MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1695: Debut

That void vortex was really terrifying, and it directly shredded half of Hellfire's body.

Lost half of his body, Hellfire is no longer as good as before.

Originally, according to the defense and attack of the two, the three days and nights of direct confrontation between the two would basically not kill each other.

As a result, the Void Prince controls the law of the void, which is actually very easy to understand. On the one hand, he is the king of the Voidwalker. He was born with the law when he was born, and later he grew into a world-class leader.

Although the realm has fallen, the law of mastery will not disappear.

This is his most terrifying trick, controlling the void, and it is also the root of why the Voidwalker race can gain a foothold in the vast universe and continue to grow.

"You are very strong, but your origin is too weak. I wait for elemental beings. The strength of the origin cannot be compensated by grade."

The Void Prince smashed the hellfire on the ground again, then lifted it, and threw it directly away.


The hellfire on the half of the body was also very huge and heavy. Similarly, after being beaten by the Void Prince for a long time, he still didn't die, and directly hit the five flame imps.

Taking part in the battle, the human warlock was desperate. He glanced at the city wall. As the supreme leader, the orc warlock didn't mean to admit defeat.

Their evil organization is so realistic and cruel, and it will not want a loser.

"If you are unkind, don't blame my treachery."

The human warlock activated the portal again, and his body disappeared through the portal, turned into a green ball of light, and rushed to the far away portal.

"I am the Void, you have obviously forgotten, even here I can play the instinct of Voidwalker."

The void prince body turned into a faint blue shadow, and lightning intercepted the human warlock wrapped in the teleporting light.


The transmitted light disappeared, and the human warlock fell from midair.

But he was well prepared and launched a directional teleportation, moving short distances.

"I said, in the eyes of the strong man who controls the void, you are a lamb to be slaughtered."

The purple mist of the void prince envelops the human warlock. The human warlock was surprised to find that his skin dwindled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became skinny.

"What is this, I'm not reconciled."

The human warlock fell to the ground, he had never thought that he would die so miserably.

Warlock, controlling fel and demon power, seems very strong, but there is also great danger.

"Great master, this is your trophy."

The prince of the void regained his form and directly offered what was dropped by the human warlock.

Li Yao put away, nodded: "Yes, very resistant to beating."

"Thank you for the master's praise, I will definitely become the strongest barrier for the master in the future." Said Void Prince.

Li Yao dismissed Prince Void, and then looked at the city wall: "In the third game, I also use a demon to fight, and you guys."

With a whistle, a void teleport formed again.

"Don't be proud, do you really think that our barriers are unmanned, Fallen Sword Saint Das, go up and show them a little bit of power." The orc warlock said coldly.

"The sword is me, and I am the sword."

A dark red orc like an iron tower, holding two burning swords and carrying a battle flag on his back, jumped directly from the wall, and then step by step, as if there was a certain rhythm on the ground .

In the Void Teleportation Array, with the high-heeled voice of Ka Ka Ka, an extremely enchanting figure also appeared.

"I have seen the most handsome and great master." Seeing Li Yao, the succubus queen knelt on one knee and bowed her head to express her own tame.


In an instant, the eyes of the players watching through the live broadcast and various NPCs were all straightened, especially the men, as if they could feel a heat wave rising from their bodies.

If she is beautiful, the succubus queen is a bit inferior to the dragon queen, but she is teasing hormones from the inside to the outside regardless of her body shape or her spreading temperament.

Just looking at her will cause the most primitive sprouting in the heart, and for a while, countless men's eyes will burst into flames.

This is the ancient gods. As they become more and more real and magical, their temperament and aura are equally real and incomparable, which can even affect the audience watching the live broadcast.

Many women also have their eyes bright, and some who have boyfriends or husbands, who are still with them, suddenly cursed a fox, and then countless families experienced domestic violence at the same time.

"Nima, can the Hunter King give others a way to survive? Even if there are more pets, all of them are stunners of this level. I'm shameful X."

"Oh my God, has the Hunter King changed his post to a Warlock? This succubus is so tempting. If there are such pets, I am going to fight for something special. It will be fine to visit the succubus every day."

"They are all succubus, why is it not a little bit more advanced than my succubus." A warlock was puzzled.

"Don't worry, this succubus is not a little bit better than the succubus we summoned. Looking at the dress, this temperament, this figure ~ this fascinating eyes is not a class at all."

"For a moment I feel that my succubus is dull."

"Although I am not a warlock, I also have an impulse to kill Liaoyuan. What's so special, my saliva is flowing out."

"Wow, this tame form, this attractive curve of salute, I..."

Players and audiences have gone crazy, venting their emotions madly. Of course, a lot of tissues will be consumed at the same time.

Many people in the NPC army with weak strength turned red, and directly covered the undersides, one by one, the red shrimps with bowed backs, not to mention too much embarrassment.

The hot flames are also burning in the eyes of those strong men, greedily looking at the succubus queen.

The succubus queen brought a sensational effect as soon as she appeared, and the scene exploded instantly.

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "Get up, I said, can we curb your fascination talent, you see, what it looks like, one by one becomes hungry wolves."

"It's not like the master to show my ability." The succubus queen stood up, teasing her back and circled Li Yao: "The master really didn't lie to me, being too young, I really like it. "

The blue dragon dragon queen said faintly: "Black clothes, this will make you have an opponent. Compared to seduce a man, I am afraid you can't compare with this. They are more charming and more attractive than you."

The black dragon queen smiled: "Sister, are you worried, but it’s okay, but it’s just a plaything. Isn’t it more interesting? This is the first time this Sao Tizi appeared on the stage today, to give her a face, and then slowly adjust. Let her know some rules."

The succubus queen looked at the two dragon queens: "The two elder sisters are crazy, I am also happy to see who tunes whom."

The two dragon queens seemed to smile but not, and suddenly two monstrous dragons pressed against the succubus queen...

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