MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1654: lesson

Lord Jiake was originally covered in frost, and with the fusion of a touch of darkness, the Jiake on his body changed again.

Many parts of the body grew soft thorns that looked like tentacles, and the eyes that didn't have any glamour restored their spirituality.

"Blood, rhythm, I feel the sensation of breathing again, and the sound of my heartbeat is so intoxicating." Lord Jiake saluted again: "You gave me a new life. I will fight for you until the last drop of blood is drained. "

Li Yao nodded: "Not everyone has the same chance of life as you do. Cherish it, I will summon some warriors from the Spider Kingdom in the future. Your kingdom may be able to continue again. Let your men stop now."

"Yes, great master." Lord Jia Ke let out a sharp cry, all the undead beetles stopped fighting, and the Devilsaur was also restrained, and the battle here stopped immediately.

Looking at the battlefield, the number of casualties on both sides was about the same, and the killings were half a catty.

The battle stopped, leaving the people who were fighting with the Devil Dragon Legion at a loss. Why suddenly these insects stopped attacking, but they were still very happy, at least they had completed the task.

With the end of the battle here, the forty people basically shone golden light on their bodies, raising a level.

Although Lord Jak was not killed, the conquest was the same, except that there was no spoils of death.

But after half an hour of casual mixing, he was promoted to a level, and forty people were ecstatic with just one harvest.

And besides that, there is still a lot of military merits in the account, except that there is no loot, it is perfect.

Of course, they didn’t lose much strength, and they are considered to have lost all of them. After all, Devil's Tyrannosaurus is also the heart and soul of all players. Any more loss is distressed. If it were not for the attractive military merits, and Li Yao personally took action, they would not be willing to summon. So much mind to participate in such a dangerous mission.

"Thank you for helping to subdue Lord Jiake. You have done a good job. You can return to the staff to receive your corresponding rewards." Li Yao said politely.

Without them, Li Yao himself would not be able to catch this Lord Jiak so simply, and he would not have the opportunity to let so many bugs penetrate into Lord Jiak's body to rescue him from the control of the Lich King and regain control. Live him.

It is not very difficult for the Spark Guild to gather these professions, but it is not easy to gather such an elite lineup, and there is no time for scheduling.

The more important reason is that he always leaves some soup for others when he eats meat, and eating alone is not a very good habit.

Lord Jiake took his subordinates to rest temporarily, especially Lord Jiake, who needed good training and treatment before they could rejoin the battlefield.

Dalkhan, who was far away, almost didn't get mad when he saw this scene: "Damn, useless trash, bragging, it's so useless when you do it yourself."

How could he not be angry, he didn't get rid of the opponent, he actually surrendered to the enemy, instead he became his enemy.

Dalkhan's plan to attack the flank failed again.

And the regular army of the Withering Sun Legion is already close to the attack range of the Desom fortifications. While advancing towards the opponent, they also began to bomb their fortifications with long-range trebuchets in the Legion.

At the same time, the Withering Sun Legion stopped its pace. The Summoning Legion stepped forward and summoned its own elemental creatures. A large number of elemental creatures appeared at the forefront of the battlefield, and the main force of the Withered Sun Legion began to retreat.

Directly avoiding the strikes of the long-range weapons on both sides, these summoned creatures are basically the demons summoned by the warlocks, and the ash mages summon death and distortion elements.

To say how much damage they have, that is not necessarily true, but it is not so easy for the hate and skeleton warlords to break through their defenses.

Players still have a lot of ultra-long-range machines, and the Army of the Sun has also given a lot of military merits. As long as they destroy the opponent's military long-range weapons, such as trebuchets, necromancers, etc., they can obtain quite rich military merits.

It can be said that the first phase of the war has ended. The Withering Sun Legion achieved a phased victory.

However, there was a confrontation between the two sides. Before the Desom fortifications were resolved, the Withering Sun Army did not want to pay too many casualties, and could only start a war of attrition.

Li Yao returned to the Withered Sun and ordered the Withered Sun to turn on the magic crystal cannon to fire, and also launched a super long-range attack on the opponent's sea of ​​undead in the air.

The ice crystals in Li Yao's hand melted, and an endless high mountain range appeared in his consciousness. The mountains were all covered with ice and snow, and at the top was a towering blue city.

At the top of the mountain, a glacier exuding endless cold, a figure wearing a blue armor and holding a magic artifact sitting on the Ice Throne watching Li Yao.

"The Lich King, it's a good method. It can actually bring my consciousness to the Frozen Throne across the mountains and rivers." Li Yao said flatly without panic.

"Mortal, you are very courageous, do you know your current situation." The figure on the throne said.

Li Yao smiled and said, "Naturally, I know it. I just want to develop me into your downline. Oh no, become your puppet and be controlled by you."

"Mortal, now that you know your destiny, then kneel down, and I will grant you power beyond imagination." The figure on the throne said indifferently.

"I want the power, I can get it by myself. If you kneel down, I will save it. You keep saying that I am a mortal, what are you, the prince of the human race? A mean old orc shaman? Or a man who is entangled by countless souls. Poor worm swallowed. Saying that you are a demigod is exalting you. You are just a coffee table controlled by the ice from the depths of the Li Yao said unceremoniously.

"Mortal, you are presumptuous." The figure on the throne stood up suddenly, exuding a chill enough to freeze the soul.

"Why, when I talked about the pain point, I became angry. But that's right. If I am tied here, I want to find something to play with. It's not bad to destroy the world, and then build a kingdom of dead spirits. But I have a question, if the world is full of dead spirits, what if one day the dead on this plane die?" Li Yao asked like a curious baby.

"Damn bug, who gave you the courage." The Lich King was a sword at Li Yao.

Li Yao's body danced wildly with the touch of darkness, and then suddenly collapsed into dots: "Want to control me, next life, wait, next time my body will personally ascend the Frozen Throne, and at that time, it is your end. ."

The Lich King looked at the stars in the sky, his lungs exploded. This Nima script was not right. He spent a lot of energy to pull his soul over to suppress and control the opponent.

As a result, the other party sneered at him for a while, and finally threatened him even more. Why is this style of painting wrong...

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