MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1634: Land of bones

Li Yao talked about the overall matter on the guild core channel, and the core players of Spark also understood the origin of the matter.

"Mamma Mia, I scared the baby to death. It is true that the cuttlefish has the ability to reach the sky, and even the werewolf army can pull it over." Variety Baby said mockingly.

"Also provoke us. I really thought that I was a dish. Now it seems to be just a bravado."

"This idiot, it seems that he was able to come here with the werewolf legion. It doesn't forcefully influence and influence the werewolf legion. No wonder the people who come to the Coronation Temple have to change their identities.

"Now that everything makes sense, they are just making their own way. They can only test their status and join the natural disaster undead to threaten us."

"Threat ass. How many players can they come and how much they can transform into. The result is that our boss is so powerful that we don’t need us to act at all, and we directly release military missions. These fools are directly killed by other toys, and they are simply threatening. It's less than us."

"Fighting our boss, this cuttlefish is really not far or near."

Li Yao didn't talk about the members, and after explaining the situation, he continued to deal with the various matters of the Withering Sun Army.

His legion commander is not so good, nor is it just as simple as leading a legion. The Withering Sun Corps has a large number of civilians, and is actually the chief executive of one side.

And it also needs long-term consideration. The arrangement and distribution of each stronghold are complicated, and many things must be made up by him.

But this is also temporary, as long as it truly stabilizes, it is natural to let others manage it. But now that the Withering Sun Legion has just been formed, he must highlight his sense of existence as the legion commander. It is okay to be low-key and delegate power, but it also takes time.

When the main force arrived, it was already a day later, and there was a different kind of emotion in everyone's heart at the Windrunner Tower in the distance.

This was once the seat of the kingdom's highest military commander, and all the high elves who wanted to defend the kingdom finally yearned for it.

Today, the Windrunner Tower still stands tall, with a little light shining from the heights, but the undead who occupy it at this moment are already the undead, and they are still the undead of the second plane.

Windrunner's Tower is a fortress, relying on the mountains, the entire fortress is cliffs on three sides, only the front is a wide mountain road. On the back is the endless sea.

The Windrunner's Tower is a symbol, but also an important magic lighthouse.

The Dry Sun Legion must take this place so that overseas supplies and trade can be transported to the Dry Sun Legion through the port here.

If it is still in the original port, it is too far away. It is of great strategic significance.

Occupying the Coronation Temple, the base camp of the Withered Sun Legion is considered stable, and occupying the Tower of the Windrunner will completely revitalize the foreign trade routes.

Therefore, this battle must not be lost and must be fought. Desom is the real tough battle.

Obviously the vanguard has already fought a battle with the undead here, and there are still many corpses on the mountain road.

Many mages have already vacated and used spells to rub the image of the Tower of Windrunner and reflect it in the sand table.

Through the sand table, you can clearly see the layout of the Tower of Windrunner.

"Very powerful, this wave of undead from the sub-dimension plane seems to be comparable in strength to the abyss of death plane." Li Yao sighed.

"The main combat force is actually heavily armed skeleton warriors, and the number is at least one million. Good at assassinating ghosts that cause fatal blows and mental attacks, half a million. Three hundred thousand banshees, it's a big deal." Chenfeng was also exclaimed: "If we attack, I am afraid we will lose out with them. Fortunately, we are well prepared."

"And this ghost ship can't be underestimated. The magic crystal cannon on it should not be a decoration, it should be a super warship that can shuttle planes. Unexpectedly, the undead came to the forefront."

Li Yao sighed that it makes sense. Whether it is the undead of the Scourge, or the undead of the secondary plane or the abyss, their technology tree points are higher than the main plane.

Among them, the most useful and most frightening is the aerial fortress.

The undead of the abyss and the undead of the subplanes represent the ghost ship. This kind of ship can fly into the sky, can be on the water, can be underwater, and is equipped with powerful weapons, coming and going like the wind, which is most daunting.

Then there is the sky city of the Scourge, this kind of sky city is more terrifying than the ghost ship, it is very strong and almost the sky overlord, and it can move freely.

The Scourge Corps cross-domain operations have contributed to the city in the air. Especially when the natural disasters began, there were not many dead, and most of them were garbage cannon fodder.

But unlike the city in the sky, it rages for thousands of miles, and rushes to target powerful targets, and the plague spreads naturally after it is taken.

In contrast, other races are much worse, and the Air Force basically relies on air mounts.

Goblin airships and dwarf spaceships actually rely on balloons. To put it bluntly, they use hot air balloons to bring warships to the sky. They move slowly and are very fragile.

Not to mention being more than a city in the sky, but the ghost ship does nothing, and can destroy the air force of the two camps directly.

Dalaran, the city of wizards, flew into the sky, but it was basically a fixed-point teleportation and could not move at will.

"Beware, the ghost ship is flying over." Suddenly there was a loud roar.

Everyone looked up. It turned out that in the blink of an eye, the ghost ship floated into the air in front of the main force.

"It's a mortal without knowledge. If you want to attack you, do you really mean that your vanguard can compete with the great Lich?"

At this time, a lich appeared on the side of the ship. On both sides of the lich, there was a vampire beauty with wings spreading out and flying on both sides of the The male lich was speaking.

"It turns out to be a lich over a thousand years old. He is no more than an undead creature, so he dare to claim to be sacred." Li Yao said mockingly.

"My great master will be able to become a demigod in a hundred years. What do you mortals move?" the vampire on the left said disdainfully.

"Hehehe, you don't say it is a faction level now, you have not even reached the world level, and you pretend to be a demigod, it is really ridiculous. Let me just ask you why you infringed on the territory of my High Elf Kingdom." Asked with a drink.

"Oh, so you are the commander of the Withering Sun Legion?" The Lich looked at Li Yao right now.

"Yes, this time I am conquering the territories we have played. Now you have only two choices, either die or go." Li Yao was naturally confident with complete preparation.

"It seems that the High Elf Kingdom is really in decline, and you have a nasty kid in power. But it doesn't matter, you can count on your words. I come from the land of the bones, and now I think this place is good, just suitable for my cultivation. I will also give you two The road, either roll or become the undead under my men."...

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