MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1744: Burning Demon

"Asshole, you actually deceived me like that. I fought with you, what about the Dragon Queen, I fight desperately, and if you can't kill you, you will drag them to sleep."

The original monster body was dark green, but now the whole body began to swell, and a **** breath began to spread.

The momentum of the octopus monster also soared frantically, and the broken tentacles also grew frantically. Instead, there were more tentacles, just like a thousand-handed monster full of tentacles.

The whole hall was filled with a corrosive and disgusting smell, and many players could not bear it and began to vomit.

"Hmph, what about your desperate efforts." The blue dragon queen disdain.

If she had scruples in fighting before, now she signed a contract, even if she died, she could be resurrected, let alone severely injured.

More importantly, she is also a copy now, and it doesn't matter much.

The blue dragon opened his palm, and ice shields fell on everyone, and everyone immediately isolated the disgusting smell.

"In the name of the master of my magic, enlighten and fight endlessly."

The eyes of the blue dragon dragon empress were bright, and she began to burn the blood of the guardian in her body, and the Viscount Water Elemental also enjoyed the blessing, and her body quickly condensed and gradually solidified.

"Hahahahaha, I will be able to return to the peak immediately, stinky shit, you will definitely die today." The Viscount Water Elemental frantically condenses the water dragon, and countless water dragons are rushing, constantly hitting the shield formed by the octopus monster.

There was a **** gas in the air, and the players found that their bodies began to drift away with **** gas. As the gas drifted away, their blood volume continued to decrease.

"Damn it, what the **** is this, it keeps bleeding and vomiting..."

"This effect cannot be dispelled at all."

"It's the octopus monster that absorbs our blood to make itself tough, vomit, **** it, I want to commit suicide, this smell makes people worse than death."

Only some lucky players tore open the shield scroll of the holy light system to prevent the odor and blood from passing away. Other players don’t say that the blood flow is gone, but taking the disgusting and strong scent is the extreme. Many players squatted. The floor retched.

"Great ancient god, please listen to the call of your most pious servant, give me endless blood of corruption, and help me corrupt the powerful enemy."

The octopus monster can touch the ground and stick its tentacles on the ground, as if bowing. But in the next moment, the octopus monster that soared to the extreme bounced out.

Countless tentacles worked together to make him feel like an arrow from the string, flying towards a channel with blood light.

The players were stunned, your sister, after holding it for a long time, just squeezed this out.

The two sides used taboo tricks one after another, thinking it was a life-and-death battle. As a result, the octopus monster ran away directly, and there were 10,000 grass-and-mud horses running past the players.

This Nima is too ridiculous, the cowhide blowing loudly, is this the legendary pretender has never lost, the fight has never won the strongest guy?

"You filthy people, after tens of thousands of years, you still can't change your despicableness and deceit. You want to escape in my hands and dream. You can't get rid of my guardian mark. Here, where can you escape?" Lan Longlong After one finger, a map of the adjustment route appears, and a small red dot on the picture keeps running.

"It's not too late to chase the remnants of the ancient gods after killing them." Li Yao said.

"Why is it so troublesome, just go, I'll finish it." The blue dragon queen's eyes flickered, indifferent and ruthless, as if there were no emotions or feelings at all, just cold machines or rules.

"Flush." ​​The Viscount Water element rushed into the escape channel of the octopus monster with a large amount of seawater.

The players looked at the disappearing parties with joy, but before they could say anything, they heard a voice.

"In the name of my magic control, Burning Demon."

Following these words, the players screamed screams one after another. They could see each other, and their bodies started to burn with lavender flames from inside their bodies.

They can feel that their bodies start to burn from the inside out.

These top masters were at a loss. They opened their mouths to say what they wanted to say. After opening their mouths, they burst out flames, and their eyes, noses, and ears also burst into flames.

In a moment, their bodies dissipated like smoke and dust, and only the blue flames gathered into a purple western dragon, fluttering their wings and passing away.

The players turned into the white light of their souls, and their pain was only a matter of three or two seconds, otherwise this burning pain would make many people unable to bear it.

The white light of the soul floated, looking at each other, their faces were blank, they didn't even know how they died.

In the passage, Li Yao saw that scene and also saw the illusory and dim little dragon floating into the body of the blue dragon dragon queen.

The Blue Dragon Dragon Empress shook her body, her face pale, and then recovered.

"What is this?" Tianxiang asked curiously.

Viscount Water Elemental did not delay speaking when he hurried away, explaining: "This is the master burning his own guardian bloodline, allowing himself to enter the form of enlightenment, making himself a part of the rules ~ instead of rules. It is a taboo. It is only a spell that can be cast by the main **** who controls the law. This is the terrible point of the dragon clan. At the level of the dragon queen, if you desperately enter this state, ordinary gods can't bear it. I just don't Understand, why the owner has to fight his vitality to enter this state."

Li Yao smiled: "You'll know when you meet the real master."

"The real master." The Viscount Water Element was puzzled.

"Stop talking nonsense, faster, I have a limit on the duration of this state." The blue dragon dragon queen scolded, she was cold at first, and speaking in this state was like ten thousand years of cold, which made people feel cold.

Five minutes later, they came to a passage again.

"Damn it, old ghost, I will be killed if you don't come out again."

The octopus monster frantically conveyed blood to an upside down faceless statue at the top of the hall.

"Burning Demon!"

The Blue Dragon Queen spit out two words again, and the Viscount Water Elemental, besides releasing a large number of ice dragons, also began to cast spells.


The blue flame envelops the octopus monster, but the blood in his body counteracts this power, his shield is against the ice dragon, and he constantly wants to awaken the Faceless.


The statue of the faceless man became flesh and blood and dropped to the ground with the octopus monster. Although it looked extremely alive, it did not have the slightest breath of life.

"Damn it, I actually died. How could you die, how could you die, you killed me, you knew me..."

The octopus monster's eyes were extremely mad, and his tentacles plunged into the huge body of the Faceless Man like a thousand arrows.

"Since you are dead, it's useless to keep your body. It will become my nourishment and help me restore my peak strength."

"You are going to die, you are going to die."...

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