MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1633: Silver Pine Dispute

Today’s territorial dispute is due to the dispute between the queen’s undead and the werewolf kingdom.

The Undercity, which is the back of the Undead City, is the rich silver pine forest.

This was once the core area of ​​the Seven Kingdoms of Mankind, and the entire Silver Pine Forest was divided into three parts.

Lordaeron, the former kingdom of Undercity, shared one-third, and Dalaran, the city of wizards, also occupied one-third. The werewolf kingdom, which was still a human kingdom at the time, also occupied one third.

When the natural disasters broke out, Lordaeron fell. In order to deal with the undead, Dalaran moved his kingdom to the northern continent, the base camp of the Scourge Corps, to fight against the natural disasters.

Only the Kyrgyzstan at that time feared the strength of the undead and believed that the undead was invincible at all.

A high wall was built on the edge of the silver pine forest to surround the entire kingdom, isolating itself from the world, regardless of the life or death of other alliance kingdoms.

Even if there were human refugees fleeing here, they would never let them in. Later, the queen broke away from the control of the Scourge and occupied the Undercity, and the Silver Pine Forest naturally became the territory of the undead.

And this closed human kingdom did not fall well, because of the Blue Moon artifact, the Moon God Scythe, this kingdom also broke out with a plague, the werewolf plague.

The human beings in the kingdom began to change into bloodthirsty werewolves. The kingdom was dispatched to annihilate. The result was a sad discovery, and even the king changed.

Later, it was discovered that some werewolves can still maintain human reason and wisdom. So these werewolves unite with the same abnormal royal family and fight against the irrational werewolves.

But there are too many irrational werewolves, and eventually even the king's capital falls.

If it hadn't been for the moon **** to inform the high priest, and eventually the high priest took the ancient elves to take action, the sane werewolves would also not be destroyed.

Because of their betrayal, the leaders of the human kingdom actually did not want to accept them.

The werewolves stayed in the territory of the ancient elves for a long time. After several battles with the werewolf army, they were killed bravely before they were gradually accepted by other races in the light camp.

Recently, it was the werewolf who had conquered his kingdom and was able to awaken the bloodthirsty werewolf's nature, so that the werewolf kingdom finally eased.

Now the country is stable, but the silver pine forest outside the wall is still in the hands of the undead.

The forces of the undead have all arrived at the door, how could the werewolf kingdom tolerate it, so they started a long game with the undead.

In fact, the forces of the two factions criss-cross the two continents, and there are many territories in the border competition.

For example, the battle for Warsong Canyon is a battlefield between ancient elves and orcs.

And here is the battlefield between the undead and the werewolf. This kind of contention and game is a contention between two races, as long as it does not develop into a war that tends to destroy the country.

The camp will not send coalition forces to help. After all, the main tone now is peace, to jointly deal with the forces that want to destroy the world and confront and limit the chaotic camp.

This is a general policy. Under this policy, as long as the contention between the two races is within the control range, no other race will be concerned.

The werewolf general was very calm: "Our kingdom has had some small disputes with the Undercity, and we are now arguing. At this time, we also heard the news that the Withering Sun Legion sent troops, so..."

Li Yao smiled slightly: "It turns out that we are afraid that our army will help the undead and lead to a battle of factions. Therefore, your army only detours at sea to monitor us. It is really difficult for you."

The werewolf general smiled bitterly: "No way, although your kingdom did not accept the queen who became the undead, everyone knows the queen's influence in the nobility, and you are the queen's inheritor, we have to guard against it."

Li Yao waved his hand: "Your prince is really unreasonable. Let's not talk about such a long distance. There is no need to walk this way even if we support us. Moreover, our country is also struggling, and there is no flaw in managing other countries' affairs. Your werewolf kingdom is simply irresponsible against the queen. At least your current strength can't really fight against the undead, and I don't need to support the undead."

"You should be careful in everything, right?" The werewolf general didn't care about Li Yao's words. The werewolf is indeed not a strong nation now, so he should be more careful.

"Now the general trend is that the battle between our camps can only be cheaper than the chaotic camps, and so is your kingdom. There are several sub-planes around the continents that do not fight, and must compete with the undead for territory. Forget it, these things are not my turn. No matter, but your army is assembled here, which makes me very uneasy." Li Yao said and continued: "I will arrange an army to monitor you. If you do something bad for me, then your class will stay here forever. All right."

The werewolf general nodded: "Don't worry, we werewolves will do what we say. And in order to show our sincerity, we will be stationed here to block the threat from the trolls for you, so that your army will conquer the country as soon as possible. And thousands of years have passed, we are about to see. Troll fighting power."

Li Yao nodded: "It's so good, I hope we don't see each other, the army turns around and we go."

The werewolf general saw the army leave, and he was a little relieved. If a word was unpleasant, he and the werewolf army would probably be here today. Fortunately, this kind of thing did not happen.

"My lord, do you really believe what he said? This kingdom even betrays its own race, let alone us." Chenfeng said worriedly.

Li Yao shook his head: "Because they have betrayed before, this situation will never happen again. They can't afford the price. As for colluding with the trolls, it is even more impossible. At the beginning, we and the seven human kingdoms united against the giants. Demons and trolls are enemies for millennia. Trolls’ hatred of humans will not be weaker than They can indeed deter Amani’s trolls here. The most important thing for us now is to subdue the ghosts. Earth, troll? It will be solved sooner or later, but not now."

"My lord is saying that things have to come step by step. It's just the general ranger."

"That said, the teacher is not weak enough to need me as a student to take the scene for him. Things over there will not be fruitful in a few years, so we don't need to participate."

As Li Yao said, Silver Pine Forest is actually a game between players of two camps.

Around the silver pine forest, a new battlefield has been opened up, and the competition for guild strongholds is also in full swing, and the NPC army is basically waiting and watching, allowing players to fight and fight.

Of course, players also like this kind of activity, only this kind of confrontation activity rewards, and now the Silver Pine Forest has become a harvesting ground for the masters.

"Go to the Windrunner Tower first." Li Yao asked, "What happened to the Vanguard Army?"

Chenfeng said: "Just now, the vanguard has taken the Windrunner Village, and our wizards are already setting up."...

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