MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1728: You Yingxue

A large area seems to have become a world of ice and snow, with vivid ice sculptures displayed in various poses.

But in such a beautiful scene, the scalp of the person watching it feels numb.

This is the case in the channel. The outside of the channel is based on the entrance, forming a huge fan-shaped area. Within the area, only a few players survive, and the other lives are directly cleared.

At this time, although there are no specific statistics, at least more than two thousand people have been frozen into ice sculptures.


The blue dragon dragon queen said faintly, a blue shock wave spread again.

As the blue shock wave spread, those ice sculptures and ice cubes instantly turned into icy debris in the sky.


After the shock wave, the sky full of icy debris gathered, and the ice and snow condensed into extremely strong ice, blocking most of the entrance channels.

The passage that would have allowed more than a dozen people to travel side by side without being crowded has changed to only allow two people to pass.

There is also a mysterious rune in the ice, which strengthens the channel composed of the ice.

At this moment, a blank area appeared near the entrance of Spark in the square.

The players who have not become ice sculptures have not recovered from the shock just now.

They originally thought that the spell of the Blue Dragon Queen was an auxiliary limit, which reduced the temperature here, but they did not expect that there would be a follow-up such spell.

The formation of the coalition's attack on Xinghuo was too dense, and there was no possibility of dodge. Only some players with invincibility and quick response survived.

The rest of the people within the casting range of the Blue Dragon Queen were killed.

This terrifying power, although not as violent as the Black Dragon Queen's spell, was shocking enough to kill so many people at once.

A moment ago, they were still passionate, but at this moment they were chilling.

This blow is really not small, and Mingxinghuo will not be able to hold on anymore. It is clear that they are about to win. In the blink of an eye, this change is really hard for them to accept.

"Resurrection guardian angel."

Although the enchantress was also very surprised, but did not affect his judgment, he directly ordered the resurrection of the guardian angel.

Tianxiang had been waiting for this order and immediately began to resurrect.

"Ms. Lan, is this ice strong enough?" Demon Ji asked. She needs to understand the strength of the ice so that she can better arrange strategies.

The blue dragon dragon queen said: "Absolutely hard ice, I used the profound meaning, it can not be broken in a short time, but there is a time limit, the stable state can be maintained for two hours, and then the intensity decreases."


Yao Ji still tried it herself, her dagger could only carry a little icy debris.

The soldiers in the guild couldn't shake the ice with a sledgehammer, and Yao Ji completely believed what the Blue Dragon said.

Knowing the situation, she has a new arrangement in her heart. With this channel, they will face fewer enemies.

More importantly, the ice channel is not too high, only less than three yards.

A tall tank can block the passage. Different on the road, the opponent's long-range attack will be restricted and cannot attack the rear of the Spark team.

Of course, this channel also limits the Spark distance. But compared to the opponent's attack, Spark's long-range is far worse. Everyone can't attack the opponent's rear from a long-range distance. Spark is still cheaper.

"It's so thrilling, I just thought we were going to be beaten and disabled. I'm all ready to run away." Hitomi said in shock.

"It's still the eldest bull, let us turn the danger into a breeze, and see what these grandchildren do this time."

At this time, many Xinghuo talents reacted, and they were equally surprised, similar to what Hitomi thought, thinking that they would fail this time.

"Asshole, you obviously won, just a little bit."

"This Nima Liaoyuan is too defying, this kind of accumulation is simply not something we can contend with."

"Never mind a dragon queen, there is actually a second one. Fuck, I am also a hunter, and my pet is good, but it's not a racial partner. The last one is also an advanced racial level, Zhen Nima. People are more popular than others."

"Aren't you nonsense? The Great Guilds are now seeking to gain real power in their respective camps. No one knows the difficulty. People are now the number five high elves. Do you really think they are blowing it out?"

"You aliens are getting used to being arrogant, and you really think you are awesome. Yes, you are better overall, but our top players are not weak. You still clamor for surpassing the prairie prairie fire. Why are you stubborn now."

"Damn earthlings, which side are you on right now."

"Why infighting again, we are the commander, should we calm down?"

"Now, on the one hand, arranging siege weapons to attack the ice, and see if it can break the ice, as long as it breaks, then the spark will still be unable to withstand it. On the other hand, Liaoyuan did not enter. He is now alone outside, who hunted him. Good time."

"That's right, the most important thing is to hunt the Liaoyuan. As long as you kill the Liaoyuan, then his pets will naturally dissipate, and this so-called spell will also disappear."

"Each team sent its own strong man to kill Liaoyuan."

Although the attack just now almost caused the coalition to the commanders began to quarrel, but Li Yao still gave them new opportunities and hope outside.

The coalition forces got some machinery from their respective intersections leading to the square, and then began to bombard the ice entrance.

And Li Yao flew under the dome, the arrow was like a shooting star, smashing an engineering machine.

"Liaoyuan was killed. You dare to be outside without the protection of your teammates. It's so courageous."

"He is so arrogant that he feels that he is number one in the world. I'll raise the thread, you are a puppet."

A string of silk threads quickly wound Li Yao, and Li Yao could not move immediately.

Li Yao saw a thief spread his wings. Not far from him, he grabbed a ball of dark thread in his hand and tightened it suddenly.

"The puppet raises the string, yes, do you want to control me." Li Yao floated in the air.

"You don't need to control how long, he controls, I hunt."

The first person to speak turned out to be below. She was from the Shadow Clan, a natural thief assassin.

Seeing Li Yao was controlled, her figure suddenly disappeared.

Li Yao could see a black shadow coming in front of him like lightning, not a dagger in his hand, but two gray military thorns.

"You're good, but not enough." The wings suddenly spread, and he used the badge to unlock the control.

Shadow bound!

The shadow of the shadow assassin only made money, she seemed to turn into a real shadow, wrapped directly on the shadow below Li Yao.

"You are fooled. It is You Yingxue who really controls it. I am the assassin."

At this moment not far from Li Yao, the ball of thread flicked, Shadow Step!

When he stepped behind Li Yao, a dagger appeared in his hand, and the ball of thread from the other hand also wrapped around Li Yao's shoulder, quickly spreading toward his neck.

The dagger in his hand also shone with light and fell...

ps: It’s painful to adjust your schedule these two days...

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