MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1753: Out of the tower

"I'll go up and have a look first."

The mechanical clone went upstairs directly, and everyone was waiting below.

The arcanist smiled bitterly: "Oh, my situation is very complicated, it's not what you think, but I guess you won't be too interested in the things of this old man of mine, so I won't bother to speak. You can rest assured that, I do have something to ask you, especially your Excellency Liaoyuan, so powerful, how could I set a trap."

Soon, the mechanical clone came down, and Li Yao led everyone upstairs.

This time I felt like entering the Arcane Tower, it was no longer a passage, but like the inside of a castle.

Following the arcanist, everyone came to a room full of books. An old mage was looking down at a heavy magic book. Everyone came in without looking up, as if completely indulged in the book.

"You go to complete the task, I will talk to the Arcanist." Li Yao said.

The tasks of others, especially Sister Li, are related to her growth.

Arcanist smiled bitterly: "Trust me now."

Li Yao nodded: "Are you a dual personality?"

"It's more serious than this. I was eroded by evil energy, and it was eroded by my soul. I didn't escape from the war. I came back here just to treat the injury, but I found that it couldn't be cured in a short time. I was worried about my change. Become a demon and go crazy, so I imprisoned a few monsters to become the energy of the arcane tower, and then I cast a spell to exile myself, and projected the arcane tower into the abyss some deep sea." The arcanist's voice was full of bitterness.

"Who would have thought that my situation is getting worse and worse, and I split into two soul bodies, one is the id and the other is the devil. I can only put myself into deep sleep. Who ever thought, many years ago, one A tyrannical force came here. My devil’s soul was awakened and attracted by this force. I have been fighting against him for these years. Unfortunately, as the demon’s self has nourished the soul more and more tyrannical, I have been Suppressed state."

Li Yao frowned: "That power is a broken staff, and contains the power of time?"

"Yes, although the demon I don’t know how to return the Arcane Tower to its original plane, as he studied the staff, he reprojected the Arcane Tower onto the main plane. This tower lies between Between the two planes, his purpose is to attract a lot of people to kill to gain strength. Then kill me, and I hope someone can save me. This wizard friend came, and I was in control of the body for a short time. That’s why he was arranged here. This time I appeared because although you hurt me badly, it was the devil who suffered the most. I regained control of myself."

Li Yao nodded: "Probably understand, then how do you let me help you."

Arcanist’s wry smile: "I hope you can reach the highest level, where there is a staff and my body. It is better for you to kill the demon soul. If things cannot be violated, kill me. I would rather die. Will become a demon."

"I will, but I have to wait." Li Yao said.

"It's okay, for a while, we won't tell the winner, especially this time he was injured." The arcanist said after a moment of silence, "Ten thousand years have passed, what happened to the kingdom?"

"The kingdom has long ceased to exist. I am talking about your kingdom." Li Yao briefly explained the situation outside.

The arcanist was full of melancholy: "The Well of Eternity no longer exists, Her Majesty the Queen has completely fallen into place, our world is torn apart, ha ha ha, what is the meaning of my life. The war is won, but the price is too high It's heavy."

Li Yao was silent, this kind of thing, he was useless to comfort.

"That's it, I'm tired and need to recuperate. My young clansman, hold this key. You have time to help me. It can bring you and your friends to this level. I will break the Lord Entrance to the plane, so as not to harm more people."

The arcanist had to give Li Yao a purple key.

Li Yao took the key and nodded: "I will do it as soon as possible."

"Although you are powerful, the demon has imprisoned a lot of monsters in the abyss over the years. You should also not be underestimated. You must be careful." The arcanist waved tiredly: "Young clansman, please."

After speaking, the arcanist's figure turned into a little bit of light and dissipated in front of Li Yao.

Li Yao sighed. Although it was just a game, he sighed every time. For him it is a game, but for them, this is their world.

Li Yao shook his head slightly, how can people tell that the reality of their own life is not the game world of others.

After another while, Sister Li and the others came back: "How are we going."

"The task is completed?" Li Yao asked.

Sister Li nodded: "I have confirmed the safety of the archmage, and got a letter from me. I can already find a tutor to hand in a task."

"That's fine." Li Yao gave the key to the blue dragon queen.

The Queen of the Blue Dragon closed her eyes and felt for a while. Following an obscure syllable, a portal to the outside world opened.

Li Yao went out and found that he was back on the coast. The naga were already waiting here.

"What happened to our people?" Six-armed Naga asked.

Li Yao sighed: "The first few floors are too dangerous, and there is basically no possibility of surviving. There are many world-class monsters, and I have not seen them at the top."

The six-armed Naga was silent after a while, she said, "It's all their lives, remember you and I promised."

"That's natural. Major events have happened on the mainland, and there will be wars soon. I need to complete a transaction with you as soon as possible. For specific matters, you can send someone to Barren Port or Shazhou Port to discuss with Ms. Li. For future contacts, you can find She." Li Yao introduced Sister Li and said.

Six-armed Naga frowned: "Can she represent you?"

Li Yao explained: "The lady doesn't know anything, I just take care of the general direction. The specific affairs are all handled by my deputy. She is safe and can call the shots. Don't worry about this."

"That's good. Tomorrow morning, Barren Harbor, my messenger will pass by. Discuss how to trade at that time." Six-armed Naga said.

"This is the best way." Li Yao was overjoyed, the war is approaching, sparks are inevitable, and there is no need to avoid them.

This is a disaster as well as an opportunity. If you can obtain supplies that are not available on the mainland, it will be a huge gain for Xinghuo.

When everyone left the coast, Li Yao also briefly talked about the agreement with the Six-Armed Naga, and then said: "You will go back to the task for the time being and start preparing for the battle. I need to deal with one more thing."

"Big brother, what are you going to do, do you want to fight without us?" Hitomi said dissatisfiedly.

Li Yao said: "You can put down everything else, you can't delay, but the gift to my mentor can't be delayed, and it won't waste too much time. At most one day, I will return to the guild to prepare. Hitomi, you are the responsible star. If Yao and World Tree evolve, go back and hurry up and try to make Xing Yao and World Tree go further, so that the guild will be safer."

"Okay." Hitomi looked at Xing Yao and Ying Beast on her shoulders, and suddenly dismissed the idea.

When Li Yao did not summon Xingyao, he would follow Tongtong and he would be regarded as a full-time nanny...

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