MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1643: Cruel reality

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Originally an invincible spell, but at this moment, there were countless cracks in the ice barrier of Dalkhan.

Dalkhan's figure flickered, and he stepped back for a long distance, looking at the erupting volcano. It was really a lingering fear. If there was no ice barrier, he would be seriously injured at once, and it would be possible to turn into ashes.

"The power of the earth, who are you?" Dalkhan's eyes were full of disbelief.

The black dragon queen's staff halted, and the spewing aid in Xinjiang turned into a giant flame dragon, and rushed towards Dalkhan with a roar: "You don't even know who I am. It seems that your contact level is not high enough."

Dalkhan was vomiting blood out of anger, but he was unable to refute it. The high elves had contact with the dragon, but his level was indeed not enough.

"Dragons have never participated in the battles between mortals. You have crossed the boundary." Dalkhan gritted his teeth and took out a blue precious gemstone, crushing it with pain.

The endless water element around was evacuated, a huge water element giant formed, and the water element suddenly fought against the magma dragon.

The black dragon queen frowned slightly: "The level is not high, but the family has a lot of wealth, and there is actually a cold ice stone summoning the lord of the water element."

Dalkhan wants to vomit blood again, Nima, he doesn't want to use it either, okay, this is his hole card, it's actually used so inexplicably.

"You call a mortal the master, don't you feel that you are insulting the majesty of your dragon clan." Dalkhan suddenly thought of the words of the Black Dragon Queen.

"How does your barren brain know that the world is vast? The master said it is really good. You are just a poor person living in your own dream world." The black dragon queen controls the battle between the magma dragon and the lord of the water element. Zai said.

Dalkhan's forehead was about to sweat, the lord of the water element fell into the wind from the beginning, and the magma dragon was supported by a volcano, and the water element could only pump the surrounding water element.

"Who are you, become a servant of mortals, don't you fear that Dragon King will blame it." Dalkhan roared.

The Black Dragon Dragon Empress smiled slightly: "I am discussing with the Dragon King, and they have no right to take care of my affairs. My name is Sinestra."

"You, you are the black dragon queen, **** it, you dignified dragon queen, actually willing to be a slave to a mortal." Dalkhan was shocked and terrified, and then looked at Li Yao with jealousy: "You are a recruit, why? ."

Li Yao folded his hands and said lightly: "Why, you don't deserve to know. But you are dangerous, do you know?"

Dalkhan suppressed the jealousy in his heart: "If it is normal, I will turn around and run when I see the black dragon queen, but your humble strength limits the strength of the dragon queen, and our victory or defeat is still unknown."

"Is that so? By the way, don't you remind me that I almost forgot. Although I am the inheritor of the queen, I am a talented Beastmaster. I almost forgot that I have more than one combat partner. You wait."

Li Yao spoke and blew the whistle continuously.

Dalkhan thought that Li Yao was bragging, but after whistling, he suddenly saw a fire eagle and a strange royal griffin swooping down, and a large number of flame feathers shooting.

Dalkhan quickly released an ice shield to himself. With the continuous explosion, the ice shield only weakened a little, but it did not shatter with the attack.

"I said, your humble strength limits their talents and abilities." Dalkhan sneered, not evasive, of course, he was also relieved.

"is it."

Reaper 4000’s rocket launcher once again blasted the ice shield a bit thinner.

Then there was the gray beam of spider tank, which directly shattered the ice shield, Dalkhan's body flew upside down, the robe on his chest was shattered, and his chest was burnt black.

"Miscellaneous, dare to challenge the master." The dark snake's eyes flickered and Dalkhan directly activated his mind control at the moment when Dalkhan was in a trance.

The spells of the remaining heads and the second round of attacks from other pets also fell.

Dalkhan, who was controlled by the mind, temporarily lost control of the lord of the water element. The magma dragon seized the opportunity to directly defeat the lord of the water element and turned it into water mist. The magma dragon absorbed all the volcanic energy and flew towards it again Dalkan.

But Dalkhan had been covered by Li Yao's other pets' attacks, and a big pit appeared. Dalkhan fell into the big pit, his body had become tattered, and his blood volume dropped by one-fifth in a short while.


Dalkhan roared wildly, got up struggling, his figure flickered again, but there seemed to be a wall of air around him, right in front of him.

Puff, puff, puff, puff...

In the eyes of the witch snake, dozens of steel needles condensed in air penetrated Dalkhan's body.

Dalkhan finally broke free, and barely returned to the city wall with continuous flashing.

At this moment, he was extremely embarrassed, the cloak had long disappeared, and the gorgeous robe on his body had become tattered, and there were a few holes in his body, and the dark and broken internal organs could be seen.

He staggered for several steps, and stabilized his figure under the treatment of the banshee.

Li Yao still carried his hands and said faintly: "Now do you understand the gap between us? If you can't even touch a corner of my clothes, you will be defeated. If you are not an undead, if you don't put your undead heart Hidden away, you were already dead just now. At your level, you still look down on others, even I am a recruit."

Dalkhan was vomiting blood when he was angry, and he was ashamed and annoyed. If he hadn't become an undead, he would probably explode his angry heart with just one blow.

He has always thought that he is number one in the world. Today, he was abused by a junior and his disciple who still looks down on others, which makes it difficult for him to accept.

The Withering Sun Legion shook the sky with cheers. Even though Dalkhan is a traitor, Dalkhan is still the most talented. Heart.

And now, he was actually abused by their legion chief, which undoubtedly broke the myth of Dalkhan in their hearts.

Morrowind also looked complicated. This was the brilliant man who influenced their generation. He was pulled off the altar like this: "Darkhan, you understand now, why we have to obey orders with a new generation. And through this battle. , We all know that the old king is wrong, the elders of the Silver Moon Council are wrong, you simply can't stand it."

A daze flashed in Dalkhan's eyes, and his heart was empty.

In fact, it is not just the NPCs, but the players are also shocked. Their top masters are already at their limit when facing the race level, and facing the camp level alone is looking for death.

But Li Yao abused a world-class leader without actually doing anything.

Last time they didn't want to admit this gap, they can still use it because there are four world leaders to check, Li Yao can fish in troubled waters and fight against the demon.

And now, Li Yao is just a person, his own power...

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