MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1617: Provocative revenge

Li Yao frowned slightly and asked, "The army of the bright camp?"

"Yes, I visited the camp of the Ming camp. The number of troops should be more than five million. It should be a werewolf unit. There are countless new recruits in the camp, no less than ours." The scout said quickly.

"Is there any other information detected?" Li Yao asked.

"The captain has taken people to collect more information, but the captain is not sure that the goal of the Bright Camp is estimated to be the same as ours." A murderous aura was revealed in the scout's voice, apparently thinking that the Bright Camp was against their Withered Sun Legion.

Li Yao waved his hand: "Explore again."

The scout saluted, went directly into the sneak, and disappeared in front of everyone.

"I thought this was just a battle between our Withered Sun Legion and the undead, but I didn't expect that the bright camp would also join in." Li Yao's eyes flickered, and he was obviously a little unhappy.

"Legion commander, the other party has millions of troops. Should we bring more people, or tell the regent to let them support." The magician suggested.

"No, our elites count as ten. There is nothing more than us. Werewolf Legion, if there is a chance to fight, I will naturally tell them to come back and forth. This little thing should not bother the regent, if we even this point. If we can't do small things well, what will the other legions think of us." Li Yao directly denied the Magister's proposal.

The first deputy commander approved the point and said with a cold face: "The commander of the legion is too right. The other clansmen originally looked at us with strange eyes, so please ask for help on this matter. Then, the Withered Sun Legion should never want to lift it. It started."

Administrator Xi also echoed: "I was thinking about something less, isn't it just the blood of the enemy? If it's just the blood of the undead, it's still a bit thin. If you add five million werewolves, it's enough, and it's enough to shock Xiao Xiao."

Other legion commanders and clerks also clamored, wanting to use this battle to start the name of the Withered Sun Legion, there is no meaning to ask for help.

How proud of the high elves, even in the face of the same clan, he would not easily lower his figure and bow his head to beg someone to make a joke.

"I'm also on the safe side. Since you think it's improper to ask for help, then I didn't say that our Magister Jirou is not a fearful person. We should kill him bravely on the battlefield in order to promote my withering sun." Immediately stated his position.

Li Yao waved his hand: "Okay, let's prepare. Actually, it is not necessarily a bad thing for the bright camp to join together. Think about it, now that the barrier is isolated, the army of the bright camp can only come from the water channel at the bottom left of the ghost land. On the one hand, they will help us clean up a lot of undead. On the other hand, they are between us and Uldaman, I feel more relieved."

Everyone looked at the map of Ghost Land, didn't they?

If you want to come to the land of ghosts, if you have the right way, you can only pass through the right mountain road in the Plaguelands, but this mountain road is controlled by the wizard enchantment.

The other trail links a place where a subplane fusion map is rotten swamp. The plane fusion connects this swamp and a waterway appears.

But this waterway can only reach under the mountains when it enters the ghost land. At this moment, on the left is an important stronghold for the undead. According to the map label returned by the scout, the camp of the bright camp is not far from this stronghold.

The werewolf legion of the bright camp, if they want to advance westward, they must smash with the undead. Even if the stronghold is destroyed, it still needs to face the obstacles of the path of the dead and other undead strongholds.

And the west of the werewolf legion is the territory of trolls. Although the high elves have compressed their living area only near the troll capital, as an old opponent, the high elves naturally know the terrible and difficult aspects of trolls.

The recovery ability of the troll is too terrifying, and it is not easy to provoke a mortal race that can be reborn from a severed limb.

Originally, they attacked Desom, in addition to regaining the land, another aspect was the return of surveillance trolls.

After everyone went out, Li Yaocai contacted Qin Fengyi, and several core players of Spark came here soon.

"Wow, big brother is really nice here, and it's so prestigious, I will also have a powerful NPC army to lead in the future." Tongtong said with envy when he saw Li Yao sitting in the main seat.

Sister Li pulled her pupils a little: "Stop making trouble, talk about business."

Hitomi stuck out his tongue: "Isn't it just a provocation by the hostile guild? It's just a matter of crushing it."

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment: "The hostile guild is provoking, what is going on."

A gloom flashed in Yao Ji’s eyes, and Qin Fengyi said: “It’s the Cuttlefish Guild. I suffered a loss during the previous killing. I didn’t even get a good evaluation. I completely hated us. This time I joined a lot of people and knew you were here. There is an activity here, and they don’t know what happened to say that a werewolf army was moved, and they wanted to sabotage your plan."

"Cuttlefish, I underestimated his patience." Li Yao suddenly realized that when he saw people like Cuttlefish, he was so proud and arrogant that he suffered such a big loss under his own hands. However, Li Yao did not expect that the other party was too Sister Li shared a screenshot, which was an email sent by Cuttlefish to Sister Li.

The e-mail mentioned to repay the gift of the Starfire Guild, and at the same time satirized the enchantress, and said some shameless silly words. Although no dirty words are used, it is disgusting to read the whole text.

Finally, he said that he heard that the president of the Guild started to burn a prairie fire and stirred up the dark camp situation. He didn't want to break the wrist with Li Yao and really fight the battlefield.

In the end, he pretended to say that everything is the most important thing. If Xinghuo is soft, he can forgive Xinghuo magnanimously, and if so, kick the demon girl out of the guild first.

"It's all my trouble." Yao Ji said apologetically.

Li Yao waved his hand: "It's an outsider to say this, and it's obviously not for you, but it's just an excuse. This kind of **** can't get used to it. If you can step on him once, you can step on him a second time. Since you dare to provoke, then Let him lose his money. There is no systematic reward this time. It's not a copy or a playhouse."

"Big brother is too right, this kind of **** can't get used to it. This time we are coming back to our father, we will call the guild elite, and we will definitely tell him to come and go." Hitomi patted the table and said.

Hitomi is not very old, but she is very intelligent. The core of Xinghuo regards her as a little princess, and she also regards them as family members. Now the Cuttlefish dares to insult Enchantress and Xinghuo, making her very angry.

"I investigated the information of the Cuttlefish Association in detail. The Cuttlefish Association has just been established, and the investor behind it is the pioneering company of the Cuttlefish brother’s girlfriend's family. The guild is wealthy and invested a lot of money, and the Cuttlefish wooed it with its money offensive. A large number of high-level masters are in the limelight for a while, and they are domineering and ambitious. Don't underestimate the enemy." Qin Fengyi reminded...

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