MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1631: reward

The Coronation Temple was quickly under control, and the Withering Sun Army quickly stationed, doing the final investigation and cleaning up the undead.

Li Yao glanced at the players who hadn't recovered from the attack, and shook his head slightly: "S-level rewards are offered. Although they haven't completed it, they are courageous. They can improve their reputation directly to friendliness and sell them at a low price. Captured undead."

"My lord is really kind." Chenfeng wrote the order: "In fact, it's okay to let them know that we are not a display, and they understand the gap between their trump cards."

The number of High Elf troops is almost the least among all camps, but they are basically trump cards.

The players still don’t understand this concept. I believe that through this battle, they will have a clear understanding and let them know in a disguised form that they are not the main force. The Withered Sun Legion is their Dinghai Shenzhen. Without the Withered Sun Legion, I am afraid that the death knight It wasn't the Scar of the King that was impacting, but directly rushed into the main army formation, and defeated them.

Of course, Li Yao is not a conscience discovery, but a long-term flow, and the players who are afraid that this blow will be too timid to accept difficult tasks.

However, I was satisfied with the effect this time. The players worked very hard and set up many levels. Although the death knight was very enjoyable, it was bound to confuse the undead.

"Is your lord looking at the undead a little too much? The undead are too vulgar, only the desire to kill." Chenfeng followed Li Yao to the cleared hall quickly.

"Don't underestimate the undead. The undead at the bottom naturally don't have much wisdom, but the high-level undead must not be underestimated. You can see that the Scourge has been raging for so many years. And you must understand that this time our biggest opponent is Dalkhan, Dalkhan. Once one of the best people in the new generation, Ms. Liadrin and the Regent were highly regarded by the people at the beginning. To be fair, although he is a traitor, his cunning character is absolutely creepy." Li Yao sighed.

Darkan is the pain in the hearts of all high elves today, once the most promising representative of the new generation, and once the most dazzling new star at the end of the troll battlefield. Known as the most promising man to become a super magister.

In the end, he betrayed the kingdom and opened the super defensive magic enchantment of the High Elf Kingdom, allowing the undead to drive straight in and become the leader of the undead natural disasters, cutting through the kingdom's defenses all the way.

The Tower of Windrunner, the Temple of the Corona, the Silvermoon Forest, the Silvermoon Capital, and the Sunwell, the source of magic that eventually polluted the High Elf Kingdom, used the Sunwell to resurrect a powerful lich.

It also caused the sun well to be unusable, and the magic addiction broke out, causing the greatest tragedy of the high elves.

It can be said that the withered elves hate Dalkhan more than the normal high elves, so Li Yao's first goal in receiving the Withered Sun Legion is to clean up Dalkhan who is entrenched in Desom, and he absolutely won the support of the withered.

Li Yao just sat down on the main seat and someone ran in.

"My lord, probably the results have been preliminary statistics, and the detailed figures need time to be cleared." The logistics officer handed over a list.

Li Yao glanced lightly, and then said: "You speak out, let the deputy heads also listen."

The logistics officer hurriedly said: "The main gains this time are the treasury of the Corona Temple and the energy hall at the magic node. The most important thing in the treasury is about 50,000 sets of death knights standard ice armor and rune sword. The value of the corresponding magic materials is estimated to be more than 500,000 gold coins. Pure gold and silver are about 800,000 gold coins. The energy hall is mainly the ash energy gathered by the magic node energy, and the value is difficult to estimate."

"Yes, it is an important stronghold for the undead, after all, it is the alchemy base camp of the Scourge in the kingdom." Li Yao is not surprised by the harvest, but it seems to be very much, but in fact it is not too big, after all, even if these main gains are not enough One person, one person, one gold coin.

For the players, this is a huge sum of money, but for the Withering Sun Legion, it can only be said to be a pretty good harvest.

Of course, there are many other assets and invisible assets, but it takes a certain amount of time to transform into real money, and harvesting the place of Sleeping Temple is the biggest gain.

And the suit of fifty thousand death knights, this is an epic standard equipment, Li Yao would not sell it for any amount of money. There is no market at all. The military is equipped with well-equipped standard equipment, and the officers wear better, which is the limit of all races.

The overall epic equipment, only the death knights of the Scourge dared to play like this. With these 50,000 sets of equipment, Li Yao is equivalent to an extra 50,000 Ace Melee Legion, which is what the Withering Sun Legion lacks and needs most.

If you let the players know about this harvest, they will probably be crazy. For them, this money is huge and rich.

"Go on." Li Yao nodded.

"Yes, there are also three experimental sites. One is to experiment with various plagues and medicines, and harvest various medicines in a warehouse. The magisters have preliminary identification. As long as we use magic to mix them, we can apply them by ourselves. Increase the overall combat effectiveness by about 15%. The approximate quantity should be 30 million bottles. After deployment, it should be able to increase 20 million bottles." A small thumb-sized bottle appeared in the logistics officer's hand, and the energy of the sun well flashed in the bottle. , It just adds death energy.

It's definitely not available to other high elves, but it doesn't matter to them withered.

This gain can't be measured by gold coins. Again, the Withering Sun Legion is not short of money, but the finished product, but the Withering Sun Legion is waiting to be thriving, and it can't take care of many aspects.

Why is the High Elf army elite? What does it rely on is its wealth.

During the war, luxurious equipment, elite strength, and various potions are naturally difficult to deal with, but the Withering Sun Legion can only work hard and can not be equipped with so many good potions at a time. It is already a short time to provide mana and life potions. To the limit, this batch of medicines that increase the overall combat effectiveness can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need.

"The second alchemy field is the abomination production and mutation laboratory of semi-finished products, I am afraid we can't use it. The third is the gargoyle alchemy field, which contains a large number of unfinished semi-finished gargoyles."

Li Yao nodded: "If you hate the factory, block it first. I have sent my dark ranger to the Undercity. They will send someone to take over this large abomination factory. They should be able to exchange some of the supplies we need. As for the gargoyle factory, there is There is no such possibility. The production process of gargoyles is deduced through these semi-finished products."

Chenfeng smiled and said: "Please rest assured, as long as there are enough semi-finished products, our master alchemist will perform the entire production process in a short time, and even make corresponding improvements."

"Well, I only have one requirement. If possible, try to transform the gargoyle to be able to be ridden. Our air force is too small, and the Corrupted Butterfly is too weak. Transportation is possible, and combat is lacking." ...

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