MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1725: Real fire

The terrible pillar of fire is almost irresistible. This is actually a doubled version of the dragon's

Not to mention the greater power of normal dragon's breath, the duration is long enough, and the scope is wide enough.

The speed of the black dragon dragon queen is so fast, as the fire column gushes back and forth in the square.

With the raging fire pillars on the ground, criss-crossing walls of fire were finally formed, and the entire huge square seemed to be plunged into the end of the world.

A large number of players died tragically under the flames, and their summons were completely mad, running back and forth in the square madly, completely deterred by the terrible dragon, and shocked.

The temperature in the square is still rising, very hot.

The crazy dragon's breath lasted for nearly a minute before it ended, and the square seemed to be plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and the coalition formation had been shocked.

But under the desperate efforts of the players, the blood volume of the black dragon queen dropped after landing, and her body was also scarred.

There was only the voice of Demon Ji mobilizing the Starfire players on the Xinghuo side, while the coalition side was almost silent.

With this wave of attacks, they truly understood the horror of the world-class bss.

This is still the bss in the form of contract partner. If it is wild, the world-class leader who can increase his life with the number of players, the degree of terror is simply unimaginable.

With the return of the Black Dragon Queen, her blood volume quickly recovered, and with the skills of Li Yao's healing partner, the blood volume returned.

"The master is still too weak. If you are at your peak state, this huge square will be scorched by you, and the current result is still not satisfactory." Blue Dragon Queen said lightly.

"The master's growth rate is beyond your imagination. You would never think of his rank and grade when the master contracted me." The Black Dragon Queen smiled.

"Hope, we have seen too many geniuses. In the ancient times, the age of the gods, and the extraordinary age, which era did not have amazing and brilliant figures, but the years have passed. Over time, they have all turned into a loess one. Hold, only immortal people like you and me will live forever." The Blue Dragon Queen sighed, her eyes blurred, obviously immersed in endless memories.

"They are all people who have died once, and you still have so much emotion. But one thing you are right is that if you are not strong enough, you will really die if you die, and you will not even have the chance to see the sun again."

The black dragon dragon queen is naturally talking about the blue dragon dragon queen and even those demigods, the blue dragon dragon queen is now considered resurrected.

At the level of a demigod, it is considered death, and the soul will not really die if it is severely injured. The original things will enter a certain void plane to wander.

After a certain day, if you have accumulated enough faith or met enough conditions, you will return to the main plane of the country.

Those gods have fallen, not that they can't be resurrected, but that the gods who are alive now don't want them to be resurrected. Few people believe in them on the main plane, and they cannot meet the conditions for resurrection.

Li Yao's current strength and rank, of course, are recruits and can be resurrected.

But as the rank increases, especially starting from the faction level, if the death reaches the full rank, it will naturally not drop the rank, but the rank can also fall.

It can be said that the leader level is the real boundary of the player.

The faction level is a new boundary, and players who enter the faction level will enter a new level.

But if it is dead, it can be resurrected, but the grade drops.

Especially when it comes to the world-class level, every time it rises, there is no difficulty at all. It is dead and dropped once, and I don't know how much time it will take to restore it.

This is especially true of being a demigod and a deity. Death is a bodily death, and resurrection is no longer a god.

This is the difference between players and np.

The sound of Li Yao's sniper rifle never ceased, but it was just covered by the hot flames.

Now the players of the coalition forces discovered how clear the sound was, it was still twice a second, and every time two players fell.

Because of the crisscrossed walls of fire, the large-scale battle has stopped, and both sides are looking at each other across the flames.

The Dragon Empress showed off his power in less than a minute, causing even more blows than the number of people killed in the three-hour battle.

This is a terrifying number that the coalition forces have little way to accept, and many teams have been completely disabled.

With the disappearance of the flames, the coalition forces quickly rectified, and to the present point, it is useless to say anything. This dispute will only end if one party completely defeats the other party.

This is not as simple as competing for channels.

"Quick integration, this time completely breaking the boundaries of the team, temporarily forming a united front, unified deployment."

"Don’t panic, everyone, we seem to have suffered heavy losses, but we have too many people, and there are many elites in their respective entrances. Our overall number is still many times the number of Sparks. The Dragon Queen is powerful, but she can’t continue to do this. attack."

"If you want to annihilate us, prepare to use this spell ten more times. Reassemble and use the team as a unit. Quickly."

"The periphery of Xinghuo was almost crippled by us, and we squeezed their space, as long as they were suppressed into the channel ~ and it would consume them by then."

The various commanders issued orders to their teams, the coalition forces gathered again quickly, and many new players flooded the entrance.

They didn't mention Li Yao, because they had nothing to do with Li Yao. Only by completely suppressing the spark inside could the nightmare brought by Li Yao be ended.

Isn't it half a second to die a person, we can bear it, they can only grit their teeth. Of course, they cannot bear it and have to bear it.

Li Yao is very fond of Titan Strike. He has already obtained a graduated weapon, and he only needs to find the corresponding holy relics, and then he can be regarded as a divine weapon in the future.

The coalition forces regrouped and attacked Xinghuo's line of defense more frantically.

Because of the raging dragon queen, the two sides can be regarded as a real fire, and have set aside the competition for channels.

Just as Xinghuo prepared special items and scrolls, other teams also prepared them.

It's just that in the coalition situation, everyone feels that they can pile up sparks anyway, and it's not a matter of their own team alone, why consume so much by themselves and let everyone take advantage.

Therefore, many methods are reserved and reluctant to use.

But after experiencing what was just now, many commanders have authorized the use of special items.

Therefore, after the re-engagement, it is not only the attribute technology and strength of both sides, but also the background and the financial resources of the guild.

Xinghuo is not short of money, and its background is not small, but after all, it is only a guild.

A team of others can even use a special props and items to crush Spark.

What legion shield scroll, what group picture blessing, what precious one-time props, don't need money to throw it out.

Unlike the first wave of coalition forces that continued to fall, this time Xinghuo retreated steadily under the fierce coalition offensive...

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