MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1655: 2nd card

After returning to his senses, Li Yao realized that he was surrounded by guards and protected.

"My lord, what's the matter with you?" Chenfeng asked with concern: "You have lost consciousness for more than a quarter of an hour."

"Really, but it's okay, I just saw a poor bug." Li Yao said.

The morning breeze is full of black lines, you are stupidly stunned here, who you see, it's almost like seeing a ghost.

But seeing that Li Yao didn't mean to say more, she didn't ask too much, as long as Li Yao didn't have any problems, otherwise, the battle would be difficult to fight.

The battle continued with the consumption of both sides. It must be said that Dalkhan’s General Desom was operating like an iron barrel. If it were not for the accident of the Withering Sun, the Withering Sun Legion would have to pay a great price for breaking through the opponent’s wall. Up.

The internal defense is even more exaggerated. For example, many magic crystal cannons are directly inside the building. It is very difficult to destroy the magic crystal cannon, and the internal structure is strong and complex.

According to the wizards, the rune cost of this fortress is equivalent to half the cost of Silvermoon City.

What is the concept of Silvermoon City? That is the main city of the high elves, and the high elves like gorgeous and extravagant atmosphere, can make the mages come to the conclusion that this piece of Desom’s consumption of gold coins here is simply irritating. .

"Fuck, this pervert is really crazy, so the money is lying in this shabby place to dry hair."

"That's right, I have this money to grow an army, and I will definitely build a big city, and then develop a massive army. This guy actually used so much money to build a broken fortress."

"Isn't that right? No wonder this guy is so miserable and doesn't understand anything at all? Prodigal stuff."

Li Yao revealed the master's summary to Xinghuo. Now that everyone completes the task together, it is natural to contact other players.

Moreover, Xinghuo can easily accept good tasks, and some tasks cannot be completed by a guild, Xinghuo will look for partners.

Naturally, a group of people want to get closer to the people of Xinghuo, which is in sharp contrast to the original envy, jealousy and rejection.

After all, everyone is doing military work. They have been able to stay until now and have been completely on the thief ship of the Withering Sun Legion, and their reputation is more than respected.

Now that it has withdrawn, the previous efforts have been in vain. In this case, the pragmatic players have changed their mindset very well.

There are intersections. Naturally, we have to chat and blow up together. The news I got from Li Yao, when I turn around, it is the exclusive official news.

With such a biography, everyone basically knows the situation, looking at the fortress one by one is the same as looking at the gold mine.

But the current situation is that Li Yao obviously wants to razor the fortress to the ground. A large number of summons are fighting in the front, and there are many rows of long-range trebuchets in the rear.

The long-range weapon combat of the two sides has already hit a real fire after bombarding each other for half a day.

Li Yao did not limit their attack time. With the occupation and relocation of the Tower of Windrunner, the Withering Sun Army did not need to worry about supplies at all.

Anyway, staying there is also the consumption, and with the super sky fortress of Withering Sun, there is no need to worry about supply and transportation.

Until the night, the two sides were still bombing and fighting frantically, but it was not as intense as during the day.

The air forces of the two sides also returned tacitly. After dark, even the combat effectiveness of the gargoyle will not be during the day.

The same is true for Xinghuo. Night operations, especially air operations, are even more chaotic and difficult to control, and the Withering Sun Corps does not retreat. If the air force is entangled in the sky, it will be bad if something happens at night.

"This layer of defense is really strong. Fortunately, there are new recruits. Otherwise, we just rely on us and I don't know how many people will be sacrificed." Chenfeng accompanied Li Yao to enjoy dinner on the battleship.

"So he is stupid, no matter how strong the defense is, it’s stupid to have this money to not explode the soldiers. Anyway, I don’t worry, let the doomsday mages and sorcerers not be stingy with the mana potion, the summoned demons die and continue to summon. Compared to consumption, let's compare, what we have is time and patience." Li Yao said indifferently.

Chenfeng also sighed: "It is really unwise to trap yourself in a dead place."

Some players who don't have long-range siege equipment, as long as they have enough reputation, can wander in specific areas on the ship, and pass the time, but feel comfortable.

The only thing that is upset is Dalkhan, even if he is undead, it doesn't matter if he doesn't rest. But he was a proud undead, a particular undead, and he was very dissatisfied with Li Yao's practice of continuing to fight at night, and cursed Li Yao for not being particular.

However, it was useless, since he and his army were blocked in Desom, fighting or not, it was no longer by him.

Early the next morning, the strong and huge buildings in front behind the city wall were riddled with holes.

The two sides are still bombarding each other, but because they are constantly being destroyed and the machinery behind them are not far enough away, the firepower of Desom's side has become scattered.

And one night, Li Yao’s sappers were not idle, collecting a large amount of debris and turning them into energy units. At the same time, all the nests in Li Yao’s female insects were frantically producing various types of troops.

Li Yao has decided that when this place is captured, Li Yao will turn Desom's side into a worm's nest, specifically to provide the front row of tank fire cockroaches for the Withering Sun Army.

The army of the undead had to continue to retreat, retreating under the protection of long-range weapons behind.

The Withering Sun Legion pushed forward again as a whole, and one third of Desom had already been taken. And the players ran frantically to the general staff, marking out suitable buildings to place their remote machinery.

The air forces of the two sides had another battle, and the battle was completely heated.

Dalkhan finally broke out of all his sense of crisis and began to continue the flop. If he did not continue like this, he would not be able to retreat in three or two days.

"My get on the deck soon, there is a new situation." Li Yao was resting in his captain's room, and Morrowind rushed in.

"Oh, go and have a look." Li Yao walked quickly to the deck.

This time Dalkhan really dispatched his trump card again, an army of ace skeletons I'm afraid.

Yes, it is an army of skeletons, but these skeletons are a little big. Just like giants, each one has a height of twenty or thirty yards.

The earth trembles constantly when the huge bone skeleton runs, and the terrifying sickle in his hand is like cutting wheat, harvesting summons and the player's own guards.

These skeletons are too terrifying. They are huge in size, and even if they attack high, even if they can't kill them, the huge strength and the scary bone sickle in their hands can fly a large number of soldiers.

Those engineering instruments are as fragile as paper paste in front of these skeletons, and they can be crushed directly with one foot, and a large piece of bone can be swept away by waving the scythe.

For a time, the skeleton army was invincible, no one blocked their edge...

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