MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1741: Eternal secrets

The item bag is a very good thing. Although it is worn by one person, it can be connected to the backpack of the group member.

The important and precious props are in the bag. On the one hand, it does not occupy the backpack space. On the other hand, the props can be allocated to the backpack of the person who will use the props at any time.

Of course, there are also side effects. For example, if the person holding the item bag dies, it will be miserable, and there are important things that go wrong. If the item bag falls, it will be even worse.

Just like now, Li Yao took a look at the prop belt. It was filled with some powerful team-type precious props, and it was also the top strategic storage item in the Spark Guild.

At a small level, it can affect the outcome of a regiment, and at a large level, it can affect the outcome of a union battle.

Basically, it is something that will be robbed by people when the auction house appears, and there is no market.

Li Yao didn't look at it in detail, but gave it to Sister Li at that time, but he didn't use it himself.

The Viscount Water Elemental also sent the shield to Li Yao. He didn't care about it, but after a glance, he said suddenly, "It's actually this shield, a good thing."

Li Yao took the shield and looked at the attributes of the shield.

Lunar Arc Shield

Grade: Legend (damaged state, irreparable)

Material exemption: 70%

Elemental immunity: high

Strength; 30%

Agility: 28%

Stamina: 28%

Strength: 25%

The arc field changes the aura around itself when it is attacked, and the two shield holders correct it, and determine the deflection angle based on the comprehensive attributes.

The arc defense secrets can help the shield to understand the arc defense secrets, deflect attacks, and remove most of the strength, and can withstand the previously unbearable attacks and strengths.

If the heart is dead, it can withstand a lethal injury and enter a state of suspended animation. After resurrection, it will recover one-third of its blood and can choose a direction to move for a certain distance.

Hold your position and expand the shield form to help two teammates around you to withstand damage. After activation, your agility is reduced by 50%.

Love is crazy, because it is damaged and loses its effect.

I can't ask for it, because it is damaged and loses its effect.

Equipment level: 55-60

Equipment conditions: melee shield occupation

Note: There are broken traces hidden in the gloomy light. This shield seems to have gone through countless years of vicissitudes, and it seems to hide a story waiting for someone to dig.

"A strong shield basically doesn't need to be replaced. Even if there are other powerful shields, they can only be replaced and cannot be discarded."

Li Yao was even tempted to change the mechanical clone to use this shield.

Of course, this is just a whim. The output of a mechanical clone is far greater than that of a tank. And because of the void prince's sake, he is not lacking in physical shields.

Not to mention the attributes, it is very against the sky, the special effects are outrageous when you take out one of them, especially the understanding of the arcuate defense, which means that as long as you understand the true meaning of the arc, even if you don’t use this shield, Will also gain strong defensive capabilities.

What made Li Yao even more puzzled was that this shield's immunity was too abnormal, 70%.

This is also the case with an opponent like Li Yao, if top players similar to him are basically killed by him, this immunity is too scary, magic immunity is actually high.

This shouldn't appear in the attributes of the legendary equipment at all. With the broken attributes and the final description, Li Yao always felt that this shield was not simple, just didn't know the origin.

"Listen to what you mean, it looks like I have seen this shield." Li Yao asked kindly.

The Viscount Water Elemental sighed: "I recognize this shield. This is the most favorite shield that the craftsman has built for himself. This is his second only to the hammer of forging. He has always regarded it as a treasure. It's really a vicissitudes of life, I thought it was. Things will follow him to sink into the ground with the fall of the craftsman god, and I didn't expect to reappear, but unfortunately, the original aegis is now permanently damaged, just like the story contained in this shield."

The Blue Dragon Dragon Empress was taken aback, and then suddenly said: "It turns out it is this thing, it's a pity."

Li Yao was full of black lines: "Can we speak well?"

The Viscount Water Element smiled: "When I saw the moon god, I missed my life. This is a word left by the gods in the age of the gods. It contains the helplessness of many male gods. The moon **** is unparalleled in all ages, and is known as the first goddess in the ages. , The first beauty, this is recognized by all gods. Even the goddess of the evil camp cannot be jealous of the Moon God. Her beauty and her temperament make you intoxicated without knowing it."

Li Yao nodded: "The Moon God's is indeed fascinating."

The Blue Dragon Dragon Empress was taken aback and said, "You have seen the Moon God, how is this possible."

Li Yao said: "I got the eyes of the Titan by chance, unintentionally stretched my gaze, and saw the goddess of the moon. The intoxicating temperament and face are impeccable. However, let's tell the story."

The Viscount Water Element smiled bitterly: "In fact, the story is very old-fashioned. In the era of the Lord God, the ancient gods were sealed and the world was relatively The Moon God likes to walk around the Lord. How many male gods admire the Moon God Many because the moon gods have no companions, it shows the charm of the moon gods. Back then, the star gods were so amazing and brilliant. The old gods such as the gods of death had to avoid their sharp edges, but in the end they still came back with a feather. In order to get rid of the entanglement, the moon gods found After the white deer demigod Malos, the two discussed pretending to be partners, they finally found the craftsman **** to make the ring. The craftsman also fell in love at first sight, and the ring was too late to make. The moon **** and the white deer became partners, for He also created a demigod of nature."

"The craftsman missed his achievements, but he couldn't ask for it. He was depressed. Although he was rejected by the moon god, he decided to become the strongest shield of the moon god. He spent thousands of years to build this shield known as the strongest defensive artifact. . And treat it as a treasure until the dusk of the gods. This shield is also worthy of expectations. With this shield, the craftsman **** fights the three abyss master gods undefeated."

"Later, the Corrosion Lord God extracted the dregs from the dirtiest quagmire of the plane and contaminated the shield. The shield fell and the attributes were reduced to legendary level. The Artisan God was mad, and he killed the Corrupt Lord God in that battle. His fate was soon, and he walked into his tomb with a shield. The death of the main **** level started from this battle, and the gods fell like rain."

Li Yao sighed: "When the Moon God was wrong for life, how did they know that the Moon God was born and sacred and the incarnation of this world. In her opinion, these gods are like his descendants of the same race. How could she accept her younger generation? Become a partner."

The Viscount Water Elemental and the Blue Dragon Empress were shocked, and the Viscount Water Elemental said excitedly: "Isn't it? It's a pity, alas, the gods didn't understand a little bit, it only increased the hatred of the ages. Although many gods died , But they can be resurrected. Why do they disappear? The grief is greater than death."...

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