MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1727: Frost World

The entire square has fallen into a hail world, and the temperature is still dropping.

Many players have prepared special potions. Some hapless guys do not have potions, and their bodies are already trembling.

As the world of the ancient gods becomes more real, the weather effect is naturally the same.

Many people did not say that they lost their combat effectiveness, but their bodies were covered with frost, which greatly slowed their sensitivity.

"Do you think this is the limit of this spell? It's naive, the ice is invading!"

The spell of the blue dragon dragon queen has never stopped, making her a magic controller to cast the spell so solemnly, showing the power of this spell.

It is definitely not an easy task to affect the astronomical changes in a region.

Changing the climate, weather and temperature here is just the first step of this spell.

Above the dome, the water that originally seeped out condensed into solid ice for a while, and huge ice cones appeared on the dome, like stalactites.

Pieces of stalactite-like stalactite-like ice fell, and the falling ice instantly smashed several players to death.

As the temperature drops, the water that originally turned into hail will condense, forming huge chunks of solid ice, and falling from time to time.

Although the entire square was extremely huge, it seemed to have become an icy world at this moment.

Now the formation of players will also be affected, especially when the formation is relatively dense, it is impossible to evacuate and evade. Many players did not see the ice falling, but saw it but had no place to escape.

"Whatever the cost, now is the best time to destroy the Xinghuo team. Kill me. As long as we win and destroy Xinghuo, these spells will disappear. As long as we defeat Xinghuo, even if we die, we can resurrect."

"All the teams have them. They fight recklessly. There is no point in retreating now. If we fail, there is no point in your survival for the time being."

Many commanders were killed by Li Yao, or thought they were killed. Many teams had no command and needed constant agitation from other commanders.

Most of Xinghuo's people finally retreated inside, and the coalition forces were even more anxious and crazy.

"President, let your pet stand and guard. You are the last line of defense. Loss is ready to open a shield to block the entrance."

The enchantress finally breathed a sigh of relief. There were a lot of losses in Xinghuo's losses, but the number of deaths was small, and with the resurrection, fewer than twenty people were truly lost.

The players outside have no regard for the consequences, they are frantically launching their own spells and even using props.

After the two elemental giants fell, the Hydra Magic Mecha was under tremendous pressure.

The first is that the magic mecha falls apart. He killed a large number of enemies, but the size of the target is also large. With the continuous blows, his life is cleared.

Then there was the Hydra, all eight heads were dead, and disappeared in the air.

"I am invincible."

The guardian angel stepped forward and watched the overwhelming attack directly open the shield.


For three seconds, a crack appeared in the guardian angel's huge transparent shield.

In six seconds, the huge transparent shield had completely cracked, like a spider web.

Nine seconds later, the guardian angel roared: "The shield can't hold it anymore, it's up to you."

Following the guardian angel's words, the guardian angel was overwhelmed by overwhelming attacks.

"Xinghuo's defense is broken, and the opponent's formation is unstable. Quickly enter the passage and extinguish the Xinghuo. The victory belongs to us."

Li Yao's powerful pet fell. Coupled with Spark's retreat, all the coalition forces were excited. After the war for such a long time, and after paying a heavy price, they finally suppressed Spark to the inside of the passage.

They have even forgotten at this moment that their killings like this are not purely fighting, nor are they purely dividing the victory or defeat, but to go out or enter the next arcane tower.

The scene was already in chaos, and the players who wanted to destroy the Spark Alliance had no regard for the consequences and formation.

In order to maximize the damage to the spark, the heads are very dense, and the ice falling on the dome can kill many players every time.

The enchantress also underestimated the craziness of the coalition forces, they had desperately, and Xinghuo retreated to the passage.

Li Yao's two pets died in battle, and the guardian angel died in battle, and the opponent swarmed into the passage under the attack left by the spark.

Inside the passage, the crazy coalition players once again collided with Xinghuo and immediately killed several Xinghuo's crispy skins.

"Guild Master, has your mechanical clone's blood volume recovered, so hurry up." Yao Ji asked quickly.

Li Yao, who controlled the mechanical clone, had no choice but to step forward.

In order to retreat, the mechanical clone also suffered a lot of attacks, and the blood volume was very low. Just withdrew and waited for the treatment to increase the blood, the opponent was too crazy.

I have to go up, but in this narrow place, the competition is about the number of people and attributes. There is no room to move. Even though Li Yao has the technology against the sky, most of his strength is limited and cannot be used.

The mechanical clone tore open a scroll, the body was shrouded in a shield, and directly launched the big windmill, and started to fight against the attack.

There are also some benefits in the channel, that is, there are fewer attacks, otherwise Li Yao's mechanical clone will be killed in seconds.

Li Yao's strength was very huge, and the door-panel sword in his hand was like a huge meat grinder. A large number of residual limbs flew up in the passage, and blood spewed.

Many players with a bad heart feel nauseous. However, although the level of the mechanical clone is much higher than that of the players, the opponent's attack still exceeds its own treatment, plus the original blood volume is not too much. The mechanical clone is the first time Be killed.

This is also the reason why Li Yao didn't want to enter the passage, he became a hunter with a higher output when he entered the passage, and he could not play other roles.

It is equivalent to being completely trapped to death. Although he is dangerous outside, his deterrent power is also large enough.

"Liaoyuan's mechanical clone was killed. See, Liaoyuan is nothing great."

"If you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, kill!"

Not only the commanders were excited, but the attacking players were also extremely excited. They saw the dawn of victory.

"Stupid mortals, you never know the power of the master of magic." The blue dragon queen's obscure dragon language finally stopped: "Frost World."

Following the words of the Blue Dragon and Dragon Empress, countless ice cones fell in the sky, and a thick layer of hail on the ground suddenly formed sharp thorns, which suddenly unfolded.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

The whole world seemed to be quiet, taking the passage as a point, it seemed to form a world of ice and snow.

The whole world is like frost. The players are also still, each with a bright expression, but their movements also stop, forming one ice sculpture.

If you are careful enough to see, every ice sculpture is penetrated by an ice cone.

It's too dreamy, I can't see the slightest blood...

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