MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1683: Weak girls

Li Yao stopped gagging and looked at the centaur who came around. These people looked at them with hatred.

"Why, don't you centaur admire force the most? My friend is Maimedi who directly defeated one-on-one."

The headed centaur's face was cold: "Then how did you calculate the bombing of our tribe?"

Li Yao sneered: "So, do you want to besiege anyway?"

"In short, if you want to leave here, just leave the corpse." The Centaur chief said in a gloomy manner.

"Shameless, do you really think I'm afraid of you gang fights."

Following Li Yao's words, a huge mechanical dragon appeared from the illusory portal of the structural space, and soon, two hundred huge mechanical dragons hovered above them.

The centaur's complexion changed wildly. The aura of these dragons is really too strong. Each is a dragon warrior above the camp level. With their appearance, the dragon will be revealed.

This is still a situation where the Blue Dragon and Dragon Empress did not take the lead. If the Blue Dragon and Dragon Empress were added, then Longwei would not be as simple as it is now.

"When I went to the corner tribe this time, I heard that there are countless noble warriors, so I took my friends to challenge the noble strong. If you want to start a war, I will accompany you at any time. I still have a million army waiting for my call. I am afraid of you. Nothing."

If Li Yao said these things just now, the centaur patriarch would dismiss it, but it would be very exaggerated to cooperate with two hundred mechanical dragon warriors.

Not to mention the millions of army, just these two hundred giant dragons can kill their tribe upside down, and they don't have an air force, even if they are tired of killing, they pat their wings and leave, they have nothing.

Not only is the Centaur dumbfounded, even the players are dumbfounded.

Especially the team that was thinking about snatching the spoils just now is even more grateful. If this is done, their army, they are not enough for people to crack their teeth.

The centaur chief's eyes are uncertain. Recently too many recruits have come to harass them, making them very annoying, and these people seem to be inexhaustible to kill, and their mood is so mad.

Originally, Li Yao and the others were prepared to vent their anger, but they encountered hard stubble.

The sky is wide and the sky is almost staring, watching the two hundred huge mechanical dragons in the sky, the saliva is about to flow out: "Although it looks like a mechanical dragon, but the body is still covered with frost, watching the forum news, you attack Desom, I'm still fighting the Frost Bone Dragons, is this..."

At any rate, he is also the president of a large Chinese guild and a top game player. The things on his body are also high-end, which makes countless players envy.

But now he discovered that his preparations plus other things are probably not as valuable as a mechanical dragon.

Li Yao smiled and did not answer the question of the sea and the sky: "Chief, right? If you want to fight or not, just your word, don't delay our time."

The Centaur chief gritted his teeth and said: "Since it is a fair challenge, our tribe admits it. I don't know when you will leave. Our tribe has no extra supplies to find you."

Li Yao waved his hand: "Don't worry, the noble tribe is full of talents, and there are countless warriors. This is only one match. One win or loss does not mean anything. Three matches, as long as three matches, I will leave regardless of victory or defeat."

"Damn it, don't deceive others too much." The centaur behind the centaur chief heard that Li Yao was even better than Li Yao, and suddenly became angry. Although Memedi is not the strongest person in the tribe, he can still be in the top five, like him. This kind of combat power is too important, and the loss of one will cause a lot of damage to the tribe.

The centaur chief waved his hand: "If we still let this strongman play, then our tribe surrenders, we don't have to compare."

The strength of the mechanical clone completely shocked them, and it was just strength. Who knows what strange ability the other party has, even the top five of the tribe, Memati, didn't even know the opponent, and the others were probably giving food.

"That's plausible, the Chief is really magnanimous. Let's do it, for the remaining two games, you first choose the person to compete, and then choose the opponent between me and this lady. I will also come up with some prizes, you see. how is it."

A fist-sized dark green crystal appeared in Li Yao's hand, conveying a strong natural aura.

"Are you really willing to take out natural crystals as a prize?" The Centaur Chief's expression changed, and the other Centaur also showed greedy expressions.

Natural crystallization, whether it is for them to grow stronger and purify their blood, or to transform a barren land into an oasis, is too important for the centaur.

Especially for the tribe, the desolate land is too barren, and an extra oasis will be of immense benefit to the tribe.

For the closed centaur, the preciousness of natural crystallization is no less than a small artifact.

"Okay, that's just a bit interesting." The chief's suppressed joyful wrist turned a huge door-panel sword: "This is a totem sword produced by the tauren in my tribe's collection, with the power of a large totem, it is the best. Legendary weapon, this powerful sword was destroyed just now, if you win this sword will belong to you."

"Yes, then you come out and choose your opponent." Li Yao nodded.

"Chief, I'll come." A centaur, full of rune patterns, stood up.

"Priest, you should know the importance of natural crystallization." The Centaur chief said solemnly: "Don't choose your opponent willfully."

"Chief rest assured, I will use my life to fight for it." The centaur priest nodded and walked into the field. The Nanmu staff pointed to the expressionless blue dragon queen: "Woman, don't blame me for choosing you, you can only blame you for life. No, I was assigned to challenge."

Only then did the Blue Dragon Dragon Empress show a slight expression, the corners of her mouth cocked, she was actually despised.

The body flickered, and the blue dragon queen appeared in the venue: "Three tricks."

The centaur priest was taken aback: "What?"

The blue dragon dragon queen sneered: "Stupid bug, I can't even feel my breath, you are stupid at home, I said, three ways to solve you."

Following the words of the Blue Dragon and Dragon Empress, the air seemed to be condensing. The temperature of the air in the sweltering and desolate land instantly dropped. I don't know how much, and the sky didn't know when the white snowflakes began to float.

"It's snowing, how is this possible? There has been no ice and snow here for 10,000 years." A centaur looked up at the sky in doubt. There were no clouds in the sky, and those snowflakes seemed to condense out of the void.

Only the centaur chief looked at the woman wrapped in the frost-covered aqua blue crystal armor, and felt a bad mood in his heart.

The vast sea and sky who have understood the identity of the Blue Dragon and Dragon Empress are even more gloat. In his opinion, this guy would never choose an opponent. He actually thought that the Blue Dragon and Dragon Empress was weak, which was simply a big joke.

He also knew that Li Yao’s so-called challenge was actually dug a hole to make people jump. Three people, no matter who they are, there is no possibility of winning...

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