MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1630: Ace Army

Of course, Li Yao knew that the undead alchemists transported precious materials and some core items, and the value must be very precious.

However, Li Yao knew more about the fighting power of fifty thousand death knights, and he would naturally be able to keep them by mobilizing the main force, but the sacrifices made were beyond Li Yao's acceptance.

And let's not say that Li Yao can't use these things, even if they are really good things, they are at most shipped to Desom.

This time Li Yao's goal is to take Desom and take the place. The thing is still Li Yao's, but it is the difference between early and late.

Moreover, the parasites are slow to take effect, so they can only slowly find opportunities to parasitize and corrupt one by one. Even if Li Yao is parasitic, the death knight will follow the large team.

They still showed the way and took the parasites into Desom's death enchantment to complete Li Yao's larger vision and plan.

But in order not to arouse the suspicion and alertness of the undead, it is still necessary to do something, at least the battle must be fierce.

The release of s-level rewards immediately made the players waiting for the characters crazy.

"This time the s-level is offering a reward, the enemy you will face is to intercept the death knight who is about to break through the line of defense and escape. The rules are simple. You stop this retreating army of undead troops mainly composed of 50,000 death knights, even if the mission is completed, and this The second is a collective task. Anyone can claim the task. As long as you really go out and complete the task by yourself, all of you will complete it together. Besides the important information, all the treasures intercepted belong to you."

The players immediately exploded, the undead ran away, and naturally they took good things. If they can get rich, there is no doubt that they can sell them even if they don’t need them. As long as they are good things, There is no shortage of outlets at all, and each one is extremely excited. But thinking that the lowest is the leader-level death knight army, the players also hesitate.

This time, Chenfeng personally came to release the S-level reward. Seeing the excited players, Chenfeng continued: "However, this mission is very, very dangerous. It is better not to participate in the weaker ones, so as not to go up and be slaughtered. So, the military merit is good, but you have to take it. Originally, the commander of the legion did not want to pay the price to intercept them. It was a reward issued by me only after pleading, and it doesn’t matter if no one takes it."

Players have not seen the strength of the trump card legion, but they are not stupid, and naturally know that they are all powerful legions composed of chiefs.

If Chen Guangxi talks about the advantages and not the difficulties, then it is estimated that most people will restrain themselves rationally and will not participate in tasks.

But Morrowind said the matter was extremely dangerous. The main legions were not willing to sacrifice to intercept them. It was difficult enough, so it doesn't matter if you each go.

This instead makes many people fight for rewards.

"This is obviously a trap, but I can't help it. S-level rewards are offered. Once completed, the prestige will be directly respected. At least you can take special mounts and things." Some adventurous players gritted their teeth.

"I'm done, I want to reward it without taking risks. How can there be such a good thing. The big deal is back before liberation, I did it, and I took the task."

"I also took it. Anyway, we limit the team and we have more people accept it. When we work together, we won't believe that even such a small number of people can't stop it."

"That is, there are so many people and powerful, so I took it."

For a time, the people who received the s-level rewards quickly accumulated, without limiting the number, and everyone completed it together, which gave them confidence.

"My lord, the answer is like a cloud." Chenfeng said.

Li Yao nodded: "This is the best way. It shouldn't leave any flaws."

"Will it be too wasteful? Although the combat effectiveness of the recruits' army is average, it is still good cannon fodder. Isn't it a waste to use here? It's better to save it for the final total attack." Chenfeng hesitated for a while and said to himself. Thoughts.

"You think too much, don't underestimate the recruits, they can hide deep, cannon fodder is indispensable, as long as the benefits can satisfy their appetite." Li Yaosi was not worried.

"Then I will wait and see." Chenfeng looked to the southwest.

The rectified retreating undead army has broken through the defense line of the player army in the southwest.

They were originally on the offensive side and had already broken the city, but suddenly they smashed out such a terrifying army. They lost their helmets and armor, and they couldn't even stop them for a while.

The death knight legion is too terrifying, no legion can resist the pace of their charge.

Moreover, more than one hundred thousand gargoyles flew up in the sky again, and the Southwest Front was collapsed by the double blow from the sky and the underground.

However, because he had to carry a lot of carts, his eyes dragged down the marching speed of the death knights, otherwise the death knights would have run far, and would not be stopped by the players who received the s-level reward.

The troops retreating from the undead were intercepted by the player legion who had been summoned out of the army shortly after they ran out.

Their goal is too clear, that is, they want to step on the Scar of Death, enter the Scar of Death, and there will be undead to cut them off, and it is almost impossible to intercept them again.

The charge of the Death Knight Legion did not scream or scream, only the sound of galloping horses.

The march of fifty thousand death knights is like flying thunder, and this is still a drag, if it is a pure death knight army, the speed will be much faster.

But even this has become a nightmare for the player army.

In the face of the death knight army, the player army shook the sky, and the world changed its color.

But the death knight is like an invincible arrow, piercing through legions called by players one after another.

Not to mention fighting, it's that you don't even have the qualifications to stop a moment.

Looking from the sky above, we can see that the speed of the death knight has not weakened at The army formations have been penetrated one by one, killing players with fear and no desire to win.

This time, the players truly experienced the gap between the so-called elite legion and the trump card legion.

The Ace Legion met them as if they were cutting grass, and they had no chance of victory.

For more than half an hour, the death knight army did not know how many army formations it had penetrated, and finally embarked on the path of the dead with its core treasures, and then drove away under the cover of ordinary undead.

"Order the Vanguard Corps to leave the battle and continue to set off." Li Yao issued an order: "Order the main force to occupy the Coronation Temple, clean up the remaining undead, block important places, do not rob finances indiscriminately, and kill offenders."

Li Yao’s voice this time spread throughout the legion under the blessing of magic. The ban on looting things was clearly for the players, and it is actually normal. Players are only auxiliary. Unless they occupy the place themselves, they will only have the main force. The army is qualified to distribute the spoils.

The main force joined, and the remaining undead were quickly wiped out, and many players who wanted to take advantage of the fire and steal something were killed. The Coronation Temple became the base of the Withered Sun Legion...

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