MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1632: Enchantment

Li Yao still values ​​the two factories most. Starting today, the Withering Sun Corps has its own alchemy laboratory, which can produce corresponding potions stably.

Moreover, using the means of high elves, the technology of the gargoyle and the technology of the magic puppets are combined to form a new flying puppet. It should not be too difficult to do. Taking the Temple of the Sun is considered as completely letting the Withered Sun Legion take down. The foundation.

At this time, the Magister walked into the hall with joy: "My lord, I have just personally tested the magic node, and it turned out that the link to the sun well is normal. Although the energy of the sun well is corroded and cannot be absorbed by us, it depends on the sun temple. The core node can activate the defense circle here."

Li Yao nodded: "So, the Sun Temple is actually the magic center of the entire ghost land?"

The magister said affirmatively: "It is true. According to the information left and I personally explored it, this is indeed the center of radiating the entire ghost land. I didn't expect it. I always thought the Windrunner's Tower was the center here."

Everyone felt the same. We must know that although the Sun Temple has a high status and the Sun King needs to be crowned here, there are not many troops stationed here, and the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning.

The Windrunner’s Tower is different. It is the core of the Windrunner family’s control of the Ghost Land. The land is a bridgehead against the Amani trolls.

Although the trolls were suppressed, there were continuous small frictions and wars, and sometimes they even launched surprise attacks to capture the ghost land.

And the Tower of Windrunner is close to the coast, even in the most difficult circumstances, there are supplies from the sea, which makes the Tower of Windrunner stand tall and restrain the trolls of the Amani Empire so that they can only guard themselves. Of the capital.

Naturally, everyone thought that the magic connection point with the sun well was the center of the link.

This is also the reason why Li Yao wanted to attack the Windrunner Tower first when he heard that the Tower of Windrunner was occupied by an undead from a different plane.

"Great. If this is the case, the magic enchantment can be reactivated at any location within the radiation area. As long as a small amount of troops can be sent to defend the stronghold, our spell attacks in the enchantment will also be greatly increased." Chenfeng was full of face. Joyful.

"So how long will it take to activate the barrier here?" Li Yao asked.

The magister said: "At any time, it's just that the **** undead destroyed some small nodes when transforming here, and it takes some time to repair, and the enchantment can be activated here at most one day."

"Well, give my order. The people who stay in the port will set off immediately, repair the barriers of the small strongholds along the way, train them into one, and station in the Sun Temple as soon as possible." Li Yao ordered.


Everyone took their orders and moved to this side. Everyone's logistics supply would be very easy, and with the protection of the magic enchantment, there was basically no need to worry about the problem of being unable to hold it.

It can be said that withered Sun Legion you are already invincible, at least in terms of defense.

As long as the Tower of Windrunner and Desom are taken, this place will truly become a place controlled by the Withering Sun Legion.

The army rested here for a whole week, waiting for the arrival of the rest of the Withering Sun Legion.

The road has been almost cleared, that is, there are small groups of undead, and the remaining troops, although they have not recovered their strength, are enough to deal with these remnants.

It can completely protect those civilians and life professionals in Dry Sun from moving, and the magic nodes are solved one by one along the way, it is extremely safe, even if they encounter a strong enemy civilians in the middle, they can escape in the magic enchantment.

Within a week, although the army as a whole did not move, several armies were also separated, spreading out with the temple as the center, constantly looking for previous towns, villages or functional buildings, and constantly repairing the connection nodes.

Players are also very happy with this kind of mission, attacking those undead strongholds in the villages that are not very strong, the player's own army can do it, and can obtain a lot of military merits and gains. If you find something similar to a treasure, you can also get a commission.

Therefore, in seven days, the players are quite happy.

Under the care of the Withered Sun Legion, Xinghuo won three more important medium-sized strongholds in seven days, namely Taquilin, Moon Temple and Sun Temple.

One of the three strongholds is an important transportation route, and the two are important functional buildings that bear the radiation of the magic node of the Corona Temple, and the harvest is quite rich.

Although other players looked greedy, they did nothing. Only the teams with the highest prestige also got good stronghold missions.

In seven days, with the Coronation Temple as the center, more than two-thirds of the map of the ghost land has been controlled by the magic enchantment and has become the territory of the Withered Sun Legion.

On the sixth day, the entire army and civilians of the Withered Sun Legion had been relocated to the Coronation Temple, and the remaining troops were dispatched to each stronghold to firmly control it.

On the seventh day, after dealing with everything, the army finally started again.

With a large amount of supplies in the Coronation Temple, and there is no need to worry about the safety of the supplies, the army is confident.

The pioneer army led by Hitomi was not idle, and had already approached the Windrunner Village.

The civilians who used to live in the Windrunner family and territory are now raging by the undead, and they are also the next target of the imminent eradication.

But the army marched in another direction first, where the light camp werewolf legion was located.

After half a day, the werewolf camp was already in sight.

The middle door of the camp on the opposite side opened wide, and a werewolf riding a war horse who had not transformed into a wolf form quickly galloped over and stopped near the army.

"My Gilneas general, Katam, I want your army commander."

The steel cockroaches separated, and Li Yao on the Hell Scorpion also appeared at the forefront of the Katam, we met again. "Li Yao said lightly.

"Are you the new commander of the Withering Sun Legion?" Katam was surprised.

"Why, I am not qualified?" Li Yao asked back.

Katam shook his head: "The commander of the legion not long ago fought with a few leaders to become a supernatural demon commander, and finally repelled the invincible molten mountain dragon. With such courage and such means, if you are not qualified, who is enough."

"Thank you, the general is not bad. You dare to come to my army alone. Are you afraid of death?" Li Yao asked with a smile.

"I'm afraid, I'm naturally afraid of death. But I have a military order, even if I die." Katam said.

"Military order, what military order, does the Werewolf Kingdom want to invade the territory of my High Elf Kingdom?" Li Yao asked.

"The general has misunderstood. Who doesn't know the internal situation of our kingdom, we are still in chaos, and how dare we invade other countries' territories. In order to show our sincerity, this came to explain alone."...

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