MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1635: control

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment. He came from the Land of Bones. Then he thought of something and shook his head slightly and said: "I heard that the Land of Bones has just ended the battle for hegemony. The Zombie King defeated the Banshee King. Now there is no time to join the chaotic camp. And the inside is busy making a settlement with Banshee King's men. You are now showing up with a ghost ship, let me guess, you should be a general of Banshee King's men."

The Lich's complexion changed: "You know a lot, but I am the general of the Zombie King. Since we know that it is our Zombie King who wants to occupy this place, you still don’t get out. Our Zombie King turned around and sent an army to take your kingdom. destruction."

"You seem to be even more timid when you say this. As far as I know, although the Zombie King is an undead, but a very wise king, he can defeat the Banshee King not only by strength, but more importantly by superb means and wisdom. This way. The wise king will not start a war with other races easily. Your threat is unreasonable." Li Yao continued.

"What do you know as a little baby." The lich's eyes flickered coldly: "If you know it, get off."

"Slow down, slow down, I haven't finished yet. Let me continue to analyze and analyze. The Bone Land is a small plane with three or four map sizes. It is basically a dead zone. No creatures except the undead can survive. There is no great value of attack, or the cost of attack is greater than the value of attack. And the zombie king also sees this, so he did not join the chaotic camp, but wanted to consolidate the inside. He didn't want to join the dispute in the world. ."

"In the style of this zombie king, even if he really covets other territories, he should be interested in the dark alliance led by the dark guild, not the behemoth of the dark camp. Let alone other things, even light The strength of the Undercity or the High Elves cannot be matched by the Zombie King."

"You fart, hit or roll, roll or beep." A panic flashed in the Lich's eyes.

"Don't worry, the point is here. Then since it is certain that the Zombie King will definitely not send troops at this time, and you are still from the land of bones, then who are you. I think many people have guessed it, yes. , I’m sure. When the two kings were fighting, you used to be a general under the Banshee King, but you surrendered to the Zombie King in the battle, but you were very ambitious and did not help the Zombie King to fight after surrendering. The result is that the zombie king won, and you realize that you no longer have a foothold in the land of bones. So you run away with your elite like a bereaved dog."

"You fart, shut up." The Lich was really angry this time.

"Do you fart? You know. Now that you understand your situation, you should talk about it." Li Yao said.

The Lich looked cloudy and uncertain, and after a long time he said, "How do you want to talk."

"It's very simple. Belong to me. You should see that the current state of the ghost land is very suitable for the survival of the undead. The Windrunner Tower will definitely not be for you, but it is still possible in other places." Li Yao said.

"You just want to use me as cannon fodder, not to deal with the undead of Desom, or to deal with the trolls in the southeast." The Lich said mockingly.

Li Yao nodded: "The bereaved dog should have the consciousness of the bereaved dog. Two-faced is not good enough. Isn't the lesson taught last time enough? You should know that even if you defeat me, there are other high elves armies, you can't win. ."

"Well, I take refuge in the high elves, and I can also help you fight, but I need your supplies." said the Lich.

"If you prove your loyalty, supply is naturally not a problem, and our High Elf Kingdom is not short of money."

Don't think that the undead don't need supplies, just that the supplies needed are different from the ordinary life army.

Li Yao went on to say: "Speaking is no proof, hand over your soul box, and I will immediately let you into the ghost land."

The Lich's expression completely changed: "Don't go too far, I just take refuge in you and give you the soul box. Isn't my life and death between your thoughts?"

"It's the same sentence, your two sides and three swords make me unable to believe you. You only have to hand over the soul box." Li Yao said coldly.

"You don't give me a way to survive. In that case, I will kill you. It depends on how arrogant you are for a while. The big deal is to kill you. I drove the ghost ship and flew high. The world is so big. Even if the high elves are tyrannical, it may not be Find me." The chains on the Lich's eyes flashed and danced: "Today, let you little kid taste the power of the ghost ship, the death magic crystal cannon, blow me, and blow them into scum."

Following the order of the Lich, the huge magic crystal cannons on the ghost ship glowed with a little gray light, apparently gathering power.

Seeing Li Yao motionless, the soldiers of the Withered Sun Legion below were naturally motionless, but the players fry the pot.

"Fuck it, you will die if you don't pretend to be forced to do so. People are bombarding the sky, it's still ridiculous."

"That's right, this time the pretense is too big."

"Didn't you see that he is still in a daze now? Obviously, I can't stand it too."

"This Nima is embarrassing."

"I thought that the tiger's body was shaken, and it was naive to subdue others by showing a bit of arrogance."

"Liaoyuan has played this time, cool."

"Even if you are killed by the magic crystal cannon, it's worth seeing Liaoyuan's embarrassment."

" I recorded it and posted it on the Internet when I saw Liaoyuan and Xinghuo, how arrogant after watching Liaoyuan and Xinghuo, a stain that can't be erased in a lifetime."

Of course, they were complaining on the team channel but didn't dare to really say it. The Withering Sun Legion made two shots, and the players who were rectified were dying, and they had to be addicted to their mouths.

A crystal appeared in Li Yao's hand and looked at the flickering magic crystal cannon mockingly: "I really thought I told you that I wanted you to surrender for a long time. I was just afraid of your ghost ship running away, and deliberately and you It’s just procrastinating. Idiot, since I came to my high elves, haven’t you heard of the invincible magical enchantment supported by the energy source. Presumably you don’t know why Desom hollowed out the mountain and worked hard to create one. The fortress, that's because Dalkhan knows that the barrier will be repaired sooner or later, and under the barrier, our high elves are invincible. Let me ban it."

Li Yao input a little mana, and a huge barrier rises like a big bowl. This huge barrier continues to extend until it blends with the sky and the sea, and it is difficult to distinguish the limits of the barrier.

And the dazzling light of the magic crystal cannon that was about to be released quickly dimmed, and in the blink of an eye it returned to its normal state.

The Lich's complexion changed wildly, and he discovered a problem that made him extremely terrifying...

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