MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1607: The final reward

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Three kinds of rewards are really enviable and envy, this is still not the beginning of the final reward, the rewards above SSS are so bad, then What will happen to rewards with full evaluation? Just thinking about it makes people look forward to it.

Of the three rewards, 5 skill points are the most inconspicuous, but even this most inconspicuous reward is extremely attractive.

The skill points in Spark are very few things, and skill points can directly increase the skill level.

The 123 level skill is to increase the skill damage or effect, the 45 level will have a qualitative change every time it is upgraded.

The first three levels can be improved through proficiency, but 45 is not a problem of proficiency. Various conditions are required, and the conditions for each skill are also different.

With five skill points, as long as you are not stupid, you will upgrade those level 3 skills, which will cause a qualitative change.

Needless to say, the following false forbidden spell skills, among the billions of players, it is estimated that no more than three have mastered false forbidden spells, which shows how rare and rare it is.

If you choose this, Xinghuo is equivalent to forty more players mastering the false forbidden spell, and then use a few skill points to improve it, which is estimated to be against the rhythm of the sky.

The second is a dark gold suit with jewelry and weapons.

There is no need to think about absolute good things, even a rookie who wears such a set will become a master, as long as it doesn't meet the demons and others who are basically at the level of technology.

And if Spark is a team with Qingyishui equipment, there is absolutely no doubt that the first team.

Of course, to be serious, if the first and second rewards are compared, the first one is better in the long run, but the advantage of the second reward is that it can become stronger immediately. Even if the false forbidden spell is mastered, it does not mean that it is released. Released.

As for the third reward, now the mission of the road to the strong is no secret.

Players already know that the road to the strong is a task for elite professional players, and it is a further enhancement and improvement of the elite profession.

It is to get rid of the current shackles and walk out of your own way.

There are many heroes in the ancient gods, and there are so many professional occupations. There are many elite occupations, and they are constantly increasing.

And these elite occupations are those created by those who have taken a different path and simplified their current state.

Take the queen as an example. According to occupation, she is a hunter, and she is proficient in shooting stream talent.

The elite class used to be the Light Ranger. After death, the banshee's soul entered her body and became the Dark Ranger.

However, there are too many differences between her and the Dark Ranger. These differences are her way of being strong.

But when passed down, the hunter doesn't need to say, she doesn't need to teach. The Dark Ranger also has its own system, and her guards are basically composed of Banshee and Dark Ranger.

The Dark Queen, the Ranger Queen, the Banshee King, and the Undead Queen are among the titles of queens.

And the queen's path to the strong is to combine these powers and characteristics, and embark on her own path to the strong.

Why does Li Yao say that he is the inheritor of the queen, because Li Yao is the only person who combines the power of the soul with the power of the body. Although it is the initial stage, it has not been seen in a century.

This is why the wild or various bosses, even though they seem to be the same profession and the same elite profession, are why their skills and fighting styles are different.

Only by embarking on the path of the strong can you continuously and more easily improve your own rank, thereby achieving transcendence and sanctification, completely out of your own path, condensing your own sacred fire, and achieving the status of God.

As for the mission of the road to the strong, players can only hear the name, but if they want to go out, their elite professional mentor only gives one condition to become a high-level leader, the pinnacle level is more than 100, and five and five levels are mastered. Skills and above.

This is just a basic condition. According to their respective instructors, the difficulties are still to come.

However, as long as Xinghuo obtains this reward, the above conditions are ignored, and quest clues can be obtained directly to open the personal main task of the road to the strong.

One can imagine how the temptation of this reward is.

The people of Xinghuo just struggled for a while before they agreed, and there was nothing to say. No matter how attractive the first two rewards were, they were all external.

You can learn it slowly if you don't know how to fake a forbidden spell. Anyway, everyone won't.

There is no equipment to play, but the third reward is absolutely unattainable.

It is tempting to say that the mission of the road to the strong will be possible in the future, but you must know that one step is first, the truly wise person, even if hesitates, will choose the third reward in the end.

"Xinghuo seems to be really hard to stop." An anchor sighed after seeing that Xinghuo had chosen the third reward.

The audiences of other guilds are also gloomy, especially the strong guilds who have enemies with Xinghuo.

"System: Do you receive the final first kill reward?"

"Yes." Li Yao answered directly.

"System: The third reward is also divided into three choices, but the right to choose will be in everyone's to make up for the shortcomings (the corresponding skill level can be increased to level 4, and you can understand whether Comprehend the obscure secret skills, you can learn to increase the two career challenge scores to S. 2, you can get a top-level dark gold weapon or equipment according to your career or you can refine three pieces of equipment on your body (special effects can be adjusted in the rules) And attributes). 3. Pray (you can pray to the **** of creation within the rules, and you will get a reward if you meet the conditions of the wish."

Seeing this system prompt, everyone has exploded this time, and the barrage has been completely refreshed.

The players are going crazy, this kind of crazy rewards can be released, it's horrible.

Not only ordinary viewers and players, but also the top players in the top guilds who want to see what Spark rewards are also red.

They are also participating in the first kill of the dungeon. They were very satisfied with the rewards they received. After all, they can obtain very top dark gold equipment, or good skills and props, which are out of reach for ordinary players.

However, compared with Spark's reward, their reward is scum, okay?

Just the first item, you can upgrade all your skills to level 4, making everyone envious of vomiting blood. You can understand when you need to understand when and how many skill points are needed to upgrade from level 3 to level 4.

However, what's even worse is that you can still comprehend the mastery of profound meaning skills, whether or not to be so awkward. Upanishad is the most difficult skill to play, but the same is also the most practical skill, okay, it is equivalent to obtaining two awesome skills second only to the false forbidden spell.

Then, what is the professional challenge? It is related to the strength of the professional. How much time can be saved by directly raising two Ss.

These three items alone are enough to make people envy and hate, not to mention that you only need to choose the first reward and get the three together...

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