MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1656: Domineering debut

"It seems that Dalkhan's nesting here is not without results, but there are some good alchemical products." Li Yao was very interested in this type of unit.

"I heard that the Scourge has also refined this powerful monster, but the bones used are huge Vrykul bones, and, right, the cost is very high." Chenfeng said.

Li Yao nodded: "Vrykul’s are not so easy to kill, but Dalkhan should only use ordinary bone combinations. I am more interested in the formula that allows them to use such a strong combination of bones. I hope to break through here and find it. Well, give the teacher a surprise too."

Chenfeng didn't say anything. She was not even a Withered. As a pure and arrogant high elf, although she experienced that unprecedented disaster and changed her mind a lot, she was still very resistant to undead magic.

"My lord, the recruits are boiling and demand our support." The chief of staff said when he got on the ship.

"Do you want to send the main force to rescue?" Chenfeng said, seeing the frantic massacre on his side.

"The main force is not good. Although my cockroaches are powerful, they can't stop these skeletons. Even those beetles are not easy to use. If they can't stop these huge skeletons, if they go deep into the army, our mage will be harvested like straw. What a difference."

Li Yao paused and continued: "Of course, there will be differences, that is, our mage group spells may kill some skeletons, but in this way, we will lose a lot."

Chenfeng smiled and said, "Sir, this smile must have an idea."

Li Yao nodded: "Teleport me down and I will solve these skeletons."

Chenfeng nodded. Seeing that Li Yao was so confident, he didn't say anything. At least Li Yao's decision has not failed so far, and the Withering Sun Army has not failed.

Especially since Li Yao led the army to the present, the Withering Sun Legion has conquered the entire ghost land and wiped out the scars of the dead. Up to now, the regular army has lost less than a thousand, most of which are cockroach losses. The high elves are only badly injured by the bad luck. Less than a hundred people died, which is simply a miracle.

Just a little bit allowed Li Yao to capture the hearts of the Withered Sun Corps, and what kind of commander is best to fight with, naturally it is Li Yao who takes care of them everywhere, and the commander who cherishes the lives of soldiers is the best.

Li Yao was teleported down and went directly to the front of the regular army, which was behind the long-range attack machinery.

Although there are not many huge skeletons, the lethality is too terrifying, many times more terrifying than the Zerg Legion.

Some players turned into a mountain battle and were still invincible. They were swept away, making players feel the huge gap between their army and the NPC ace army again.

"Damn boy, what can you do now, do you think you can resist my hundreds of huge skeletons with your own strength? It's arrogant. You let the black dragon queen watch me, as everyone knows, I also watched The Black Dragon and Dragon Queen, rely on you lightly, how do you fight with me, you are still far behind."

Dalkhan saw the lonely Li Yao standing there, and said in a sarcasm that he really took a breath.

Li Yao's pressing step by step almost made him doubt life. For the first time in life, I began to doubt myself. Is it true that I am not that good? Except for magic and research, everyone else is just like an idiot. For a long time, there is still no result, he will naturally not admit that he is an idiot.

More importantly, he is not reconciled, he is not convinced, why can such a person younger than him can afford the star bow? Why is a young man younger than him become the top task of the kingdom platoon? This is what he did. The coveted position, why a junior with a group of crazy guys can't fight back.

In the end, even Desom, who he was proud of, had his lair torn down in half, which was unbearable.

Seeing the skeleton army raging, he smiled happily, as if he had regained his confidence after opening.

Li Yaosi is not accustomed to his faults, and said coldly: "You are a scum, after all, you are a scum. Your bones are really strong, but you must not forget that they are only bones, no matter how strong they are, there is no ice here. Crown Glacier, you have no ability to add ice armor to them. Next, I will tell you with facts that you are a scum."

"Hahahaha, it's a big joke. I admit that there are many types of troops that can restrain huge skeletons, but I haven't seen your so-called Withered Sun Army. Maybe the air force can, but unfortunately, my air force is also quite a lot. "Darkhan sneered: "Yes, my darlings, crush that obnoxious guy for me."

Following Dalkhan's words, several huge skeletons broke through the line of defense, and the fire of soul immediately locked Li Yao, and he rushed towards Li Yao like a gallop, the speed was extremely fast.

"Is that right? I just made a little pet recently, and it hasn't appeared yet. Let him say hello to you."

Li Yao looked at the huge skeletons that had rushed dozens of yards in front of him and blew his whistle, and everyone who saw this scene sweated for Li Yao. , Nima, you are a hunter who doesn't shoot arrows, and you are still pretending to be forced in front of a huge skeleton. If you don’t pretend, you will die.


An incomparably huge mecha four or five times larger than a huge skeleton fell.

Two huge steel feet respectively trampled a huge skeleton under their feet and directly shattered into countless pieces.

The magic mecha is more than two hundred yards in height, and dozens of floors in height, while the huge skeleton is only six or seven floors in height, not a heavyweight at all.


Mo Neng noted that the two mechanical arms also smashed down suddenly, and the four or five huge skeletons in the back were also smashed to death, turning into broken bone fragments.


The magic mecha screamed with a metallic Then the arm swept away, and the huge skeleton that came again from behind was swept away, flying out thousands of yards, and fell on the ground directly into broken bones. .


Everyone was shocked, even the makers of the magic mecha had never seen the magic mech take action, not to mention the existence of the magic mech at all.

Appearing in this overbearing way, this place shocked everyone, this is a real giant.

Dalkhan rubbed his eyes, and his smug smile froze on his face. He couldn’t believe his eyes. His carefully crafted giant skeletons, hundreds of skeletons that could sweep across the army, were just like this. Crushed.

And there is still the kind of crushing without suspense, just like the giant skeletons sweeping the soldiers of those players, the giant skeletons are also helpless in front of the magic mecha.

"No, it's impossible. Remove this metal bump for me." Dalkhan screamed frantically...

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