MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1606: War reward

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Now the ruined battlefield has become empty. Of course, the empty is because the players have taken back their troops. , The teleportation guild residence of the teleportation guild residence is not really empty.

Only a few camps of the NPC coalition are still cleaning the battlefield and stationing camps.

There will be excavation and exploration in the future, and the camp of the garrison will also become the gateway to the mirror copy. The land reclamation is over. In the future, if you want to play this copy, you can only enter the mirror mode. In comparison, the mirror mode is simpler, but the same The rewards are not comparable to wasteland.

Now all teams are gathered in their respective corners to receive system rewards.

The entire sky has been rendered colorful by the light emitted by various rewards.

Xinghuo received the universal first kill reward, and the rest is the evaluation reward.

This reward evaluation is not just the third level, but the overall evaluation of the copy.

"System: After a comprehensive judgment, the overall evaluation of the Spark War mode is SS++, the comprehensive evaluation of the adventure mode is SSS+, the first kill is obtained, and the overall evaluation is SSS+++."

In the final evaluation, all modes are just divided into war mode and adventure mode.

There is no risk evaluation for the team dedicated to challenging the war mode. Challengers in the same adventure mode have no war evaluation, and they have no rewards for the first kill, but they are also ranked, and they also have achievement rewards for the first place.

But these rewards and the comprehensive model of obtaining Spark, the gold content is too far, at least now the media is paying attention to the first of Spark. Although the other firsts are rarely broadcast, they are basically not paid attention to.

Nowadays, people from various teams are gathering again, and they are basically receiving rewards. The anchors have made statistics and found that those super guilds who have received S or more evaluations are very few.

The teams of those large guilds generally only get S in adventure or war, and the overall evaluation is basically below A.

The final data is that in the final evaluation of the war mode, except for Spark, only the twelve teams received an evaluation of S or more.

In the final adventure mode, apart from Spark, only nine teams received an evaluation of S or more.

And there are only nine final comprehensive evaluations above S, and besides Xinghuo, the best comprehensive evaluation is only SS.

This is an overview of the comprehensive mode performance, so it is even more exciting for Spark to get the final SSS+++ reward for the first kill.

"System: Spark can choose one of the following three rewards as the evaluation reward for this war mode. 1. Each person can get the Legion Evolution (you can choose a Legion to upgrade the Legion to a rank, which can be applied to the Arms) Building). 2. Each person can obtain a piece of Legion equipment above the Golden Legend rank. 3. Each person can obtain a full rank legion of no more than 100,000 and below the leader level."

"These three rewards are so tempting, it's really hard to choose, it's better to draw a lottery." Hitomi murmured.

This time the reward settlement is choice, not luck, Hitomi suddenly had a little opinion.

But the three kinds of rewards were really tempting, and everyone in Xinghuo began to whisper.

"The evolution of the legion is the most intuitive, and the golden war equipment is naturally excellent. After all, the war equipment is too rare. For the full rank legion, what is the difference." Yao Ji frowned.

Li Yao explained: "The full rank legion is the full rank legion, it is the real npc official legion, the same silver British legion, full rank and no full rank, it is not just the level difference that can be compared."

Everyone suddenly realized that the final reward was the heaviest.

"My personal preference is the first one. After all, I am more autonomous. I can turn my trump card into a real trump card. As for the level difference, it is only a matter of time before reaching the level." Li Yao said his opinion.

Everyone was also stunned, didn't they, although the latter two rewards were quickly enhanced.

But the second reward is dead, and it will expire sooner or later. The third stage will help a lot, but they will reach the level sooner or later, and now they have the knowledge of the madman, upgrading is the last thing to worry about.

As long as you reach the full level, the army will be able to reach the full level in a few battles.

And the first reward can really make you have a trump card in your hand.

A very cheap example, if the Silver-British legion is upgraded by one rank, it is now at the leader level, and there is no need to elaborate on the concept of this.

Moreover, it can be applied to the types of military buildings that you control. It seems that there is no direct improvement, but the quality of the buildings is improved, and the soldiers produced in the future will be continuous.

"Then what else to choose, let's listen to the boss."

Everyone expressed that they listened to Li Yao's opinion. Li Yao smiled slightly, and was not surprised by the result. Everyone in his group is human beings, and they don't need to say much, as long as they click on it, they will understand what is going on.

Legion evolution is a bead that cannot be traded and cannot be destroyed, and the soul is bound. Li Yao did not rush to strengthen, but put it away.

If it can be traded, this thing can definitely be sold at a sky-high price, but the people of Xinghuo are all pursuing it. It is estimated that this kind of thing will be difficult to get in the future. Even if it can be traded, it is estimated that they are not willing to sell it. of.

"System: War evaluation rewards have been Whether to receive adventure mode rewards."


There is no doubt that the audience has been silly. This Nima, especially for toys that specialize in the war mode, has all come out. However, they can only look at it.

And some viewers are more anxious than the people of Xinghuo, after all, the rewards in the front are so good, do you need to talk about the latter?

"System; According to the evaluation, Spark can choose one of the following three rewards. 1. Reward skill points 5. Reward a skill book (False Forbidden Curse) skill book for this profession. 2. You can choose one. Set of dark gold level suits (with jewelry and weapons). 3. Get clues to the road to the strong."

The road to the strong, the path that every elite professional must go through, get out of the fixed shackles and become a unique strong.

"Meow, it's even more tangled to see these three." Tongtong said bitterly: "If you choose all of them, it would be great."

The other team members are also very entangled and don't know how to choose.

"Fuck me, there is actually this kind of reward, it's against the sky."

"Choose the second reward and directly become president. Qing Yishui's dark gold is probably the first player in the game."

"Also rewarded skill points, and returned to the forbidden spell skill book, so even if it is a false forbidden spell, this is too fake."

"God, why didn’t I join the Xinghuo group? I obviously passed the examination of Xinghuo. At that time, Xinghuo was still weak. Sister Li also said that I could join the group, but my friend was dragged into the Great Guild. Take the first kill, meow, I was still in the Three Leagues in the Grand Guild, and I was eliminated at the first level."

"Ahhhh, the mission clues of the road to the strong, why, why is it not me who received the reward.

The audience watched with envy, jealousy and hatred, and selected all, any of the rewards in it will make people crazy, okay...

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