MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1726: Absolutely 0 degrees

The difference in the number of people can be made up by the terrain, after all, there are so many people fighting at the same time. Moreover, with the power of Li Yao's personal pet, Xinghuo has the absolute upper hand.

But the gap in the number of special props and scrolls is difficult to make up. Spark is rich, but it can be compared to three or four guilds, and can it be compared to ten or eight.

Well, even if it can be compared to ten, eight, or even more, when facing dozens, hundreds, or thousands of guilds.

What's more, this kind of battle cannot be so contrasted. After all, the number of people in a guild of Spark is also limited.

Many good props are unavoidable. Even if you have money, many things are priceless and you can’t buy them.

Sister Li, Qin Fengyi, Fruit Knight, and Demon Fairy are all real commanders. They carry a lot of good things, and they can withstand it for a while, but after a while.

There are too many people and too many things on the other side, and it is simply not something that can be solved by holding on.

The blessings of various groups of the other party make their zodiac signs crazy increase. They are already extremely elite, not necessarily worse than Spark. Now the hurricane of attributes allows them to reach the level of top players.

And Li Yao's hunting effect was much weaker, and their defensive scrolls or props weakened the damage of Spark and Li Yao's pets.

In the case of one and the other, it will be sooner or later that Spark will retreat.

"No, if we don't retreat into the passage and reduce the area of ​​engagement, our formation will completely collapse, and the loss will be even greater if we retreat completely."

Qin Fengyi continued to release poisonous gas, but with various blessings, her toxin effect was much worse.

After all, she is mainly based on summoning streams, and her spell effects are already very weak.

"I know, listen to my instructions now, retreat into the entrance in accordance with the order, don't be messy." The demon girl is calm and calm with her hands on her back: "Guardian, you start to keep the big move now, and finally you need to save the field to let everyone return smoothly. , But you are ready to die once and give me ten seconds to withstand it. Tianxiang keeps your battle resurrected, guarding the death, do not save it, waiting for my order."

"Isn't it ten seconds? Little meaning." A transparent light shield in front of the guardian angel withstands many magical attacks.

"Understood." Tianxiang said he heard the order.

"Well, the second output team, collectively release the skyfire meteor, allowing the use of team-level scroll blessing effects, and quickly retreat after release."


With the demon's methodical wisdom, Xinghuo also retreated in an orderly manner.

The second wave of war was so fierce that Xinghuo couldn't hold it in half an hour. Xinghuo also paid a lot of money and lost players.

The opponent is simply desperate, all kinds of human bombs, players playing blew, abound.

The horizontal ones are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of death. The same applies to the ancient gods.

"Brother, do you want to retreat to the tunnel?" Hitomi suddenly said when seeing Li Yao still in the air.

"Don't worry about me, I have fun with them outside, thinking I can kill me without protection, naive." Li Yao didn't care.

The enchantress nodded: "The guildmaster doesn’t retreat, but it’s okay to guard the death for a while, you need to try your best to intercept it, and your huge pet can’t retreat. I don’t know if there is any desperate move that can be used. Reduce our pressure to retreat."

"This is okay." Li Yao said to the two dragon queens: "You two pets are almost running out of blood. Let's use the last remaining heat."

The two dragon queens nodded, and two brilliant lights flashed in their eyes.

"Nice baby, it's a pity that the master let you die, then you can use it as my spellcasting material."

The black dragon queen's staff ate, the huge lava giant broke down suddenly, and a red hot heart floated.

The world-class Heart of Elements, here are all masters, and there are many people who know the goods naturally.

Especially the players who were responsible for containing the besieging lava giants, their eyes were red.

The value of this elemental heart definitely exceeds the ultimate legendary equipment, and nearby players have grasped the elemental heart.

The heart of the element was beating quickly, accompanied by the black dragon queen's spell, the heart shattered, and the sound of the explosion was not loud.

But it seemed to burst the space, the space seemed to be shattered, like a mirror shattered.

Several players around the elemental heart are like broken lenses, scattered a little.

"Huh, I can't help myself." Black Dragon Queen: "Guide by the elements, in the name of my master of the earth, the earth veins are gushing!"


The earth seemed to be a certain elemental plane, and a series of magma pillars rose up, and a large number of players screamed and were sprayed up, and died in mid-air.

"Space banned!"

A commander gritted his teeth and tore open a scroll, the scroll was shining with dark golden light, and the commander was distressed to death.

But if you don’t use this scroll and let the veins collapse, then this place will become a magma lake, and their losses will be even greater. The key is that his team is closest to the black dragon queen’s cast point, and bears the brunt of it, in order to immortalize the group. , He could only do this The space oscillated, and ripples appeared on the water surface. With the trembling of the ripples, the cracks in the ground veins were filled.

"Sister, you are still too reckless, blindly pursuing killing. This kind of spell is often the easiest to crack." Blue Dragon Queen said in a leisurely manner.

The Black Dragon Dragon Empress didn't care: "Then let me see your sister's methods."

"That sister, you can be optimistic about it." The blue dragon queen's eyes seemed to turn into icy ice: "With the ice as a guide, in the name of the master of my magic, it is absolutely zero."


The frost giant with residual blood disintegrated directly, his body turned into a sky full of snowflakes, and an elemental heart melted into the air.

At the same time, in the hot square, the temperature dropped rapidly.

The sky above the square is actually like a crystal dome, and you can see the deep sea.

As the elemental heart dissolves, the dome seems to be seeping water, and little ripples appear.

A little bit of water droplets fall, as dense as heavy rain, the water droplets quickly condense into hail during the falling process, falling down...

Although the hail can only restrict their actions and cannot harm them, the temperature drops crazily, and after a while, the breath is white.

"Damn it, what scroll or spell can be used for this spell to break."

A conductor roared wildly in the command channel. The temperature had just been scorching hot, but suddenly dropped to freezing point, and he was trembling.

"The ghost knows, what can be done, the elemental heart is not fixed at a certain point, and there is no way to block it. The dome is too big, and it is estimated that the god-level scroll can be sealed later." A commander said helplessly.

"Don't worry, increase the offensive, take advantage of their retreat and kill them more, explode them, the spell will be solved naturally."...

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