MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1716: Converge

The people in the Blood-Clothed League started crying when they heard Tongtong's shouting, your sister, which eye did you see that we bullied your big brother. Fastest update

It's obviously that we are being bullied. Up to now, most of their people have lost most of them. However, Liaoyuan has not lost any blood, OK?

Let alone the two dragon queens who slaughtered the skeletons crazy, no one can stop them.

Then the magic mech squad could not be defeated, and the succubus queen kept killing the skeletons, and kept calling the Hellhound.

This is how much time, there are thousands of Hellhounds.

As for the mechanical clone, it was a mess, carrying a huge skeleton general and smashing it around, who could stop it.

If they hadn't sacrificed more than 20 people and used the Undead Praise, I am afraid they would have destroyed the group now.

Who is bullying whom? The druid as the commander is already crying.

It is not that he has not experienced despair. The team he leads has also experienced thousands of tempers. His command cannot be said to be peerless, but he is definitely the best group of people in the command.

I haven't experienced any scene, but it was the first time that he felt powerless and at a loss.

He believed in his own judgment. Every decision was made to deal with Li Yao's weakness. There was no problem with his strategy, but the result was so unacceptable.

Druids didn't feel resentful. Did you play games? Either you kill me or I kill you. It's normal.

Especially under such cruel rules, aren't they also relying on their own team to block other teams from entering here.

During this period of time, they did not know how many teams were blocked, and hundreds of players were killed. If they are wronged, wouldn't those people be even worse.

Liaoyuan wanted to pass here, didn't they also want to kill first, it's just that their strength was not good, they were destroyed by others, and then they killed all the way.

Even their core team is not a single opponent. He feels that he has tried his best, but his skills are still not as good as others. There is nothing to complain about.

However, even if they wanted to destroy the group, he didn't want to destroy their team's spark.

So the druid commander started shouting frantically.

"Are you still watching the excitement in your respective passages? You should be clear about the rules here. In this place, avoidance won't win."

"If you want to go out, or want to go to a higher level, what you need is killing. We are all afraid of our own strengths, and we don't want to be picked up by others to hold on to the present."

The teams in the other passages quietly looked at this side, listening to the druid's command.

"You have also seen the personal strength of Liaoyuan. His team alone broke through our defense. What does this mean? He can also penetrate your defenses. Although there are stronger than our team, they are also stronger. It's limited. Everyone is half a cat. He alone can fight our core group of 100 people, and our blood-clothed league can be regarded as the top guild."

Many players were already moved, and their faces began to flicker.

"Xinghuo itself is very strong. When Liaoyuan does not come, one guild can face offensives from two guild core groups, and still win. As for Liaoyuan, he can single out our team, or he is unscathed. Kind of. This kind of perversion is not as simple as one plus one if they return to their own team."

"Everyone is smart, and I just click to the end. It's up to everyone to do it."

The druid command didn't ask everyone to behave, but everyone could hear what he meant.

The Xinghuo core group was already very strong, and now with Liaoyuan, it is equivalent to how many teams many people dare not imagine.

At this point, everyone has entered this dungeon, and any team has paid the price, and many team members have lost experience levels.

In the current period of impact at full level, level and experience are too precious.

Ordinary dungeons, they can just give up, they can't afford to hide, but in this place, unless the group is destroyed, they can't get out at all, and there is no reason at all.

Let alone the final reward, if you want to live, you have to kill others.

The Xinghuo team is already very strong, and Liaoyuan will be even more terrifying. Liaoyuan will continue to take the Xinghuo team to kill the main line for the first time. It is not a joke.

In this situation, they don't want to face the Spark, either, the Spark destroys the group or they are destroyed by the Spark one by one.

The reason is simple. The strongest is always the target of fear at any time. As long as they have the opportunity to eliminate the strongest, they will not hesitate.

Moreover, the level of the star fire is generally very high. If the star fire core group is extinguished, the level of the star fire core group will fall.

Xinghuo didn't care about other things for the time being, and directly joined the battle.

Originally, under the pressure of Li Yao, the blood-clothed league team was in jeopardy. With the powerful addition of Spark, less than half of the blood-clothed league collapsed completely defeated like a mountain, and it was in Li Yao's personal team. The team has almost collapsed under the blow, and Spark is the last straw that overwhelms the camel.

In less than ten minutes, all the people in the Blood-Clothed League were basically killed and the group annihilated.

Maybe some fish that slipped through the net are still there, but it's no longer a climate and can't make any waves.

The crowd gathered and Li Yao looked at it. Sure enough, the Starfire Hundred-member Core Group came, but the number was less than one hundred. Obviously, Xinghuo was not without loss, and not all battle deaths could be resurrected.

"Didn't you level up in the dark green swamp misty valley? How did you get to this place."

Li Yao wondered, this upgrade location was provided by him to the guild.

A special kind of bug is prevalent in this place, with a strange attack method.

The players who broke in are basically dead, and they need a special item to cover their breath so as not to provoke countless bugs.

And occupy a good position, divided into dozens of teams to upgrade is definitely the top speed.

Qin Fengyi said: "Sister Li is a career mission, the front of the road to the strong. At this point, her mentor said that an old friend was trapped and wanted us to rescue. After completing the previous mission, we found that this mission was actually It is a sideline of the world-class main mission. It is of great value. With the guidance of Sister Li's instructor, we formed a core team to participate in the mission. Who knows the unexpected dangers of this place."

Li Yao nodded, the main task, anyone or any guild will go all out as long as they have clues, this will leave a glorious deed.

And the rewards of the main missions have always been unprecedentedly rich, but the rules of this Arcane Tower are too fucking, you can only enter but not exit.

"By the way, big brother, how did you get here? Didn't you get equipment for the guild." Hitomi asked Li Yao curiously...

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