The cooperation of the two is like flowing water, regardless of whether Li Yao uses the faction badge or not, the cooperation between the two is still extremely perfect.

The two thieves who cooperated with the hunting of Li Yao are both elite professions that are very good at hiding and controlling. It is very scary to face one alone, let alone the two working together.

A good thief can assassinate opponents even in the Wanjun. They ask themselves that their background is not as good as Li Yao, but it does not mean they dare not attack Li Yao.

They believed that as long as they seized the opportunity, they could also kill Li Yao in seconds. Now is the opportunity. The two of them act quickly and have a lot of control, which is also the main reason for them to take the first shot.

In fact, it is the same. Li Yao's grade is said to be high or not, and it is said that it is not low. If top thieves can control him, it is not impossible to take him away.

If it is two elite thieves, then a set of skills, Li Yao will definitely be killed in seconds.

At this moment, Li Yao's badge has been used up, has been controlled, and he can no longer move.

The wings of the Valkyrie suddenly gathered, wrapping Li Yao in the middle.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding...

In just an instant, the weapons of the two elite thieves brought out a little spark on Li Yao's body.

One metal feather burst, resisting the attack of the two.


At the same time, a flame rushed down from the sky and directly covered Li Yao.

On the ground, a mage held up his staff and cast the spell quickly.

A warrior's constricted wings impacted on Li Yao's body, and this was all done in the instant Li Yao was controlled.

After Li Yao was controlled, the masters waiting for the opportunity, or the top masters with strong mobility, instantly joined forces to form a joint attack.

"Struggling is useless. You should know that many bosses are very strong, or they were hunted down by the team."

The Jackal warrior holds two swords, and each one-handed sword uses different enchantments. One is a flame enchantment with fire damage, and the other is a flashing arc, which is stroked by lightning, restricting control of the opponent.

His hands fell on Li Yao with the afterimages.

"Unfortunately, I am not an ordinary boss."

Without the support of the wings and being controlled, Li Yao could no longer float in the air, but fell quickly.

As Li Yao fell, two thieves and a soldier frantically surrounded him and attacked. The thieves who raised the thread kept launching a ball of thread, and the silk thread kept entwining Li Yao like a spider grabbing its prey.

Several people fell, the mage below continued to cast spells, and the skyfire meteor also fell and hit Li Yao's body.

Had it not been for the Valkyrie Wings Li Yao had been killed in seconds, and relying on the Valkyrie Wings' merits to defend the way and consume metal feathers, Li Yao would have offset so much damage.

Of course, if it were not for the wings of the Valkyrie, Li Yao would not choose this fighting method, and naturally would not fall into such a dangerous situation.

Bang bang ......

The flame meteor burst, and the three of Li Yao were about to fall on the ground, and Li Yao's control disappeared.

The metal wings suddenly unfolded, and with the unfolding of the wings, a large number of metal feathers shot out like lightning.

The metal feather comes with Li Yao's offensive characteristics, and now Li Yaoneng has many additional characteristics, such as dark attacks, life fire, and the bugs that come after the fit.

The three of them reacted very quickly, and they all reacted quickly when they saw their wings spread out and took off.

You Yingxue directly used the substitute technique, and his figure disappeared, leaving a substitute torn apart by Iron Feather.

"Wushuang Flurry!"

The jackal warrior wielded his double swords frantically, covering himself with dense sword shadows.

Ding Ding Ding Ding...


Li Yao's wings suddenly waved, the wings collided with the opponent's double swords, and the warrior flew out directly, and the double swords in his hand were also blown off.

The strength of the collision between the two sides also caused Li Yao to move a certain distance, avoiding a new round of attacks from the next wizard.

The thread-lifting thief blocked the puppet in front of him when the iron feather splashed, and the puppet burned, and several holes were penetrated by the feather.

The thief wanted to cry without tears, and his body uncontrollably followed the puppet, galloping.

And he still had a thread on Li Yao, Li Yao then shook, and the power of the silk thread quickly approached the thief.

The thief is inevitable, and the touch of darkness dances wildly, binding the thief.

Li Yao had turned into a rifle-shaped Titan Strike, and Li Yao pulled the trigger directly.

Touch, touch...

However, his target was not the terrified thieves, but the mage below.

The first shot directly smashed the mage's ice shield, and the second shot came.

Almost at the same time when the shield was broken, the bullet had already hit the center of the mage's forehead, so close, Li Yao fired accurately.

It is basically impossible to show any deviation, especially after Li Yao is familiar with the performance of Titan Strike.

The mage was casting a spell, and he didn't even make it until Li Yaoming had caught the thief. Why did the target suddenly turn to her.

Her reaction is not unpleasant But no matter how fast it is, there is no bullet fast, and it is still so close.

The mage's face was headshot before the ice barrier was displayed. Her eyes were full of unwillingness, and her figure was scattered on the ground along with the shattered ice shield.

At the same time, the thieves that Li Yao controlled with the touch of darkness did not escape the fate of being hunted.

When Li Yao ordered to kill the mage, the wings behind him were like blades, frantically causing a lot of wounds on the thief's body.

The touch of darkness was released, and the broken body of the thief fell to the ground like another broken puppet.

In the distance, because of Li Yao's strength and strength, the fighters had already landed in an embarrassing manner and were almost killed.

But as long as there is no death, he is lucky. He has been treated quickly for his legs, and he has been treated.

"It's not dead, fuck."

A group of masters who were rushing to gritted their teeth, it was just such a good opportunity that they still did not kill Li Yao.

Like a shadow!

Li Yao rushed forward, his figure suddenly disappeared, he appeared directly behind You Yingxue, and his wings waved again.

Shadow hidden!

Li Yao's wings are like blades, but You Yingxue's figure is directly dim, as if disappearing into this space.

"It's not so easy to kill me."

You Yingxue took a step forward, directly gouge with the dagger in his hand, trying to control Li Yao.

Li Yao's figure flashed, and he started to follow him again, this time behind the soldier, the muzzle of the rifle was almost against the soldier's back.

Li Yao didn't need any aiming at all, so he pulled the trigger directly.

Da da da!

The soldier just stood up, his figure was still unstable, he didn't expect Li Yao to appear suddenly, and even if he reacted, he could not resist Li Yao's attack.

The soldier plunged directly to the ground, Li Yao's wings stirred, his figure soaring into the sky...

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