MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1644: Brilliant

Fortunately, Dalkhan is already undead, otherwise the qi alone will half-dead him. He has been honored from beginning to end. When did he suffer such humiliation.

Even though his subordinates are all undead, even if he fails in embarrassment, his morale will not be lowered, because ordinary undeads have no morale at all, but his subordinates are not only low-level undead, but there are many more highly intelligent undeads under him. Too embarrassing.

"Boy, you are just relying on a dragon queen to support you, and you are still pretending to be a big head of garlic. I don't think you don't want to make a move, but it is useless for you to make a move. I stand still, and you can't break my shield." Dalkhan always finds some face back, he almost said, even if I don't need a shield, you can't hurt me, but thinking of this kid's weirdness, he changed his mind temporarily.

Li Yao waved his hand and motioned for his pets to come back.

The black dragon dragon's figure flashed, and he reached behind Li Yao, and then the magma dragon he controlled suddenly expelled a breath of nearly a hundred yards wide, and the magma dragon quickly rushed towards the city wall.

The undead is too dense, and there is no way to dodge it. From the battlefield to the city wall, tens of thousands of yards are all the dead being burned by the magma dragon's breath. When it flew to the city wall, the magma dragon was also extremely illusory, and it collapsed directly.

Soon, a trace of burning magma with a width of 100 yards and a length of more than 10,000 yards appeared, and all the undead in the middle died.

Everyone was extremely shocked, this was completely beyond the level of skill, but the application of the law.

It was originally a lethal volcanic eruption, but as a result, it gathered power to become a magma dragon, and then it ran out of energy and killed tens of thousands of undead. It was gorgeous enough to see people dizzying.

This is still an incomplete form. If the true strength is restored, it will be terrifying.

Li Yao took a step forward and said faintly: "You said you won't move. My attack can't even break your ice shield?"

"Yes, I'm standing still. Are you a ranger? I want to see how you learned your teacher's skills." Dalkhan saw that Li Yao was serious, and his heart began to feel guilty, but in front of so many people , Regretting that the level was mixed up, quickly output mana to strengthen his ice shield.

"Okay, I'm also curious, you won't die if you eat me a few arrows." Li Yao directly took out the crystal clear star bow with a faint brilliance from his backpack.

Seeing the star bow appeared, the soul flames in Dar'khan's eyes jumped wildly. This Nima.

He and Liadrin are too familiar with each other. He has followed Liadrin to appreciate the treasures in his own treasure house more than once. How could he be unfamiliar with Star Bow, how could he be unfamiliar.

Ten thousand years, ten thousand years, the entire elven tribe has no divine bow that anyone can pull, and now it actually appears in the hands of a new generation.

Although he was not convinced by Lor'themar, he was also a powerful ranger of their generation. Every time he entered the treasury, he tried to open the Starbow, and wanted Starbow to recognize the Lord. However, he could not do so.

The power of the stars, listen to the name, there are many legends about this bow.

"It's too late to regret now." Li Yao made up the knife.

Dalkhan felt 10,000 horses and horses galloping past, but now, he regrets it and doesn't want his face anymore.

"Hehehe, I'm a world-class powerhouse, and I will be afraid of you. If you can't handle an attack, I will just commit suicide." The so-called loser does not lose, even though his heart is empty, it is too late. At the same time continue to strengthen their shields.

"Then you can stand up." Li Yao directly bent his bow like a moon and began to accumulate his strength. At the same time, the light on his body flickered, blessing all the blessing states.

A arrogant dragon power spread, if the ordinary bow and arrow light were blessed with such tyrannical strength, it would be broken, and only the best bow of the powerful star bow could withstand his use.

It is the bow of other dark gold, even if it doesn't break, it will last a lot.

Full-level charged arrow + no distance arrow.

The arrow was accompanied by meteor flame and life fire, and it made a sharp whistling sound.

This is the strongest arrow he can play in his current state.

This time Dalkhan is really anxious, this Nima's arrow is too strong, it shouldn't be issued by a race-level leader.

But it is impossible to dodge, on the one hand, it is impossible, on the other hand, it is too fast.


The arrow hits the blue ice shield directly, and then the arrow spins frantically.

Dalkhan felt that he had overestimated the power of the arrow. After all, at such a distance, he still underestimated it.

Dalkhan's body flew upside down like a cannonball, and the two huge skeleton generals around him flew upside down when they wanted to intercept it.

Then there was a roar, and the three directly hit the pillar behind the city wall.

The arms of the two skeleton warriors shattered directly and fell to the ground in broken pieces.

But Dalkhan's ice shield couldn't withstand such strength, and shattered under the bombardment of double power.

The arrow also pierced Dalkhan's chest directly and nailed him to the stone pillar. His body was still a world-class leader, but he was still struggling on the stone pillar at the moment.

Especially the Starfire and the Flame of Life, it is completely undead, and his blood volume that has just recovered slowly dropped by nearly half in an instant. With the burning of the two flames, his blood volume is still decreasing.

Several undead wanted to pull out the huge steel arrow, but they couldn't pull it out at all, and Dalkhan was forced to pull it out.

He appeared on the city wall again and had already been healed. The one arrow just made him feel lingering. He knew that if the opponent was of the same grade as him, he could kill himself with one arrow.

Li Yao fiddled with the bowstring and said faintly: "Well, do you want me to do another arrow."

"Very good, I have not suffered a loss for many years. It is useless to say more, you just didn’t kill me, then you are doomed to your failure, I have been for many years How can you beat the business.” Dalkhan quickly changed the subject, and he couldn't do it single-handedly. What else could he do? It would only be humiliating to entangle it.

"Then fight, you are now the turtle in the urn, I am afraid of you?" Li Yao also put away the star bow, and his wings flashed back to the Withered Sun.

"Play." Chenfeng waved.

Li Yao's goal has also been achieved. After this battle, stepping on the successful upper position of the high elves once genius, now no one in the Withering Sun Legion feels that he is a commander of the army by coincidence, and he will never be unconvinced. the sound of. Even if it is broken, it will be suppressed. Although the high elves are proud, they are not stupid and arrogant.

Players who accepted the task also quickly summoned their own troops, divided into different areas, and started fighting with the undead outside the city.

Everyone knows that the undead outside the city just want to consume the combat power of the Withered Sun Legion, but Li Yao is not a vegetarian, so he will not send out a single soldier at all, let the players take action. He is not afraid of slowness, just As he said, the turtle in the urn, there is no need to be too impatient...

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