MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1628: Chief of the Legion

Li Yao shook his head disdainfully, the cuttlefish was too self-conscious, and couldn't recognize the gap between him and himself.

Even if he doesn't have the position of Xinghuo and this general, there are many ways to destroy his guild by himself.

What's more, I am not alone now, my own guild master is like a cloud, and he is simply a virtual cuttlefish guild.

And now that he controls the Withered Sun Legion, the weight contained therein, I am afraid that except for himself, even the people of Xinghuo have not fully understood, it is not just a general gap.

What is the military rank, as long as you have been participating in the camp war, you can reach it sooner or later.

But if you want to become a legion commander like the Withering Sun Legion, I am afraid that there will be no such opportunity again, and this legion has a special status among the high elves. In terms of actual rights, Li Yao has become the top and powerful figure of the high elves. , And still the top five in real power.

"Then how are we going to deal with it? It's not good to keep adding trouble to us." Qin Fengyi was still very worried.

"You look up to them, you don't care about anything, now Xinghuo is seizing this opportunity to develop with the cooperation of the Withered Sun Corps. As for the Cuttlefish Guild, do we need to do it." Li Yao disdain.

Chenfeng adjutant also said with a smile: "Miss Qin Fengyi, don't worry, no matter what the organization of this cuttlefish is, it is always a recruit. Even if the Bright camp hates us again, it will not cooperate with the Scourge. Their own behavior is not a concern. They are recruits, and there are so many recruits on our side."

Qin Fengyi frowned, and gradually understood what Chenfeng meant.

Chenfeng salutes slightly: "Since you dare to be an enemy of the Legion Commander, you are to be your enemy of the Withered Sun Legion. My lord, please allow the increase of the rewards for the military merits of the other recruits, so that they will come back and forth one by one."

Li Yao nodded: "It's just a small trouble. Don't waste too much resources. To treat them as a threat is to look up to them."

"Understood." Chenfeng leaned slightly, and then went to the staff office, which is the character release office.

"You understand now, this kind of scum, we don't need to act at all, cuttlefish."

Li Yao shook his head amusedly. He wanted to play with himself, and he didn't see if he was qualified.

Qin Fengyi nodded, returned to his own guild, and told the story. The core members of the guild were excited, and it was only with such a leader.

"Cool, the idiot cuttlefish, dare to have trouble with the boss, this time I don't know how to die." Muzi said excitedly.

"Hehe, the president is still domineering."

"Poor boy, the vice chairman has taken his heart out now."

"Well, we have the best conditions, can take the best task, the number one task, and see if we can register for the number one group."

Hitomi Hitomi and Yao Ji brought the vanguard army and some members to fight, while Sister Li followed the main force with some, and neither side was delayed.

The people in the Withered Sun Legion knew their relationship with Li Yao. Although they were not a legion, they all had good missions with the legion commander, and those with high rewards were given them.

And Xinghuo did pay a lot. With so many melee elite wild boars as the front row of their meat shields, they naturally reciprocated.

In addition, Xinghuo will not let them down. Good missions have given them beautifully completed. No one can say anything, even players who want to stab them.

The adjutant came to the staff with the command of the commander of the legion, and the staff immediately raised the reward of the opposing player, and the more miserable the opponent, the more credit.

This was pretty good. Everyone thought they were all players, especially when the opponent obviously wanted to trouble Li Yao, even if they didn't fight hard, they had to forgive others.

It's okay now, so much credit is really attractive.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to shoot, such a high reward, don't let it go." said a war mode master who is unwilling to shoot.

"No way, who has given them so much reward, can't help it, **** the other side."

"People do for money and birds die for food. I don't even know them anyway, and they cooperate with monsters. What's more polite."

"We destroy them on behalf of justice."

Some people who are unwilling to take over the task against the opponent player can't help it.

The player who changed the name and race was originally quite proud, and tepidly dragged the opponent's large number of troops, guarding a section of the city wall, preventing the vanguard from entering.

But the next wave of player army battles is different from the previous ones. The army is super elite, and this time it is really a killer.

At first, as long as they were defeated, the players of the Withered Sun Legion allowed them to retreat and rectify. The two sides had agreed to do a show, and the loss was not big or they earned military merit.

But this time, the players on the side of the Withered Sun Legion were as crazy as they were just now. As long as their army is disintegrated, the opponent will be like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, endlessly dying.

Under the new round of confrontation, the opposing player suffered a big defeat and was attacked inside the Temple of the Sun in less than half an hour.

Even if the cuttlefish has money, how many people can it attract ~ and the Withered Sun Army, which can launch activities in the name of the camp, are not at the same level.


A huge stitching monster came out with the collapse of the bone wall built by the undead, and slaughtered wantonly in the player's army.

Although hatred is a type of suture monster, hatred is a more mature alchemy product.

Stitching monsters are monsters produced by the mutation of corpse stitching, and they have uncontrollable characteristics.

If hatred is crazy but still controllable, and this stitching monster is completely uncontrollable, it is impossible to form a legion, and killing the undead is a success without turning around.

Most of these mutations are turned into waste, but a few mutations can produce terrifying changes and become real killing machines.

The head of this stitching monster is a dragon head of a neutral continent, and the body is also stitched up by the bodies of monsters.

The body is bulky, the fighting is violent, and it is also unstoppable. The average master player has no way at all. The melee strength is not comparable, and the long-range spells are not very effective. The killer cries and calls for the support of the Withered Sun.

"The mutated leader of the elementary race level will be promoted for a stage, and the intermediate race level reward will be issued." Li Yao ordered.

This kind of monster is not enough for Li Yao to shoot himself. As the highest leader, he can't do anything casually. Otherwise, he can solve all the difficulties. What he needs to do is to command the army and fight with the strongest person. That's enough, even if the strongest person on the other side is not strong enough, he doesn't have to take action with Ben and lose shares.

In the recent World War I, he had initially gained military enthusiasm, and killing such a small character would be useless.

He raises the reward. Naturally, there are masters who fight for the reward. They can kill the boss to get good things and get credit. There are more people who want military service...

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