MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1715: Violent mechanical clone

Although these skeleton generals have been transformed into undead, and their size has reached nearly twenty yards, their consciousness is also the consciousness of the player.

It was not the skeletons summoned on the ground. A large number of skeletons emerged from the ground, as if there was a burial ground below, with endless corpses in the ground.

This is the use of special props to activate magic, and it can also be understood as a kind of sacrifice.

Transform the form or gain special power in a short period of time, and when time passes, you will pay no small price.

For example, more than twenty players sacrificed their body and soul and got praises from the undead.

The plane of death that can communicate in a short time summons the corresponding undead army, and the person who releases the magic is transformed into the corresponding leader, who can fight and retain his consciousness.

When time passes, they will die, and they are still the kind of death that cannot be resurrected by the healing profession.

In other words, this is a situation where you must lose one level. Twenty people who lose one level will also kill Li Yao, which shows how unhappy they are.

Of course, Li Yao's pets are not vegetarian. They are divided into two groups to kill the undead, looking for opportunities to kill the players hiding behind.

"Red Flame Dragon Breath."

The staff in the hand of the black dragon dragon queen turned into a giant flame dragon head.

The flame dragon suddenly spewed out hot flames, and the flames swept across. Those skeletons could not withstand the heat wave at all, as long as they quickly turned into fireballs in the spray range, they were burned to ashes.

The black dragon dragon queen is under the dragon's head, moving forward step by step, no one can stop him.

The blue dragon dragon empress is graceful, the snowflakes around her have turned into transparent ice crystals, and they fall with the snowflakes.

Those skeletons stuck by snowflakes turned into ice crystals, like crystal statues of skeletons, lifelike.

As the Blue Dragon Empress passed by, a gust of wind blew by, and those ice crystals suddenly collapsed into ice crystals all over the sky, scattered all over the place.

The succubus queen took one step at a time. At each step, one or more skeletons would be smashed by the whip, and then more than a dozen Hellhounds appeared, surrounded her, madly biting those skeletons.

And she also fascinated a player from time to time to deal with their own teammates, making the blood-clothed people miserable.

Li Yao's body is floating in a place not high from the ground, bending his bow to accumulate strength, looking for opportunities to launch a fatal blow to the players of the Blood Alliance.

Nearly a hundred hellhounds resisted the attack of the skeletons and prevented them from hurting Li Yao.

And Li Yao's mechanical clone is the most violent. Seeing the skeletons swarming, he directly launched a whirlwind charge.

The scout that launched the whirlwind charge, the body of the mechanical clone was completely wrapped in wings, and the feathers on the wings of the Valkyrie Wing had exploded.

With the rotating charge, it is like a meat grinder.

After several consecutive charges, a large number of broken bones were left behind, which were directly crushed by the wings of the Valkyrie.

The mechanical clone stagnated in front of a warlock who was constantly summoning demons, and when it landed, it was a sword.

The warlock was originally protected by the skeletons, and was far away from the mechanical clone.

He is a pure demon warlock, and the elite class is the summoning stream, which can summon many demon army.

Originally, he thought he was absolutely safe, and he succeeded in getting his demon to block the three arrows of Li Yao's body.

At this distance, it is time to summon the demon army.

But never thought that the mechanical clone would be so terrifying, and it came directly in front of him.

He was performing a large-scale summoning technique, and he couldn't stop at all. If he succeeded, at least hundreds of demon guards could be summoned to fight, not to mention the rank of demon guards, even the elites were quite strong.

So he could only watch the big sword fall, he didn't even have the chance to dodge by the owlet.

"Asshole, die."

Not far away, a huge skeleton general's fury, swiftly running, the skeletons in front of him were crushed directly by him.

The mechanical clone was not afraid at all, and the wings behind it kept stirring up, tearing each skeleton into pieces.

And he jumped physically, using Bubu Shenglian in the air to meet the giant skeleton general.

The only estimates that can be compared with the Skeleton Generals are Hydra and Magic Mecha.

Mana mechas are very overbearing. Just by shaking the profound meaning, they can shatter each skeleton, split into many mana mechas to form a small formation, constantly crushing the formation of the skeletons.

The Hydra is dealing with monsters that have been summoned.

In comparison, Li Yao's mechanical clone is nearly ten times smaller than General Skeleton.

From any point of view, the mechanical clone rushing up is a dead word.

However, is this the case? General Skeleton is not at the racial level, and Li Yao's mechanical clone is the same as his body.

The big sword in Li Yao's hand was very big, but it was a toothpick in the eyes of General Skeleton.

Li Yao in mid-air slammed into the opponent's bone sickle with a big sword in his hand.

However, something that shocked everyone happened.

The sickle in General Skeleton’s hand There were also many cracks in General Skeleton’s arm.

But the lotus at the feet of the mechanical clone just flickered, and Li Yao went down.

The big sword in his hand fell on the foot bones of General Skeleton who staggered backwards.

General Skeleton’s feet were cut off, and he was unsteadily standing due to the strength of the collision. Now the feet were cut off and fell directly to the ground.

In front of the mechanical part, he grabbed the skeleton's thigh and swept wildly as a weapon.

The surrounding skeletons can withstand such a huge skeleton general. As Li Yao's mechanical clone dances, the skeletons are swept away piece by piece.

The sky is full of skeletons falling apart, and General Skeleton is actually in control of the player's consciousness.

Although he didn't feel the pain, he was extremely suffocated. The strength that he only gained after losing his level was unexpectedly so vulnerable in the hands of others.

The seemingly huge body, like a toy in the hands of others, was used as a weapon, but it swept their summoning results.

Soon, the mechanical clone carried the huge skeleton general to meet the other skeleton general. There was no skill, it was crushed by powerful force.

And Li Yao's body no longer attacked the players of the Blood-Clothed League, the arrow was like a dragon, and it took less than ten seconds to explode a skeleton general's head.

Li Yao's arrows are too domineering, and are already invincible, and General Skeleton is naturally strong, but the goal is so obvious that it is impossible to avoid Li Yao's arrows.

In the distance, the channel occupied by Xinghuo, the players of Xinghuo have already killed.

They actually discovered the existence of Li Yao earlier, but they were also fighting the monster just now, and there was no time to support it.

Now that the monsters were resolved, they suddenly came out.

"Shameless blood-clothed league, a core group bullies my elder brother, when we are all dead."...

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