MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1670: Sigh of the dead

Li Yao will be very clear, is to solve troublesome problems at the least cost.

   For example, using top equipment as a bait to allow many players to help the Withering Sun Legion clean up the remaining undead in the ghost land is a very cost-effective thing.

   Don't say such a simple truth, no one can see it.

   But it is useless to see. First of all, they are not at full level, and it is almost impossible to get good equipment. Even if it can, this is a drop of a world-class boss, and the drop of an ordinary boss is very different.

  Secondly, masters will think that they can get equipment as long as they work hard.

  Finally, it is impossible for ordinary players to kill world-class bosses, and it is extremely difficult to kill even a racial-class leader. There are still no full levels, and those after full level. This is at least one way.

   On the contrary, they all participated in the battle. It is also very cost-effective to brush their reputation to worship. Maybe some people don't care, but most of them still care.

   Especially Li Yao showed the attributes of that piece of equipment.

   the sigh of the dead

   Location: Necklace

  Quality: Dark Gold

   Trait: Necromancer

   Strength: 23%

  Agility: 23%

   Intelligence: 23%

   Spirit: 23%

   Endurance: 23%

   The sigh of the undead, curses the opponent after activation, the enemy's sensitivity and casting speed are reduced by 50% for 30 seconds, and the cooling time is one minute.

   Near-death instinct, when it suffers a damage that can kill the body, the effect is activated to form a life shield of 300% of its own life. It lasts 15 seconds and has a cooling time of 3 minutes.

   The reincarnation of life and death, the soul will not dissipate after death, the corpse can still continue to fight, the combat power is increased to 150%, the duration is three minutes, and the cooling time is one hour.

   trait attribute

   Darkness resistance: 150

   Vampire: 8%

   Necromancer blessing, when attacking, it will add 10% darkness damage of its own attack.

It can seal the souls of powerful monsters that have been killed. The sealed souls have all the skills during their lifetimes, and their attributes are 75% of their lifetimes. They can be summoned to fight when necessary. The number of seals available is 0/3. Only one undead can be summoned at the same time. .

   Equipment requirements: Level 60.

   When this equipment was put on display at the quartermaster, the players almost went crazy. This necklace is too strong.

All the main attributes have increased by nearly a quarter. How terrible it is. With such a big blessing, the dark gold of some experts is estimated to be twice as bad. Many ordinary players have dark gold to increase by less than 100 Tenths. There are more without dark gold, and the gap is very huge.

   For the average player, the equipment just improves too much, and the better the equipment, the more it improves.

   Next comes the special effects, none of the three special effects are useless. The first one is equivalent to a powerful control, especially when many professions have few control skills, such as fighters, which have very little control. Even people with more skills don't dislike their own control skills, right?

   The second one is equivalent to a death-free skill, and there is such a powerful shield. It is not invincible, but the value is not weaker than the special effects of invincible skills. It is very important for any profession.

   The third one is even more perverted. Although he died after death, he can continue to fight. With 150% combat power, whether it is pk or land reclamation, this skill is very useful.

  Pk, I’m inferior to humans or killed by a sneak attack, it’s okay to continue fighting, and the duration is not short, you can pick up all the equipment you drop at the first time, it’s not too cool.

   Open up wasteland, if tanks or healers have this necklace, good guy, the boss has a life shield, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t hold it. You can fight if you die.

   is a powerful equipment to save the team from destroying the group.

   Not to mention the remaining traits, this piece of equipment is already the top super necklace for current players, but it also has traits.

   Let the darkness look at a higher level not to mention, the attack also comes with blood sucking, and it also comes with dark attribute damage, which directly enhances the battery life and output.

   And the trait is even more powerful. If you kill a powerful boss, then seal the boss's soul and summon it to fight at a critical time. How powerful is it.

Take Dalkhan as an example. If Li Yao possesses this necklace and kills Dalkhan's seal, it can be equivalent to a Dalkhan with 75% combat power, 75% of the world-class leader, which is also a high-level camp. . For toys at this stage, it is simply not too strong.

   and three can be sealed, and different souls can be summoned to fight in different situations.

   This necklace is at the top of the list. Worship is the foundation and requires a lot of merit, but this can't stop the players from going crazy. Even the players who said not to be fooled were almost crazy.

   The battle is not over yet, it is a good time to reap the merits.

   And Li Yao glanced at the rest of the equipment, they were all superb, better than this necklace, but to Li Yao's regret, he didn't have what he needed.

   The attributes are naturally good, but in terms of special effects, Li Yao cannot give up his own equipment. He can only say that it is not compatible with Li Yao. If he kills a world-class ranger, it is estimated that most of him can use it.

   The rest is basically the equipment of the wizard. The Necro Crown is a flame crown braving a purple flame. The robe and the staff are all very good legal equipment.

   For the time being, there is no one to use, Li Yao will directly put it in the guild warehouse finale, waiting for him to get a batch of good equipment to improve the morale of the Spark players.

  The battle continues, but there is no need for Li Yao to do The specific command has their own deputy commander, Li Yao does not need to intervene, as for the other bosses.

   Seeing Li Yao killing Dalkhan and falling, the players are not afraid of destroying the group in order to grab the boss. They are crazy to besiege the powerful Daisom leaders, and the strong men of the Withering Sun Legion can't get in.

   Li Yao began to outline some development policies. In the captain's room, Li Yao recorded his ideas and arrangements for Chenfeng. The specific operations still require professional managers like them, and he can't resist wasting time here.

   In fact, Li Yao's approach is very common, whether the regent or the countess, they all do this, just controlling the general policy.

   The final Desom tail-off battle lasted for a whole day, this is the terrible souls.

   If it were an ordinary life, it would have surrendered or fled in despair. But the undead have no morale, but they will not be defeated.

However, the Withering Sun Legion has already occupied all building control rights. During this period, many players were lucky enough to enter various important places to make a fortune, and they were killed. For such players who crossed the boundary, the Withered Sun Legion never Tolerate, and the players have no opinion, this is to follow the rules of the npc legion.

   When Desom calmed down completely, it was already a day later, the players quit the valley and followed the army to return to the Windrunner Tower first, and then released the cleaning mission for the Ghostlands.

   And the Withering Sun and the army above are busy evacuating Dessom, here is a huge treasure house...

  :. :

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