MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1591: Calculation

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Fuck, I am fighting with you."

The only person who can speak normally is the Paladin.

The sorcerer was shot and the wizard was hit by Hitomi, and the one who screamed on the ground and couldn't fight back would basically be killed.

The death knight was bound by thorns, and he would die uncomfortably when he moved, and screamed again and again, and the demon girl had already reached the death knight.

What a flying knife, the poisonous arrow of a crossbow, greeted the death knight at close range.

With the Holy Shield Technique, the Paladin chopped the thorns to pieces with the big sword in his hand, and then rushed towards Li Yao.

Unfortunately, the paladin's short legs, although the distance is not long, the terrain is complicated, and the Green Dragon Princess is constantly setting up plant obstacles.

The paladin roared again and again, constantly detouring.

Because those thorns cannot be defeated at all, his Holy Shield technique also has time, and Li Yao must be killed in a short time.

He has no other ideas, as long as he kills one is enough, especially in the case of being under siege, but escape and gain nothing.

The death knight finally cut off the thorns, his eyes were red, and he directly activated the only skill that could pull the enemy to his side and restrain him for a second.

A deep purple silk thread bound the enchantress.


The moment the skill hit Demon Ji, she used the substitute technique, and instead entered a stealth state.

Then there was Sap, which directly stunned the death knight.

Sap is one of the few skills used in stealth state to stun people, but does not reveal their body shape.

It is often used in a one-on-two situation, first sap one, and then deal with the other, it is one of the favorite skills of thieves in each department.

Thieves are crispy, one-on-one needs to start first, facing one-on-two, it will be very weak.

Of course, a few people group outfits played by a good-skilled thief, and even one group is helpless. That is a special situation.

For ordinary thieves, they still like one-on-one.

The death knight thought that Demon Ji would use sneak attacks to stun him. He knew Demon Ji and naturally knew Demon Ji’s profession, so he had planned for it, and used the badge to solve his sneak attack, and then destroy the demon’s rhythm, otherwise. , He can't bear a set of Demon Ji's skills.

The Fallen Leaf Thief, the fight is really like flowing water. If the rhythm of the Fallen Leaf Thief is not broken, then it will be a nightmare for the opponent.

However, the sap used by Demon Ji, and then he saw the red fire glowing under his feet. Obviously Demon Ji knew that his other companions could not help him, so he directly planted a soaring thunder under his feet.

Now the death knight faces a dilemma. One is to use the camp leader and unlock the control effect of the sap. If it doesn't, the skyrocket will explode and rush him into the sky.

The Demon Fairy will naturally release her heels to the sky, hit the sky, and then be controlled by the spider web, then there will be landmines, and then there is basically nothing, there is nothing else to wipe the throat.

But if the badge is used, it is also a nightmare.

He used the badge to unlock the sap, then the most likely demon girl in the sneak attack is to use a sneak attack to stun him again, and then still have a set of skills, bombing the sky and thunder, basically dead.

Even if he rolled out the moment he unlocked the medal, the demon girl didn't even use it to change shape and shadow, and when he stepped on the shadow, he still took it away.

As a super master, he thought about his situation clearly when he turned his mind. He found that he had completely fallen into a desperate situation, and maybe other professions might be resolved.

But as a profession that relies on evil energy to survive, it has no displacement skills and no physical shield skills, so it seems very physical in this case.

Death knights are not without life-saving skills, but their professional characteristics are to steal opponents' lives by hitting opponents, or use skills to hit opponents to form shields.

But in the face of Demon Fairy, where does he still have a chance to hit Demon Fairy.

The only chance to survive is Demon Fairy's mistakes, but will Demon Fairy make mistakes?

The answer is no, as a super master, he still released the control, and the enchantress did not make a mistake, a series of blows directly took the death knight away.

The death knight's soul floated white light, and what he saw was that the wizard finally burst into death one by one.

In the distance, there was only one paladin left with the Divine Shield technique to linger, dodge the vines, and wanted to take away one as a cushion.

The death knight came up with an idea. If he changes positions with the paladin, maybe the paladin can still fight against the enchantress with the Holy Shield technique, maybe he can kill the enchantress, but he wants to kill Liaoyuan. An extravagant hope.

From the beginning of the game to the present, Liaoyuan has not died, but he has never heard of being killed by other players.

If Li Yao knew that his thoughts would definitely be spitting on his nose, would he not think of the characteristics of the profession? Li Yao had already arranged it before the war started. Why would the demon be blasted towards the death knight? This is a good calculation.

Obviously, they realize that this problem is very late Battle victory, especially easy victory, sometimes depends not on absolute strength, but on tactical arrangements.

The Paladin is already very angry. All his partners have died. He knows that they have failed, but as a super master, he will naturally not give up easily. Even if he is going to die, he will splash your blood. Those who can pull a back cushion already make a lot of money.


Li Yao always aimed the crossbow machine at the Paladin, and finally pulled the trigger.

"Idiot, when you have miscalculated the time, my Holy Shield technique still has three seconds." The Paladin finally showed a smile, he turned and moved, and finally approached Li Yao, and Li Yao and Princess Green Dragon would be there in a second. Reached his attack range.

The paladin's footsteps halted, and the shield in his hand was immediately erected, allowing himself to resist the impact of strength. Although the Holy Shield technique can withstand the damage, the strength needs to be offset by himself.


The steel arrow directly hit the Paladin's shield, the Paladin's complexion changed, and his body flew out like a cannonball.

The Paladin's smile instantly froze on his face, because underneath was a gully, which was the battlefield where the Exterminating Dragon and other players were fighting. It turned out that while he dodges the vines unknowingly, the direction behind him turned into a huge ravine.

"Innocent child, of course I know the time of your Holy Shield technique." Li Yao said lightly: "When you fell, the Holy Shield technique just disappeared."

"Fuck Nima."

The Paladin finally understood, but it was too late. The strength of his inverted flight disappeared and his body fell directly.

When it was about to touch the ground, as Li Yao said, the effect of the Holy Shield technique just disappeared.


The Paladin fell directly to a rock several hundred yards below, and his life was instantly cleared. The huge sound even made the fighting monsters and the players shocked...

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