MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1616: New information

In order to attract players to Li Yao, in addition to those fancy things, there are tangible benefits.

  In terms of equipment, the Withered Sun Legion can purchase purple jewelry (rings, second rings) after reaching respect.

   After worship, you can exchange for Dark Gold. Although these jewelry are standard equipment and can be mass-produced, they are all produced by those masters in the Withering Sun Legion, and their attributes are absolutely good.

   And they are all dark gold that can be used from 55-60. Not everyone is like Li Yao who doesn't care about dark gold equipment.

   Not to mention ordinary players, even those masters, it is not easy to get a good piece of jewelry, but now as long as they reach the corresponding prestige level, they will spend a not too high price to buy it, which is really a very cost-effective thing.

   and obtained military merit, can also consume the corresponding military merit discount to buy, it is very convenient.

   Maybe the top players look down on it, but they are also attractive to the super masters. However, there are only the top masters, and it doesn't matter whether they come or not.

   Li Yao knew too well that Xinghuo had a lot of enemies. He was the commander of the army. This time he led the NPC army alone for the first time. They wished him to fail.

   Li Yao doesn't care what they think, the equipment is not attractive enough, it doesn't matter, there are other things, such as arms.

  The withered man regained his sanity, but the withered did not fight alone.

   They have undergone a mutation, can control and summon death and ashes elements.

  Death element is naturally pure death energy. The formed elemental creatures are themselves composed of pure death energy and are not good at melee combat, but this kind of elemental creatures are born with some undead spells.

   Bone spear, curse, summon undead and zombies, this is the most basic, the stronger the strength, the more summoned.

The ash element is a chaotic elemental composition. While possessing good earth control capabilities, it is also good at melee combat. What's more, it belongs to elemental creatures. The body is illusory. It has certain immunity to physical attacks. It is very good at this stage. Of the army.

   After this period of recovery, the withered people under Li Yao have recovered their strength.

   The elite army of the full rank, the regular army of the high elves, there are quite a few jokes. They have fought with trolls for a long time and have too much war experience.

  In the dark camp, the number of high elves legions is the least, but the high elves legions are not one of the most elite.

   In a high elven legion with full rank, the leader can only enter the elite legion to be a soldier, and even a captain can't get along with it, which shows the horror of the high elf legion.

   Of course, elite is elite, but there are not many high elves.

   Those who regained their sanity in the early stage had already recovered their strength. They summoned the death element and the ash element, the last time it was Silver Ying, and there was a chance of being the leader.

   Li Yao specially asked them to summon the elite class, took out a small amount of silver and British class, and put it on the quartermaster purchase list, plus a large number of undead troops were about to be obtained.

   also attracted a lot of war mode players.

   In the end, it's the killer, mount.

  The withered animal trainer can communicate with Corrupted Butterfly, Corrupted Lynx, Corrupted Mountain Bear, and domesticate them.

   These three creatures are special creatures affected by natural disaster energy and the sunwell arcane energy shock. High elves cannot communicate and are treated as monsters, but withered ones can get close.

After being domesticated, the enchanted butterfly is not as sharp and powerful as the dragon eagle, but because of its huge size, outstanding endurance, and variation to enhance combat effectiveness, it is a very good combat mount. Its flying speed is 220 even at the elite level, which is better than the official shot. The young flying beasts are too strong.

   Lynx and Mountain Bear are both powerful monsters. After mutation, they are even more powerful. They are domesticated into land mounts, which are much stronger than the official mounts.

Naturally, this kind of things cannot be easily purchased. Li Yao ordered the lynx and mountain bears below the silver British level to be taken out, and he also took out thousands of silver-ying level and hundreds of leader-level lynxes and mountain bears. Only the prestige worship of the Withered Sun Legion Can be purchased later.

  In addition, there are 80 colorful butterfly flying mounts. I don't know how many players have been attracted. Many people may not be interested in equipment, but this kind of special mount makes them uneasy.

   It's not that Li Yao is stingy, it's that Caidie is not enough on his own side. If it weren't for attracting players, he would not bear to take out one.

   About the dark camp on the forum, this event has been crazy, and it is a player-led event. The rewards are so impressive, which naturally attracted wide attention from players. These rewards players from other camps looked jealous.

   Li Yao sat in his discussion hall, looking at the various files on the table.

   patted it lightly, and all the deputy commanders, clerks, and magisters of each sub-corps were sitting around.

   "Everyone, now everything is ready, I decided to officially set off tomorrow." Li Yao glanced at the chief clerk: "Clerk, the port can't give up for the time being. You still need to sit behind the town to maintain the supply of food and grass."

   "My lord, don't worry, you will live up to your expectations." The chief clerk bowed.

   Li Yao nodded, saw the Magister frown, and asked: "Can the Magister have something to say?"

The Magister was an old mage, but he was full of spirits and stood up and shook his hands: "Our army has been dispatched a long time ago and can be dispatched at any time, but how many legions will the legion commander take this time, and how many legion garrisons and officers will be left behind? "

Li Yao took out a form and said: "Not counting the unallocated tribesmen who have just been sent in the past few days, the number of fighting power formed is 2.8 million. Among them, 1.5 million have been restored to their leaders. Level strength. So I decided to dispatch 1.5 million leaders, and the rest are responsible for security and logistics. They still need to regain their strength, not desperately."

   This is Li Yao's confidence and the reason why Li Yao has worked so hard to get the position of legion commander. Counting that the newly arrived legion exceeded three million, the withered people under the rule exceeded ten million, and they were still growing.

   This is not comparable to those of the plains who have not reached the full level. This is a huge wealth and strength, and it is the foundation of Li Yao's true foothold in the dark camp.

   "One more thing is the lack of melee legions." A trace of sorrow flashed in the magister's eyes. Had it not been for the lack of melee legions, the high elves would not have changed so miserably.

Li Yao nodded: "Don't worry about this. I have a tank corps in my personal corps. Adding the air force can make up for our corps' shortcomings. In addition, my personal territorial support is good enough to protect our long-range. Those recruits, they..."

   Li Yao didn't finish what he said, but everyone already understood that players are not the best cannon fodder, the magister sat down satisfactorily, they are most afraid of not being protected, legion combat and individual combat are completely two concepts.

   Suddenly, a dark figure appeared in the hall: "Report the legion commander, the ghost land found the regular army camp of the bright camp, and the recruit activity is rampant."

   Li Yao's complexion changed...

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