MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1719: I just like it

Zhan, Zhan, your sister, how can you fight like this? Just come out and crush them, fight back, how can you fight.

"Don't you want to fight me upright, come on."

Leopard’s lungs are going to explode, but although he is arrogant, he is not really a reckless man. He was just ashamed of being killed by Li Yao and wanted to find his place.

"I know your information. We haven't entered the game at the time. Your skills are very good among you people on earth, and your **** ability is very strong. By hugging the queen's thighs, you started flying into the sky, and then you got it by chance. Thanks to the allegiance of the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen. Since then, it has been out of control, and the snowballs have grown bigger and bigger, and now there are several maps under control. Recently, the Black Dragon has won the Blue Dragon Queen and 200 Frost Dragon Warriors."

"You have become one of the strongest people in the new generation of the dark camp, but you have to understand that this is all because we entered the main plane relatively late. If there are people like us at the beginning, how can there be an opportunity like you, but A joke."

"Compared to the overall strength, I am inferior to you. But when it comes to fighting skills and techniques, you are still far behind. If you fight with me on your own body, you will be far worse than you."

The Leopard’s eyes are full of fighting spirit. He admits that Li Yao is better than him, and he is now stronger than him, because fighting is more than just skills and skills, but more personal strength and heritage.

"I have never seen a shameless person like you. According to your statement, your grandfather's generation and even your father's generation have a much deeper background than you. Do you say that you were born late, but in fact others are scumbags? Scum, let others reincarnate like you and compete again. Fool."

Hitomi immediately exploded in foul language. This was indeed a robber theory, and he couldn't do it if he couldn't. He gave a bunch of excuses.

Other alien players shone with shame, this is that the world simply cannot have true fairness and justice, and the so-called fairness and justice are not measured by people's own standards.

It's ridiculous to complain about being born late.

So they persuaded him to go back, but the leopard man was already angry, so he would listen.

"Liaoyuan, I'll just ask you, you pride yourself on being Wushuang with archery, and you are called the Hunter King. Do you dare to fight me without relying on your pet."

Li Yao sneered: "My life is peaceful and I don't like to have disputes with others. You provoke me. But, although I am modest and refined, the most uncomfortable is people like you who are full of excuses. How can this world exist? There are so many ifs. And my favorite thing is to satisfy your so-called ifs and let you understand that you are also a trivial scum in my eyes."

"So, you agreed?" Leopard man didn't care about anything else. He just wanted to prove that he could beat the Liaoyuan technically. The Liaoyuan only relied on **** to accumulate the background to be fierce. As long as he has enough accumulation, he can completely overcome it. other side.

"Promise, I said, I like stepping on you the most. I will not summon any pets, and I will not use any profundity. As for you, you have any means, just use it. I will make a contract. "

Li Yao said that he threw out a contract, that is, he would not use any secret skills, would not call any pets to challenge the leopard.

They were puzzled by Li Yao's actions. Li Yao was more than a self-breaking arm, and he almost broke his own foot. How to fight this, Leopard Man is not a vegetarian. Although he has a grumpy personality, he is also a very strong man.

Li Yao is so big, facing the leopard in his heyday, it is inevitable to suffer a loss.

"Well, I won't use the profound meaning, lest I bully you." Leopard man sneered.

"Should I change my weapon to a novice bow, and wear a purple set of equipment casually, or else you lose and push the reason to be that I played early, and I didn’t meet you aliens, so I accumulated of"

Li Yao's words made everyone outside the Pantherman Guild roar in laughter. Despite their temporary alliance, they would not really be the same enemy.

Although many aliens also think that Li Yao has such strength through accumulation, his accumulation is a symbol of strength. This kind of request is too shameless than fighting.

And although they understand the leopard people's idea of ​​summoning faces, they look down on this way.

In their view, the real powerhouse is to know that the opponent is tyrannical, temporarily avoiding the edge, surpassing the opponent's accumulation, and crushing the opponent in both technology and strength.

If it weren't for the special rules of this instance, they really didn't want to fight with Xinghuo.

Even with the leopard hair on the leopard man's face, everyone can still see from his eyes the irritation into anger, this statement really made him ashamed.

"Don't fight with tongues, you don't need to change equipment. Let's do it, let's fight by means."

The Leopard man said that he threw a battle flag of life and death. The function of the battle flag of life and death is that the system suppresses the bet for the lottery and suffers double punishment after Even if it is resurrected, the punishment is still doubled.

And in the life-and-death battle, just like the game mode, others can watch but cannot intervene, and the scene temporarily enters a locked state, which is equivalent to entering a mirrored space.

They can see, but they can't touch it.

The five-second countdown began, and the two looked at each other.

The two of them directly entered the shadows and began to sneak in.

As a Leopard Druid, his body is a hunting form, so there is no need to deform.

Now there is a druid's elite transformation, that is, it does not become a leopard but becomes a leopard man. The advantage of this is that it can maintain a human form and is easy to control.

Li Yao's figure also faded and disappeared into the air.

The audience was dumbfounded, a hunter and a druid duel, how to make it like a duel between two thieves.

However, the spectators in the game can see two faint shadows. The distance between the two is not too far, but no one can see each other, and they all start to move cautiously.

They were surprised to find that Li Yao's stealth technique was absolutely master. This is unbelievable for a hunter, even if the Dark Ranger has the ability to enter the shadows, it is unbelievable.

It wasn't the level of stealth, but Li Yao's every move, responding to the momentum of this world.

The stealth of the thief can hide his figure and make his body lighter, but he can still make a sound.

This requires constant practice by thieves, adapting to various terrains is only the basis, the most important thing is to master the ground and everything around it, without revealing any flaws.

And Li Yao’s sneaking performance is simply flawless, he is like a graceful stroll, he controls the gravel, vegetation, and even the dust on the ground, as if he truly blends into the environment, as if dancing in the environment is as pleasing to the eye...


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