao smiled slightly, grabbed Tongtong's ankle, turned his body, and then suddenly threw Tongtong out.

Tongtong's entire body was shrunk behind the shield, and his body flew out like a cannonball. At the same time, the green dragon princess continued to seal.

Green rays of light fell on Tongtong's body, and there was also a greenish shield.

Among the remaining people, there are four remaining, two in close combat and two long-range.

The two remotes are a sorcerer and a mage.

Warlocks specialize in pain art, specializing in curses and soul magic. Generally, they do not summon demons, but integrate the summoned demons into their body to increase the power and effect of their spells.

The mage is a control-type ice mage. In order to cover up the breath, he also did not summon his own water element.

The two melees are a death knight and a paladin.

The distance between the two sides is fifty or sixty yards, which happens to be the stage where the dim figure can be seen, but the view is not clear.

Hitomi was thrown by Li Yao last time, and she felt very enjoyable, so she always wanted to try this trick.

This time it was directly replaced with a sharper, primitive shield with bone spurs.


Hitomi's shield directly hit the ice spear technique released by the ice mage.

The ice spear is an instant spell of the ice mage. Although the damage is average, it is a very good skill in pk.

After the hit, the ice state is directly applied, which limits the opponent while increasing the damage of his own ice spells.

Hitomi hit the ice gun, her body was covered by ice, and her sensitivity was affected to a certain extent.

But at this moment she is not relying on agility, but Li Yao's powerful strength.

The melee paladin on Li Yao wanted to intercept Hitomi, but Hitomi's speed was too fast.

As a super master, the paladin reacted very quickly. However, Li Yao also has a green dragon princess who is good at gain and control.

A vine appeared at the feet of both the Paladin and the Death Knight, suddenly appearing at their feet.

The two staggered to the ground one by one and tripped over unpreparedly.

This is where the Green Dragon Princess is smart. She knows when to use vines as obstacles to trip her opponent and when to entangle her.

Just when the two fell to the ground, thorny thorns appeared on the ground again, and they tied them firmly.

Hitomi Hitomi also whizzed past the Paladin. The mage who was releasing the Frostbolt changed his expression and quickly stopped the magic, and wanted to release the flash.

However, half of his handprint was released and was countered by Hitomi's spell, interrupting her casting.


Female Bing Fa let out a scream of extreme sorrow. When the incident happened suddenly, she did not even have time to release Bing Shield.

The shield slammed into the upper body of the the green dragon princess' eyes twitched slightly, and the spiked shield hit her face. That scene...

Although the mage is not dead, it is better to be killed by a second, Hitomi hits the ground and starts to attack the mage continuously.

On the other side, the warlock quickly released pain and curse on Demon Ji's body, but Demon Ji had also adjusted the crossbow and pulled the trigger directly.

The distance is so close, facing the crossbow, the warlock directly penetrated his chest without releasing the third spell, and then there was an explosion of the crossbow bolt.

The enchantress didn't even look at the warlock, and quickly drank a bottle of slowly regenerating life potion, and ran to the death knight who fell to the ground and struggled.

The death knight is also more miserable. He has a magic mask, but it is immune to magic skills, and physical damage reduction is also available, but it cannot reduce pain.

There are also two types of death knights, one is the living death knight that keeps the body alive, and the other is the corpse state. Players will naturally not choose the corpse state, it is still fun.

Just like players who choose undead, few of them choose zombie form, skeleton form, carrion form, etc. Not to mention that other players are unacceptable, even they are unbearable.

They are basically living dead, and they are the only conscience of the system, taking care of undead players.

Therefore, the death knight is also suffering. The whole body is entangled with thorns. In order to control the opponent, the poisonous spikes do not use powerful damage toxins, but add painful toxins, which is unbearable.

The death knight struggled to stand up, but the paladin directly activated the Holy Shield technique to directly block the thorns outside. He was also the only one to maintain a complete combat power.

However, the reality is that Li Yao's side, except Demon Ji suffered a little bit of damage, everyone else maintains full combat effectiveness...

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