MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1754: Accumulate

In fact, Li Yao also thinks it's more interesting to act together. If it's normal, it's okay for everyone to work together. Anyway, it won't delay upgrading.

But the current situation is that Xinghuo needs to prepare for battle, and Li Yao himself needs to finish urgent matters as soon as possible.

In fact, according to the plan, Li Yao should retake an aerial fortress two days ago, but unfortunately he was trapped in the arcane tower.

Although Li Yao knows that an undead strong man controls an aerial fortress, it is inevitable that there will be no unexpected changes. If someone runs into his own territory, it is not a situation that Li Yao can win by himself. A huge price and time will be paid.

So separated from everyone, the Black Dragon Dragon Empress transformed back into her body and rushed to Maraudon quickly.

Li Yao sat on the back of the dragon and quickly browsed various news on the forum. Naturally, the battle between players became more intense.

It's just that some players who can't reach the full level in a short time are noisy, and they also call on other players on the earth to unite and kill the aliens. However, when some top guilds tried to regain the city and failed, they lurked. Attentively upgrade.

As a result, the cities of the three major camps that were lost cannot be taken back.

Those cities were originally important supply points for players of the three major camps to upgrade. Many people who upgraded there were killed. Alien players were even more mocking and mocking the incompetence of earth players.

The earth players are naturally aggrieved, but for the time being they are not allowed to start rashly. Besides, one guild and two guilds attack a city. Still after people have prepared for such a long time, don’t they go up to find death?

But many players did not understand that a group of scolding people on the forum, driven by some caring people, sprayed those top guilds wildly, and Spark was not immune, after all, Spark was in full swing.

And some small guilds are low-level, deliberately launching suicidal attacks, gaining sympathy, showing their position, and taking this opportunity to madly absorb members.

In short, the demons danced around on the forum, and they said everything. You scold me and I scold you. It's a mess.

In the game, it has entered the most intensive period of pk since the beginning of the game, and players from the three major factions on the earth and alien players can be seen everywhere fighting.

Now it is not just a matter of dozens of game cities, but has evolved into a battle between alien players and earth players.

Some people even said that this is after the interstellar races, those aliens were not satisfied with the original distribution of benefits, but is there a way to find a place in the game, is to humiliate and suppress the players on earth.

There are also painful appeals, saying how many times the number of players on earth are alien players, but they are oppressed by others, how do the top guilds on earth occupy resources and do nothing, etc.

Li Yao didn't bother to watch it when he watched it. Trade union wars, even large-scale trade union wars, weren't fought just as they wanted. Even for a guild like Xinghuo, which is not bad for money, it needs preparation, mobilization, etc.

Do whatever it takes, you can deal with other guilds, but it's difficult to attack the city. Acting rashly is just looking for death.

As for the level, as expected by Sister Li, many players have reached level sixty, and there are players rushing to level sixty every moment.

Sister Li and others who completed the task have also reached the full level, and most of the others can also reach the full level within a few days.

In less than half a day, Li Yao arrived at his destination, looking at his destination, Maraudon, from a mountain peak.

Maraudon is the temple of one of the sons of the demigods of nature. The natural demigod is the life created by the moon god, creating a demigod shows the power of the moon god.

Two sons of the demigod of nature, one became the leader of the druid shrine, Moonglade.

One is to hook up with the princess of the earth, here to create a race of gods, the ancestor of the centaur.

What made Li Yao curious was how the earth princess, a senior life of earth elements, the son of a natural demigod, and a flesh and blood life, bred offspring, and according to the appearance of the earth princess in the previous life, Li Yao could not agree with it. The beauty of this man.

What's more cheating is that he created a race, but after the War of the Ancients, the powerful centaur, that is, several of his sons, killed him.

The Princess Earth has become a little mad, guarding her husband's grave and refusing to move the place for ten thousand years.

Recently, Maraudon was coveted by the undead forces, or cooperating with Princess Maraudon, which caused uneasiness in the dark camp. Army and players were sent to take this place, especially the three tribes gathered near Maraudon again. Make the dark camp more vigilant.

Although the entire world is now in chaos due to the loss of the city, it is still proceeding according to the original plan.

Many guilds accepted the task here, and naturally it is impossible to put it down and put it down, so Maraudon is still in flames.

An army of players surrounds Maraudon against the centaur and the undead army to fight for immortality.

Now the bottom is extremely The battle is going very fiercely, and after Li Yao got the general situation, he set his sights on the sky fortress in the sky.

From the appearance point of view, this is not much different from the Withered Sun, but the function is somewhat different, which is in line with the aesthetic of the dark camp.

The artillery and trebuchet above are not energy bombs, but pestilence barrels. This is simply a ship tailored for the queen.

"Master, do you want to attack or outsmart?" asked the Black Dragon Queen.

Li Yao asked: "It's okay to attack. After all, the three of us, plus the copy of Titan Strike. It's just that the variables are too big. What kind of aerial fortress can move spatially to a certain extent. If the opponent goes crazy, it will jump to the opponent. On the side of the undead king, it’s difficult for us to retreat. At this critical time, I can’t die. Otherwise, losing the grade is one aspect, and the gift to the instructor will also be lost."

"Then outsmart, black, you say how to outsmart." said the blue dragon queen.

"First determine the opponent’s highest commander, and then while the commander is on the deck, you will send us inside in blue. With your control of the magic net, there will be no fluctuations at all. Then we Sneak into the captain's room and set up a magic circle. As long as the opposing commander comes in, I promise to kill the opposing commander without letting anyone notice it." said the black dragon queen.

The blue dragon queen nodded: "I can do it, but the commander of the opponent is beyond our control, but it's okay, even if the plan is flawed, we will use the thunder method at that time, but the master still needs to give me a copy. , If there is an accident like this, I will start to deal with it again.

"You are still addicted, right, but I have to try it if I have the opportunity. The state of enlightenment can really increase your and my understanding of the law." The black dragon queen laughed...

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