MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1645: The First Battle of the Withering Sun

Li Yao's battle completely completed Li Wei and broke the myth of Dalkhan in the hearts of the high elves.

From this battle, Li Yao demonstrated extremely powerful combat effectiveness, and Li Yao was only a racial-level leader. What the Withering Sun Legion was looking forward to was what would happen to Liya after she became a world-class leader.

The early battle is a battle that consumes cannon fodder. Players use their own army to madly harvest the undead army in front of the city wall.

The battle lasted for nearly two days, and the army in front of the city gate was finally cleaned up, and after this battle, most of the players who participated in the event have reached a respectable reputation.

Players can buy some more precious items as they wish, and they have also boosted their morale.

Especially the Necromancer players, they have simply reached heaven. The talents they possess have caused their army to snowball to a small extent. Moreover, the bones of a place are of no use to ordinary players, but for death Spirit players are good materials for making undead.

Now the players of the Necromancer are also beginning to come into contact with the combination of the undead, that is, they use the bones to assemble them into their favorite appearance, and then inject the soul fire.

During the two-day battle, some masters have used countless bones to form bone monsters, including wild beasts and giant skeleton monsters.

There are even players who assemble bone dragons, but these junk materials are not keel bones at all, only the shape of a dragon, without the power of a dragon at all, and can only be a display.

But for the players, it is already very strong. The undead players even think that these undead can not be killed completely, but unfortunately, even if there are more undead, it will be finished.

This includes players who have changed their identities and their army. Needless to say, this is because the Cuttlefish wants to find the Withering Sun Legion and Li Yao uncomfortable.

But just as Li Yao said, Cuttlefish did not understand the real gap between the two sides at all, and he basically did not cause any loss to the Withered Sun Corps and Li Yao.

The players who participated in the event directly took care of it. Li Yao didn’t even pay attention to this matter, and he didn’t know if the cuttlefish vomited blood. He regarded Li Yao as an opponent, but they didn’t even have to do it himself. Cleaned up.

On the morning of the third day of the war, the army finally launched an attack on the city wall.

As the army advanced, the Withered Sun began to approach the city wall, and the situation was about to erupt.

"Damn it, don't think that you clean up some cannon fodder, just think that Desom is no one, let you taste the power of the gargoyle army, I haven't stayed here for nothing these years." Dalkhan stood on the wall and waved. .

Countless gargoyles flew up from mountain walls, city walls, and the tops of houses, like dark clouds, and it was difficult to count how many thousands there were.

At the same time, players with air forces have also let their air forces into the air. Their only requirement is to eliminate the opponent’s gargoyles. This is Desom’s elite and has a lot of military merits. Players are also willing to accept this kind of inability. The task of limiting the number of enemies killed.

Even players who have flying pets also summon their flying pets, killing one is one.

Li Yao's personal air force also took off, but their main goal was not to protect the Withered Sun.

The battle on land has not yet begun, and the sky has started a terrifying battle. This is a real elite collision, not cannon fodder.

"Without Sun's shield is open, level one." Withered Sun's magic shield is divided into three levels.

The first-level defense is the weakest. Of course, it consumes the least energy, but it is basically enough to resist the attack of the gargoyle. Unless the Withered Sun is surrounded in all directions, the first-level shield is still very powerful.

No one knows how long the battle will last. Now that the coverage of the High Elf enchantment is out, the Withering Sun needs to save no energy.

Li Yao sneered: "It will consume you 50,000 gargoyles first, and give you a blow."

Half of the self-explosive worms controlled by Li Yao were dispatched, that is, fifty thousand. He did not lack energy units at all. After all, although a lot of bones were obtained in the two-day battle, 95% of the bones were transported. It was transformed into an energy unit in the mother worm, and now Li Yao's nests are also fully producing various units.

Although spontaneous worms are bugs, they are very small. If you don’t pay attention, you can’t even see the bugs. Although they are fragile, they are more flexible and fast.

The gargoyles' attacks dealt with these little bugs, releasing undead bullets. It was a cannon hitting mosquitoes and it was almost impossible to hit.

There was the sound of flapping wings in the sky, and countless tiny self-explosive insects approached the target. Their goal was very clear, which was to get inside the gargoyle.

Their size is too small, and the gargoyles are basically unable to do anything with them.

The most disgusting thing about this kind of bug is that even if it is killed, it will produce a terrifying explosion. Many gargoyles killed the self-explosive after the bug approached, but they were still affected by the explosion and fell crookedly.

And more blew insects penetrated into the body of the gargoyle, and many directly blew themselves up to the energy core of the gargoyle.

For a time, tens of thousands of gargoyles exploded continuously in the air, giving the gargoyle army a blow. It also gave players and the Withering Sun Legion confidence.

"For all the long-range hearing orders close to the ship's side, your goal is to clean up the gargoyles that interfere with the magic crystal cannon. The middle and long range is mainly to save physical and mana, and kill the gargoyles that attack the enchantment at will. The ground legion will not move temporarily."

Withered Sun Legion’s trump card finally began to personally revenge, and he was suddenly excited.

The only unexpected thing is that Li Yao’s air force did not protect the Withered Sun, which was getting closer and closer to the city wall. Instead, it hovered over the front of the main army. Their goal was not to kill, but to protect the main land army of the Withered Sun from being Air force massacre.

With the deepening of the Withered, it has been separated from the front of the player’s air force, and the army has deepened. The surrounding is already densely packed with gargoyles. Naturally, the gargoyles want to slaughter the people on the ship, but there is magic protection. Cover, their attacks can only fall on the cover.

"According to the test, the first-level shield can completely withstand this level of attack, adults don't worry," Chenfeng said.

Li Yao nodded: "Don't take it lightly. Be ready to upgrade the shield level at any time. You can buy it if you don't have energy, but if you don't have people, you will lose too much."

"Yes." Chenfeng hurried to the control room below.

"Dragon Queen, you have to withstand Dalkhan and don't let him threaten the Withered Sun." Li Yao said: "Just do this well."

"Master, rest assured, I have suppressed Longwei alone, and he can feel it," said the Black Dragon Queen.

Dalkhan can naturally feel it, it is like Rumang is carrying it, he knows that the distance is so close, and the thing is going to war again, he is entangled by the black dragon dragon queen, then he is very likely to be shot by Li Yao, how dare to act rashly, I can only rely on my own army...

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