MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1743: Confrontation

"Smelly shit, you are not dead yet." Viscount Water Elemental said very uncomfortably.

"Hey, you are not dead yet, how could I die." In the middle of the hall is the biggest monster, an octopus-like monster, waving his tentacles frantically to attack the surrounding players who besie him: "Hey, you are usually very awkward, Lord Viscount today. I'm a mount, oh, this is contracted, tut. I keep saying that I am the running dog of the ancient gods, I can at least act according to my own ideas. And you, now life and death are involuntary, it is still such a wave."

The players are also not united. They want to kill the boss at the same time, but they don't want the other party to take advantage, and because of the special rules of the second level, they have to beware of each other.

Viscount Water Elemental suddenly became annoyed and angry: "It's useless to talk about it. Today I will cut you off the grass, **** it."

The Viscount Water Element was really angry, countless water dragons rose up, letting go of the shock and thought of the octopus monster.

"I'm still afraid that you won't succeed. I will kill you first and kill your master. I will let you never stand up. Then I am looking for the old madman to settle the account. It has sealed me for ten thousand years. If it weren't for these idiots, I It's still being sealed." The octopus monster's tentacles entangled a player with crazy force.

The armor on the player's body began to deform, it can be seen how strong the strength is, this warrior can't survive even if he is blooded.


The octopus spewed out a thick liquid to corrode the warrior, and swallowed it, and the octopus's blood volume immediately recovered to its full value: "I haven't been active for ten thousand years. Warm up with you, really when you ants can kill me."

The tentacles of the octopus body danced wildly, and a **** breath spread as the tentacles waved, and the melee players who had been back and forth with the octopus monster flew out.

"Viscount Water Elemental, you have always been my defeated man. Now you dare to see me without regaining your strength. It seems that you should die today and become my food."

The octopus monster was not afraid to face the water dragon, but directly greeted him.

The players are horrified. They didn't expect this monster to be so powerful. It was just playing with them.


There are some wise players who saw Li Yao and the octopus monsters, knowing that they don't have many chances, they are easy to be affected if they stay, and the momentum on both sides is very terrifying.

Many players are jealous and go crazy. How long have they been apart? They can only cope with the siege in the face of monsters, and Li Yao seems to have another powerful contract pet.

Some players did not go too far. This octopus monster is also a world-class leader. If it is killed, the harvest will be unprecedented. Even if you know that it is very dangerous to stay, they want to fight.

After all, if you get a drop from a world-class leader, even if you hang up this time, you are still making a lot of money.

"The remnants of the ancient gods are worthy of killing me. You dived into the deep sea under the chase of my clan, and didn't dare to rise up for tens of thousands of years. Now you are so arrogant. This little water element is now contracted by me. I want to see it. What are your skills, Xuan Bingning!"

Following the words of the blue dragon queen, the countless water dragons that spewed out were lightning-like ice dragons flashing ice. These ice dragons are lifelike, as if they have come to life, they are very strong at first sight, and are better than the original water dragon. How tough is it.

"Hahaha, since the master helps me, what else can I say, these ants must stay, so don't leave."

The Viscount Water element condensed a large number of water dragons again, and the water dragon appeared to condense into a mysterious ice dragon.

The first batch of ice dragons continued to think of the octopus monsters, while the other ice dragons were scattered, blocking several entrances leading here.

The octopus monster first waved its tentacles and beat the ice dragon wildly, but his expression changed wildly in a moment.

Although he touched the ice dragon's tentacles and shattered some ice dragons, his tentacles were quickly frozen and shattered with the broken ice.

"Damn it, what kind of ice is this, it actually broke my tentacles." After paying a dozen tentacles, the octopus monster didn't dare to slacken off, spraying out a cloud of black mist covering himself. A black shield was formed that was as pitch black as ink.

The ice dragon roared and constantly impacted on the shield, rippling waves of waves.

On the other side, other ice dragons have also arrived at the entrance, and players who want to leave here have to deal with ice dragons.

They either used shields or scrolls to resist the ice dragon, but they completely underestimated the power of the ice dragon.

This is a combination of two world-class leaders cast spells, how simple it is.

The ice dragon that used a shield to block the ice dragon was directly hit by the ice dragon and turned into an ice sculpture in mid-air. It crashed into countless ice fragments directly on the channel or wall.

And the light shield formed by those scrolls can resist at most two or three ice dragons, and then the ice dragon rushed past them, still a large number of ice sculptures, and then they collapsed into countless ice chips.

Many players who did not escape, and those who did not have time to leave, suddenly took a This Nima is simply terrifying. The temperature in the whole hall suddenly dropped too much, and the air in the breathing was white. .

"Liaoyuan, don't go too far, are you going to kill them all."

"That is, does Xinghuo really want to be everyone's public enemy."

"what do you mean."

The players yelled at him, but Li Yao turned a deaf ear to them. In fact, these people knew nothing about it. If they encounter Spark, they must be killed first. In fact, they did it.

When they meet the single Starfire players, they will basically cooperate tacitly to kill the Starfire people first, and now to say this, it is just a fluke.

However, whether Li Yao, Sister Li and Tianxiang all focused on the octopus monsters, they simply ignored them, making them very embarrassed.

They clamored for a long time, and others regarded them as air. The current situation is that you scumbags will be scumbags who will be killed casually for a while. What can be said.

It is precisely because of this that they feel extremely aggrieved. They are all top masters. When have they been ignored in this way?

But they experienced this feeling today, and neither of them dared to provoke them.

"This world actually still has ice that can freeze me, and it's full of decay and curse. You are from the north, Lich, no, this kind of low-magic control cannot be done by the Lich. Chase us, Dragon clan, you are a dragon clan, the magic of the dragon clan is so delicate, it must be the blue dragon. And the blue dragon can have such control only the top blue dragon warrior or the dragon queen, you... this is impossible, you are not dead. "

The Blue Dragon and Dragon Empress coldly snorted: "It's not too stupid, but I guessed my identity in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, there is no reward. Aren't you going to kill me? Show your methods, otherwise you won't be there. ."...

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