MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1627: Coronation Temple

The Coronation Temple is a very important place for the High Elves, historically.

The high elves once stationed in Tirisfal Forest in the undead city, preparing to thrive there.

But the powerful mage in the clan detected that there was a very unusual weird place under that place, which was suspected to be the sealed land of the ancient gods.

The high elves continued to move north, and the ghost land was the southern part of Silvermoon Forest.

The high elves first stationed in the Coronation Temple, and established the Silver Moon Council here, and changed the surname of the strongest leader at that time to the sunstrider, and crowned as king in this place.

Although it became a battlefield because it was too close to the trolls, the capital continued to move north, but because it was the place where the first generation of the Sun King was crowned, and it was a very important level, an important magic node was established. Here The surge of magic is a favorite place for magical creatures.

Later, when the natural disasters invaded, the place had resisted the Scourge for several months, preventing the Scourge from entering.

The queen was the leader of the war when she was still the highest military commander of the High Elves. That battle was too tragic, the Windrunner family's heritage was exhausted, and almost all the masters died in the Coronation Temple.

Later, the natural disasters retreated, and the high elves were waiting to be happy. They were unable to conquer this place. It became an important alchemy place for the undead. There are a large number of gargoyles and abominations, as well as various alchemy machinery, all relying on the sun well. The energy provided by the magic node.

Moreover, the Withering Sun Army attacked the important checkpoints on Desom Road and captured the Temple of the Corona, so there is no need to worry about the future.

You know, the situation in Ghost Land is very complicated now, and the light camp has also stepped in, and the troll doesn't know if there is any action.

Windrunner's Tower is again occupied by the undead from the alien plane, and with Desom, the situation is very serious.

Neither side is weaker than the Withering Sun Legion, especially the undead of Desom and the Alien Plane, who are more powerful.

Fortunately, the latest intelligence shows that the undead of Desom and the undead of the Windrunner Tower do not know why they have fought several battles recently.

The two sides did not unite as Li Yao feared, which is the only good news.

Therefore, this corona grand ceremony must be won, not only because of the military, but also because of the strategy.

The magic node is also a very important source of energy for the Withering Sun Legion, and it is only the beginning after the Withering Sun Legion has captured the Ghost Land.

This will become the fief of the Withering Sun Legion, and they want to make it a second-generation Windrunner family and a barrier to the kingdom.

You can hear the fierce fighting on the battlefield before you get close to the battlefield. Obviously, Hitomi brought the vanguard and the enemy into the fire.

Li Yao led the army to be stationed at a high **** far away from the battlefield, which could overlook the battlefield in the distance.

Looking at the temple, you can vaguely see the dilapidated buildings. I can imagine the splendor here, and I can even think of the fierce battle.

Hitomi led a part of the Starfire Guild to fight with an army of undead, and the army of players from the dark camp was also summoned.

But what is amazing is that not only the army of the undead, but also a group of masked players who are obviously using transforming items and their army to fight against the vanguard.

And there are too many gargoyles here, and the gargoyles in the air caused a lot of damage to the ground troops.

The vanguard and the player army are in trouble.

"It's actually a recruit. Some recruits have taken refuge in the Scourge." The adjutant snorted coldly, "I don't know it is the **** of that race. The Scourge is the enemy of all races."

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "They used transforming props and a hidden cloak. They basically couldn't distinguish the original race. If my guess is correct, it should be an enemy in my territory, and I don't want to see me become the commander of the army. Then I joined the Legion of Undead."

"That's even more damn, no matter which race, it's punishable." Chenfeng waved his hand, and several wizards gave instructions.

A reduced version of the battlefield appeared on a sand table, and the sand table construction army shrank countless times, but it allowed people to clearly see the details and changes in form.

"Legion commander, I am pleased to fight on behalf of the lawbreaker legion." The deputy chief of the lawbreaker legion said loudly.

Li Yao took a look at the form and pointed his cane to the northern front: "The northern front is the opposing banshee legion. You bring the spellbreaker legion to contain them. In addition, I dispatched fifty thousand steel cockroaches and fifty thousand mages to obey you. Command."

"Observe." The deputy commander of the law-breaking army dispatched the army with Ling Jian, and some players who wanted to fight with the banshee also followed the army to leave.

"General Xingkong, I will give you fifty thousand flying dragons. You can stabilize the battle line in the sky and prevent the opponent's gargoyle from slaughtering our 6th army. In addition, my two pets, Firehawk and Xiaoman, will cooperate with you in the fight." Li Yao Throwed a Lingjian again.

"Carter Star is the deputy commander of the Air Force, but his direct army has not come and is still under construction. I thought it was here for soy sauce, but now I have the opportunity to go to the battlefield, and he is very excited to lead the Flying Dragon Legion. Li Yao two pets.

He participated in the fight for killing. At that time, he was still quite chaotic, and he had personally seen the fire eagle and the harmless Xiaoman.

A large number of flying dragons left. At the same time, according to Li Yao's order, the staff assigned a mission, and players with air forces also summoned their own air forces to join the battle.

The two armies were discharged and joined the Withering Sun Legion immediately stabilized the front and began to counterattack.

The Legion of Spellbreakers naturally restrains the caster profession, and the army of banshees that directly suppresses has no use.

In the sky, the Flying Dragon Legion is extremely fierce.

Flying Dragon itself is a Warcraft, and now it has been strengthened, and the collar level is several times stronger than the original.

With the addition of metal smelting, the relatively weak defense is also improved, and the smelting of weapons has turned the fangs and claws of the flying dragon into metal blades.

Although the gargoyle is a product of alchemy, it is a stone after all. Even if the rune is applied, the firmness is much worse.

Facing the sharp metal flying dragon, there is no way to resist, the deputy commander is a camp-level leader.

With the help of the three little guys, Xiaoman, Firehawk, and Xingyao, there is no one can stop in the air. The opponent's ghoul hero loses steadily under the siege of the three little guys, and failure is sooner or later.

"Sure enough, it is the **** of the Cuttlefish Guild. He is provoking." Qin Fengyi went to Li Yao and showed Li Yao an email addressed to Sister Li.

The mail is from the vice-chairman of Cuttlefish, a picture, a temple under the sun, raging.

A huge black octopus flared its teeth and claws, facing the faint flame in the sky.

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "He never understood the gap between us,"

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