MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1720: violent

Naturally, they didn't know that Li Yao chose his career as a thief for the first time in his last life. After playing for two years, his skills are not bad. He is a person who can endure loneliness, and he has also practiced stealthily.

Later, although he was replaced by a hunter, he had fought against many powerful thieves. Hunters and thieves are like rivals, and they have a natural grasp of stealth.

What's more, now the spirit is extremely powerful, and there is nothing to hide under the eyes of God. After deduction, all his actions seemed random, but in fact they were deduced countless times.

This is his current control over the body. Li Yao thinks that his thieves' skills are not as good as those of the mature god-level thieves of the top era, but now the game has only been open for how long, even the top thieves' skills are just like that.

The leopard man wanted to find his trace through the flaws of sneaking, it was simply wishful thinking.

In fact, many masters have seen the technical gap between the two from their actions.

It was the item of sneaking. Although the Leopard Man seemed perfect, it was far worse than Li Yao elegantly.

And the terrain here is not very complicated, it is a very good place for sneaking, so as long as you practice sneaking, as long as you are careful, you will basically not be discovered.

Li Yao didn't use the sonic arrows, and even the mother worms didn't use them, because they belonged to the skills of the mysterious level. Basically, it is considered as a legal cheating device, and Li Yao does not bother to use the female bug to deal with him.

For Li Yao, he has many ways to lure him out.

In the eyes of the audience, the distance between the two of them was about five yards when they were closest, and the two of them kept walking around in an attempt to find each other's flaws.

The audience saw the leopard man's eyes glowing red, but still couldn't see where Li Yao was. The audience also understood that Li Yao's stealth level must also be very high.

This is normal. Li Yao's personal equipment, passiveness, accomplishment, title, and many blessings for stealth, naturally his stealth level is not said.

The two were deadlocked for more than a minute, and no one found anyone.

There is a small stone at Li Yao's feet. In the eyes of the audience, Li Yao shouldn't step on the stone at all, but Li Yao just stepped on the stone.


"caught you."

Then came the sound. The leopard man hiding in the dark directly launched a pounce, and with the shining claw shadow, Li Yao seemed to be torn apart.


The Leopard saw the face of the torn figure frantically changing, but before he could react, he felt a powerful force coming from his waist.

The leopard flew out with a scream, and his blood volume suddenly dropped by one-fifth.

It turned out that the moment Li Yao stepped on the stone activated a shadow special effect, separating a shadow, and the shadow stepped on the stone, while Li Yao's body was standing on one side.

The Leopard pounced, Li Yao didn't use a bow and arrow, but just kicked it.

The leopard man rolled in the sky, landing a little embarrassed, his eyes were red when he looked at the shoe print on his waist.

In his opinion, this was Li Yao deliberately insulting him, but in fact he didn't guess wrong.

With Li Yao's technique, he had just had a chance to kill him, but facing such an opponent who provoked him, Li Yao would not easily let him lose.

Everyone knows that no matter how high-sounding Leopard Man said, his real purpose is to step on Li Yao to become famous.

Li Yao would never tolerate such a person, he couldn't lift his head if he wanted to step on it.

"This is your technique. If it's just like this, I'm sorry, I really don't have the interest to continue playing." Li Yao didn't show mercy.

"It's just the beginning, who do you think you are."

Leopard's lungs were about to explode, his body was shining with scarlet light, his body also changed, and his body was covered with a layer of **** armor.

Even his claws and teeth have been strengthened, and he has launched a big move.

His body rushed towards Li Yao with the afterimages of his body, his figure was extremely quick, and his head was hit.

This is also a sprint skill of the druid's wild form, and it arrives in front of Li Yao in an instant.


As the claw shadow Li Yao's shadow was torn apart again, the Leopard man was furious and wanted to continue his attack, and then he felt a sudden tightening of his neck.

A powerful force, the body unconsciously leaned back.

The audience can see clearly that when the Leopard man tears his shadow, Li Yao's star bow has already encircled the Leopard man's leopard when Li Yao's body separated.

Then Li Yao twisted his hands and the bowstring tied the Leopard Man's neck.

The two of them stood back to back, Li Yao relaxed, behind his shoulders, the Leopard man was strangling his neck with a bowstring, his tongue was stuck out, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was struggling like crazy.

But compared with Li Yao's strength, there is no room for resistance, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't break free.

"To deal with you, why use arrows. The core technology and skills that you are proud of are no more than a joke in the face of absolute strength. I have a thousand ways to kill you."

Leopard people struggled with anger, but to no avail.

Li Yao coldly snorted slightly and forcefully, accompanied by a click Leopard Man's neck was directly strangled.

Li Yao stroked the bowstring of the star bow and sighed: "Sorry, killing a scum with you like this is really a violent move of heaven. It won't happen next time."

The Panthers Guild was furious, the clamor shook the sky, and the audience was dumbfounded.

They had imagined many results, but never thought of Li Yao using this method to kill the Leopard Man.

Although the Leopard people would definitely be ashamed and angry, as long as they are masters, they can see that Li Yao's understatement of simple actions contains the horrible mastery of timing.

The battle seems simple, but you must know that this Leopard man is very powerful. It can kill a top Leopard man expert so easily, which shows that Li Yao's horror is still in the absence of any powerful skills.

Leopard man was resurrected again. He roared and was about to rush over but was dragged back to his own guild. He was going crazy. He could imagine that from now on he would become a laughing stock in the eyes of others. .

If it is a normal battle, even if he loses at best, his skills are not as good as people, and there is no loss. At most, he is arrogant. If it was a fierce battle, it would be considered glory if it failed. After all, it was a big match with a character like Liaoyuan.

But what kind of death is now, he can't accept it anyway.

"Liaoyuan, wait, I will kill you." Leopard man roared wildly.

"Then you'd better die, I'm not interested in pestering you."

Strong wind and showers!

Li Yao's figure suddenly turned into three, and the equipment special effects were activated. Each Li Yao split into seven shadows. In an instant, twenty-four Li Yao bowed and set arrows in the sky.

Then there are arrows like shooting stars. A Li Yao blessing state can achieve seven arrows in one second. How much is twenty-four Li Yao...

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