MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1742: Torrent

"Okay, look at your grief..." Li Yao slammed: "In that era, you were just a small character who was barely qualified to watch a movie. What are you proud of."

The Viscount Water Elemental face turned black suddenly: "Hey, I am in awe of the great moon god, okay? It is because of the moon **** that made the sea alive. Even if I have the strength, I will never have it. This kind of thinking."

"Don't give me gold on my face. The Star Gods are all hated and disappear into this world sadly. It's just you, even if you have an idea, you won't have your turn." Li Yaosi gave no face to Viscount Water Element.

"Master, your master is a bit outrageous, how can I say I will help him indirectly help him fight the world in the future, this is not for you." Viscount Water Elemental said helplessly to the Blue Dragon Queen.

"I regret signing the contract even more." Lan Long Longhou rolled his head.

"I feel the same way." Li Yao said: "Let's go, this ghost place is a bit depressing, let's get through this level as soon as possible."

"Hey, stay less, this is my site anyway, how can I let the master continue to work hard and follow me."

When the Viscount Water Element spoke, the sound of the waves sounded, and a condensed water wave formed, and there was a large amount of sea water below, and the water element made a gesture of asking.

The copy of the Blue Dragon and Dragon Queen, Li Yao and the mechanical clone jumped directly onto the wave, and then as the water wave quickly impacted, the people standing on the wave followed the wave and quickly moved forward in the passage.

Li Yao released the female worms to constantly point the direction, and all the organs along the way were extremely vulnerable in the sea full of channels.

"Turn left to increase the impact and condense the water dragon."

Following Li Yao's command, the water element mobilized a large amount of sea water to turn, and then dozens of water dragons gathered around a few people.

In the distance of the passage, five players from the shadow clan are besieging four players on the earth. The shadow clan’s people have too many life-saving skills, and they are natural assassins. They are definitely not the kind of people who have practiced for a year on the earth. The thief is not to say that it has played to the extreme, but it is at least two or three grades ahead of the top players at this stage.

Not to mention the players who are also thieves, they are the nightmare of other players.

Although the technology is not as good as the aliens, the players on earth never persuaded them, but only the players from the shadow clan were really killed and had no temper. If you provoke them, it can only be considered bad luck, but the players from the shadow clan There is also a sense of measure and leeway, and will never take the initiative to provoke right and wrong, as long as it is not task-related or necessary, otherwise it will not kill players of other races for no reason.

Of course, it also has something to do with the beautiful women of the Youying Race.

Therefore, each of the Shadow Clan is a good player, not to mention fighting more and less. The four of them are obviously at an absolute disadvantage. There are three or four corpses lying on the ground, which were obviously just killed.

But this has nothing to do with Li Yao. In this passage, it is more cruel than the first level. There are only enemies and no friends at all.

The huge waves also let several people in the battle see, and all their complexions changed.

"Fuck, what's going on again."

"Nima, unexpectedly encountered a tougher character."

The faces of several players were green, and the faces of several Youying Clan were not good-looking, they all started the rush mode with tacit understanding, and madly stayed away from the waves.

But how could their speed compare to the huge wave, the wave first approached the four players.

The water dragons roared and impacted on the people behind, and then they were submerged by the waves.

Three players died in battle, and only one paladin activated the Holy Shield, but was stranded behind the wave by a water dragon.

"Liaoyuan, aren't we on one side? Shouldn't we deal with aliens together." The Paladin said loudly.

"Okay, let him die later, let him see **** the five shadow races." Li Yao sneered, joking, why didn't he expect to deal with alien players together when he was besieging himself and Xinghuo in the first level. Why did you go? Let's talk about it now.

"Liaoyuan, you fought with our saint in the first pass. You didn't kill our saint. You should know how powerful our saint is. Although 100 people seem to be not enough in this level, you and my guild must have A lot of damage, maybe you can still cooperate on the next level. Please be merciful to Liaoyuan's men."

One of the You Ying clan beauty said loudly.

"If you want to cooperate, let your so-called saints tell me that you are not qualified enough. What are you still doing, do you want me to do it yourself."

"Hahaha, a few little nizis have many eyes and are pretty cute, but it's a pity that they met a master who is incomprehensible, and you can't compare to my great and beautiful master. So go and die."

The Viscount Water element waved his arm, and several water dragons galloped.

"Huh, they all say that the Liaoyuan is barbaric, and I saw it today. Strangulation!"

Following the words of the head of the shadow clan woman, the five thieves suddenly waved the daggers in their hands, flashing lights one after another, as if forming a sword net.

The water dragon was directly smashed by Haha, your arguments are equally strange. "Li Yao said lazily, what did they do when they attacked Xinghuo and him, they were still the main force, now I'm talking about this.

The mechanical avatar waved its wings, a large number of golden feathers shot, and the four thieves changed their complexions frantically.

Although it dodges the feathers, it was delayed. The waves were pushed by the sea, which was one yard long and one yard high, and covered it.

Although the sneak was very powerful, the body was directly exposed by the impact of the water. Amidst the roar of the water dragon and the splash of feathers, five shadow players were killed.

They stared at Li Yao bitterly, but Li Yao didn't care at all, and the flood rushed past.

What the Paladin wanted to say, but Li Yao turned a deaf ear. Without the Holy Shield, the water dragon of the Viscount Water Elemental could kill the Paladin in seconds.

Along the way, Li Yao was on the waves. One hour later, at least 500 players died in Li Yao's hands.

What made Li Yao helpless was that he met Tianxiang and Sister Li.

Although Tianxiang is a treatment, in the Orientalized profession, her combat power and excitement ability are very strong. Although she faced several opponents in embarrassment, she still insisted on dealing with them. After all, her opponents are not rookies.

Li Yao rescued the gods, and Sister Li was more domineering, and there was no opponent in the two heavens.


The waves of water rushed out of the channel again and came to a hall. This hall was extremely lively and the players were fighting.

Not only players and players, but also powerful bosses, plus some mobs, it can be said to be extremely chaotic.

Li Yao rushed into the hall with such a mighty force, and immediately attracted the attention of countless people, especially the boss and Viscount Water Element in this hall. The eyes of the two of them were going to fire when they looked at each other, obviously there was a grudge...

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