MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1669: inventory

It can be said that Li Yao has made a lot of money in this battle. Both the military and personal gains are extremely rich.

   First of all, in the army, the Withered Sun Corps has gone through this battle and has completely returned to its heart. No one can take its place. It has become a foregone conclusion. Millions of armies and many more withered have become leaders under his rule.

   This and getting the plain are completely two concepts, after all, the npc level on the plain is still relatively low.

   Although it is at full level now, it takes some time and effort to make the army there also full level.

   In addition, a large number of elite undead army has been obtained, including the Ace Army’s 200,000 Death Knight Legion, which is irreplaceable, plus the Beetle Legion.

   Withered Sun Corps has completely changed the dilemma of relying entirely on poisonous cockroaches. It is not that the cockroaches are not good, but the cockroaches are more defensive and insufficient.

  The army of jacket bugs has amazing defense and sturdy combat power. Now it is buffed by the queen and Li Yao, and its strength will be improved by one or two levels.

   There is also a miscellaneous elite army of undead, more, but it is no longer what Li Yao values.

   These gains alone have allowed the Withered Sun Legion to completely control the ghost land without looking at other people's faces.

The more important thing is that the sky fortress of the Sunshine is not as huge as the sky city of the natural disaster undead, but the advantages of the Sunshine are also many, that is, the energy of the Sunwell can make the Sunshine not consume in the fairy kingdom. Energy travels.

   And it is much more flexible than the city in the sky, so each has its own advantages.

  The Withering Sun is not only a spaceship, but also a large number of quasi-ace army, such as liches, banshees, vampires, and skeleton warriors. There are so many that the Withering Sun army has completely expanded.

  If it is a normal high elves, they certainly cannot fight with the Zerg and the undead.

   But why the withered ones were assigned to Li Yao's hands is because the high elves rejected them, they were regarded as outliers by the high elves, and the withered ones wiped out this arrogance.

As for Li Yao’s personal army, the Blue Dragon Dragon Empress and her 200 guards are the core of Li Yao’s personal hands. This is a small army formed by dragons above the camp level, and has been transformed and strengthened. Definitely can be upgraded to another level.

   In terms of personal strength, killing Dalkhan allowed Li Yao to reach his full level and open the peak level.

   The so-called peak level is a way to improve after the full level.

   You can get a pinnacle point for each level up, and the attribute points can improve four attributes.

   are the main attributes, including strength, agility, intelligence, and movement speed. For each additional pinnacle point, two main attributes and 0.2% movement speed are increased, and the upper limit for each attribute is 50 pinnacle level points.

   Then there are secondary attributes, including spirit, stamina, strength, sensitivity, casting speed, and similar to the main attribute promotion.

   Then there are defensive attributes, including armor, elemental resistance, special armor, and special **** armor, but special armor and special **** armor need to be unlocked when the road of the strong meets certain conditions.

   Then there are various auxiliary attributes, including gold coin drop rate, treasure drop rate, mount drop rate and equipment drop rate.

   At each level of peak level, several attributes will take turns to gain a point. For example, the pinnacle level 1 can only increase the primary attribute, and the pinnacle 2 can only increase the secondary attribute and so on.

After reaching the full level, Li Yao’s attributes have also undergone a qualitative change and improvement. Both his mental power and sensitivity have undergone a qualitative change. The simplest understanding is that Li Yao used to have five arrows per second as the limit, but now it has become seven arrows per second. , This is still without blessing various states.

   The blessing of all states can reach the level of ten arrows per second, which is the improvement of qualitative change.

   More importantly, when Li Yao reaches his level, he can use more techniques that he could not use before. This is the point.

   The two dragon queens and other pets will also improve, and Li Yao's strength has once again experienced a big explosion.

   If Li Yao was attacked by Desom, and Dalkhan stupidly lets him shoot an arrow, then it is not as simple as a serious injury.

   Of course, there is the most important gain, Dalkhan's corpse, which is the corpse of a world-class leader at the full level, so the drop will not be bad.

   Actually, Li Yao's killing of Dalkhan has already made countless people envy and hate. Some people have already considered whether to fight for the reputation of the Withered Sun Legion and find a way to **** the spoils.

   But who is Li Yao? As soon as Dalkhan died, Touch of Darkness took Dalkhan's spoils away, giving no one a chance at all.

Li Yao directly let Morrowind bless the magic and let the voice spread throughout the battlefield: "The ruler of Desom is dead, and I have a headshot, and the soul fire has also been annihilated. In order to celebrate the upcoming victory, I would like to thank all the recruits. Excellent performance in this long battle, so I decided to take out a piece of top equipment dropped by Dalkhan as a reward. Of course, the premise is that the legion’s reputation is worshipped, and enough military merit is needed in exchange. As for who can get it in the end, The comparison is your prestige and military merit. I will choose the general top-level full-level equipment with special attributes after the full-level, and I will definitely not let everyone down."

  Dalkan dropped a lot of things, and they were all high-quality equipment at full level. Of course, most of them were legal equipment, and they were all the highest quality dark gold.

   Li Yao chose a comparatively low cost-effective piece of equipment as a Of course, it was only comparatively speaking, it was definitely a top-grade dark gold, absolutely priceless.

   But Li Yao is definitely not a loser. This is the reason why the so-called daughter buys horse bones.

   Although it seems that Li Yao is stupid, don't forget that there is only one prize, but everyone wants it.

   What should I do, desperately gaining prestige and merit. Although the Withered Sun Legion was about to win, it wasn't just Desom to the end, the entire ghost land was actually full of undead, and the Withered Sun Legion was too busy to die, and it still couldn't take care of it.

   The follow-up still needs a lot of work, and new temptations are indispensable, although losing a piece of equipment seems to be a loss.

   But with Li Yao's countless experience, it is not easy to get more equipment for the guild. He already has a plan.

   He is now at full level, and the number of people in the guild is basically above sixty-five, and even the top sixty-seven.

   is not far from the full level. After dealing with the things here, he will get a batch of full level equipment for the guild before proceeding with the mission of the road to the strong. This is also how Li Yao makes the guild players full of motivation.

   After all, the equipment is there, and the quantity cannot be unlimited. If the upgrade is slow, it will be troublesome for others to exchange it. Li Yao naturally stipulates that there is no rule that the full level can only be watched, but cannot be changed.

   In this way, Xinghuo will also burst into a wave of enthusiasm.

   are actually the same in the same way...

  :. :

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