MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1682: Confrontation

"This is impossible. What kind of monster are you? How can a normal creature be as tyrannical as you." The centaur leader Memati was going crazy.

His strength has been amazing since he was a child, and his strength was comparable to that of an adult centaur when he was young. As he grew up, he quickly became the number one strongman of the centaur tribe, and his endurance was amazing.

It can be said that wearing a metal armor on a centaur is simply a way to survive. The centaur relies on sensitivity and is good at speed. Even the tauren who is good at running is not an opponent, and they are crushed by them.

And he was dressed in heavy armor and heavy armor that had been modified, and his speed would not slow down in the slightest.

In close combat, he has become the first warrior of the tribe, and there are strong men who can defeat him, but he has never encountered anyone who can defeat him in strength.

However, today he was suppressed by an orc, and the orc did not look blushing and breathless, just as easy as he used to beat the children of those tribes.

In fact, not only the centaur was dumbfounded, but the players were also dumbfounded.

You must know that this is a strong man who can't resist even a mountain war, and the result is actually suppressed in strength, it is just like a dream.

How did they know that Li Yao’s mechanical clone bones were modified from the bones of Frost Bone Dragons, and they were extremely strong. With the precious mechanical body, the power of the mechanical body was extremely powerful, not to mention it. It is blessed by the power of the dragon father of Li Yao.

"I don't believe it." Maimedi, the centaur leader, roared, his body glowing with blood.

His body suddenly swelled nearly doubled. This is a certain skill that stimulates potential and makes his combat effectiveness soar again.

"Are you the only one who has blessings."

A dragon shadow appeared on the body of the mechanical clone, and the two slammed together again.


The big sword in the hands of the mechanical clone burst into pieces, and the big sword in the centaur leader also turned into fragments.

The centaur leader was even more lifted out by tremendous strength. The mechanical clone took two sickles from his waist, the wings of the Valkyrie shook slightly, and the mechanical clone flew out like a drill.


Li Yao directly penetrated the centaur's body, stabilizing his figure in the distance, and a big hole appeared in the body of the centaur leader.

There are many feather tips in many places. It is obvious that the sharp feathers shoot from the inside out, just because they are afraid that the centaur will not die.

The centaur fell to the ground, two thieves appeared with two pieces of equipment in their hands, but before they could activate other skills, four scythes killed the two thieves in seconds.

Only then did Li Yao's mechanical clone slowly walk towards the centaur leader to the end, pick up the thing dropped by the centaur leader, and put it into the double stick.

The centaur and the players were completely dumbfounded. Where did the fierce come from? Is this Nima killing the boss? How does it feel easier than killing the mobs.

Strong, fierce attacks, strange methods.

"Damn it, this is a freak that came out of somewhere, I haven't heard of it before."

"Yeah, it's too fierce, it's a killer, this attack power is terrifying, can anyone among the players block his sword."

"It must be the people of Xinghuo, Xinghuo is really talented, envy."

"It would be great if our team had such a fierce man."

"You guys think too much. Who doesn’t know that this is the person from Xinghuo. I also know that he has a good relationship with Liaoyuan. Didn’t you see it? The metal wings on the back were obviously made by Liaoyuan for him, almost exactly the same ."

"The key is the Death Scythe. This is a fragment of the artifact. Liaoyuan actually gave it away. Who is this guy and where did it pop out."

"Such a strong, it must be at full level, but why is it not on the ranking list."

The players talked a lot, and they were really shocked by the battle just now.

"Brother, you are a really strong friend, and the relationship is really good. I will give away all the artifacts."

With frost all over his body, the trembling sea and sky said with a bitter face, he didn't dare to look at the blue dragon queen now, it was too cruel.

I just like to make jokes. You are a war pet, too arrogant, but he can't offend other world-class leaders, so stay away.

"I remember saying that, we are like one person." Li Yao said with a shrug.

"Is there any." The sea was puzzled.

Jasmine Milk Tea asked curiously: "This Ember is so strong, Liaoyuan, who is better between you and him? Why do I feel that your friend is more domineering than you."

"That's right, the domineering is definitely better for melee combat, enough excitement and passion. In terms of attributes and strength, I am inferior to him, but when it comes to real fighting, he can't beat me if I don't shoot." Li Yao said with a smile. .

"It's great to have awesome pets." The sea and sky said sadly: "I wanted to be a hunter or a summoner, or even a necromancer, but the **** propaganda film, that warrior was so handsome, and turned out to be The soldiers discovered that all the dirty work is done by the, they don’t pull the wind at all."

"Who said that the boss of our camp used to be a warrior, but got the shaman's warhammer and changed his job to become a shaman. Moreover, the king of the werewolf kingdom and the boss of the bright camp are all fighters. Which one is not famous? Yes." Li Yao said seriously.

The vast sea and the sky said moved: "Liaoyuan, you are really a friend. With the encouragement of you, the first person in the game, I am full of motivation. One day, I will become as strong and cool as them."

The sea and the sky immediately stood up, full of lofty ambitions.

Li Yao shook his head: "Brother, you really misunderstood. I mean, don't blame the profession for your own technical scum, and warrior is the world's most professional profession, but only a few can achieve success. ."

"I..." The broad smile and confidence instantly froze on his face.


Jasmine Milk Tea suddenly smiled and trembled: "I really didn't expect that a domineering and ruthless hunting king would have such a side. If I say it, others will definitely not believe it."

Li Yao nodded solemnly: "Yeah, I originally thought about whether your **** were true or not, but now it's confirmed, it should be true."

Jasmine milk tea immediately covered her chest, turned around and took a sip: "You stinky men, you don't have a good thing."

"Brother, the so-called friend's wife..."

"So brother, since the moment I saw milk tea, I have identified you as a brother."


"Do you think that our tribes are all dead? After the attack, you were so unscrupulously showing off at the door of the tribe. You are looking for death."

With an angry voice, a large number of centaur surrounded Li Yao and them...

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