MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1694: overbearing


The Void Prince suddenly shot, and the armband directly bombarded the Void Lord.

The Void Lord's body, which was originally solid enough to look like a substance, suddenly became illusory, and most of the Void Lord's origin was shaken with a punch.

"No, it's impossible." How the Void Lord didn't want to believe this result was too frightening.

"I said, your bloodline limits your achievements. Even if it reaches a certain level, there is never the possibility of aspirations. You who have not seen the king, can never imagine why we are called kings. This is a natural belt. The blood and the power of the law."

The Void Prince sneered, his body endured the gang fight of other demons, and once again attacked the Void Lord.


"I'm not convinced!"

At this time, Lord Void's body was directly defeated by the second blow, and Void's armbands and shoulder armor fell to the ground, proving that he had ever appeared.

"This world is so unfair. If you want to resent, blame you for not being favored by the void when you were born."

The Void Prince said grimly, he has proven how resistant he can be with constant attacks and can become a solid barrier for his master. This is also their fate, which is to make tank materials.

Then the Void Prince will not be beaten obediently. Although the Wrath Guard cannot be suppressed from the source, the Wrath Guard cannot break the Void Prince's defense.

But the attack of the void prince is not weak, at least as an output-type angry guard, this kind of demon is not good at defense.

The Void Prince didn't need any skills, and he smashed to death the angry guard who was full of unwillingness to attack.

He had reason to be unwilling, because the opponent did not show any fighting skills and fighting will at all, and just carried his attack and beat him.

This Nima is desperate. Although they can be resurrected, the sorcerer who has to contract is alive to resurrect them.

If the warlock were killed, they would naturally have no chance of resurrection, and they would have died in battle.

So they are particularly aggrieved and unwilling, because they know that human warlocks are basically helpless against the void prince.

The human warlock moves wildly, wanting to kite the Void Lord, his strategy is correct, but his attack is nothing to the Void Prince at all.

If a mage comes to use spells from other schools, it may be better and the damage will be much higher, but he is a sorcerer.

He can only use fire spells to cause more damage, but it takes too long for the fire spells to chant, and he is too late.

The flame imps are low-end demons. Although their rank is up because of the contract, their origin is too weak, even though they are flames and with fel energy.

But it was originally a collection of shadows and twisted elements, even the fel energy could not continue to change the void prince.

In this case, the warlock was helpless, and when the last flame imp was shot to death, the human warlock was full of grief and indignation.

"Damn, don't force me." The human warlock has reason to be angry.

Such a shameful loss, let alone this is a life-and-death battle, even if he returns to the fortress, he probably has no place to stand.

"Forcing you, little warlock, what can you do? By the way, you can still consume your life and life to sacrifice, and summon more powerful demons to help you fight for a period of time. Come on, I will give you time and let you sacrifice , I said, this is the first battle for this prince to prove his strength in front of his master. The stronger you perform, the more prominent my value. Come on, you are welcome."

"Damn it, you forced me."

The human warlock directly smashed a scroll, and as the scroll shattered, a terrifying breath enveloped him, and then this breath enveloped the human warlock.

Then the human warlock grew old at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and for a while, it seemed like a good old age.


The sky suddenly darkened, and then turned green, a crack appeared in the sky, and a green flame meteor with a long flame tail fell like lightning.

"What Void Prince, no matter how strong your defense is, do you dare to shake the **** meteors?" The warlock continued to chant a spell, and a stream of black gas enveloped the Void Prince.

Obviously, he wanted to control the prince of the void to not move, and the prince of the void did not know if he was controlled or did not want to move at all, but he looked up coldly at the falling stars in the sky.

The meteor traversed a beautiful arc, and landed directly on the void prince with a whistling sound.


The earth is full of smoke and dust, shrouded everyone's sight.

Everyone could only see a vague green figure stretched out, the smoke dissipated, and a huge hellfire with a height of nearly fifty yards roared into the sky.

Hellfire high-ranking camp, fifty yards tall, at least twice as tall as the void prince, and his body is made of extremely strong rune rocks, burning **** flames and spreading evil energy.

The earth was shrouded in corroded green flames, accompanied by the ethereal roar of hellfire, and countless dust was shaken away.

Are you This is what everyone thinks. With such a terrifying attack, a huge crater appeared on the earth.

The Void Prince was no longer visible, and the warlock laughed wildly: "You paid for your conceit."

Just as everyone thought that Prince Void was dead, the Hellfire roared suddenly, he moved, but he seemed to be bound by something.

Then the huge body of Hellfire suddenly flew out, and the figure of the void prince sprang from the ground. Players can see that the armor of the void prince's body has only dimmed a little, and his blood volume has only fallen by less than one-sixth. This is a huge meteor in the sky. Any player will be killed in seconds. As a result, this terrifying guy lost such a little blood after being smashed underground. And the blood volume of Prince Void is recovering at a very fast speed.

"Very good." Void Prince quickly approached the hellfire flying out.

The hellfire fell on the ground, not losing much blood, two monsters rushed together, you hit me, I hit you.

It's like two reckless men fighting each other frantically.

"Void, exile."

Two monsters, one can be in the state of a meteor and will not burn completely, and the other has rune armor. Fighting against each other will be fruitless.

Moreover, the fel impact of the hellfire, the shock impact, is almost ineffective to the void prince.

The prince of the void couldn't help, and with the attack of the warlock, the warlock resurrected five flame imps.

A black whirlpool appeared, half of Hellfire's body was enveloped in the whirlpool, and then he heard the sound of khaka khaka.

The whirlpool disappeared, and the half of the hellfire body had disappeared.

The prince of the void was unforgiving, grabbing the hellfire on half of his body, and constantly smashing it on the ground. Large pits appeared on the ground, and the traces of cracks continued to spread...

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